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Welcome to the APM Accredited Provider Forum

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the APM Accredited Provider Forum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the APM Accredited Provider Forum

2 Agenda 10.30 – 10.40 Welcome and introductions
10.40 – 11.10            APM Project Professional qualification overview  11.10 – 12.00            APM Project Professional qualification technical content   12.00 – 12.30            Lunch   12.30 – 13.00            Pilot feedback  1300               Accreditation process  13.20 – 14.00            Marketing and launch plan

3 Scott Walkinshaw, Head of Marketing and Communications
Career framework Scott Walkinshaw, Head of Marketing and Communications

4 Agenda The project management market Why APM?
The Career Framework concept

5 Project management market
Value of projects in the UK: approximately £1.25tr. 62% of projects are under £5m UK’s 3 biggest projects are worth £50bn Number of people in project management: 1.5m. 95% of people have a low level qualification or no qualification at all. 69% of companies are growing and recruiting.

6 Professionalising project management
Clear career frameworks …that recognise the rounded professional …that capture people early …that are easy to understand …that are inclusive.

7 Why APM? Experts - Run by professionals for professionals
Regulated - Charity dedicated to raising standards Reputation - UK based organisation Flexible – competence led not method led 5 Dimensions - Clear definition of professional

8 APM Registered Project Professional Competence from experience
Career framework Code of Conduct and CPD APM Registered Project Professional Professional MAPM Competence from experience Management Associate Fundamentals Qualified route Development route Experiential route

9 Accredited Providers Forum
APM Project Professional Qualification Pilot review and feedback 23rd February 2016 Colin MacKenzie/Sophie Neal V2.0

10 Presentation summary Background and approach
Review and summary of the pilot phases Results Feedback Conclusions

11 Pilot purpose To test the PPQ standard and assessment process, and to identify further development to ensure it is fit for launch.   Enable live candidates to sit modules in real life, examination conditions. Train and test an initial pool of markers Develop new guidance materials for candidates and markers Create an established marking and results process and confirm system readiness Identify potential amends to assessment specifications and syllabus documentation

12 Pilot outcomes Demonstrated a robust standard and assessment process for the PPQ Validated APM’s capability to administer the assessment process Gained support from a wide group of stakeholders, including candidates, markers, pilot organisations and internal APM departments

13 How we piloted Wanted to ensure that the pilot was phased, robust and created an effective learning cycle. Pilot split into 3 key phases: Proof of Concept: August - September 2015 To test suitability of assessment method Pre-Pilot: October 2015 – November 2015 To refine and test with small number of candidates under exam conditions Pilot: December 2015 – February 2016 To test with larger group of candidates

14 The results Overall pass rate of 65%
Confirmed target audience is appropriate Analysis of question performance identified enhancements to examination papers Module Pass % Professionalism and Managing Others 82% Planning and Control 56% Governance 73% Project Management 44% Total 65%

15 Candidate feedback Feedback collected in a number of ways:
Project team invigilated exams and collected informal feedback on day of examination Questionnaire circulated to candidates following completion of examinations Qualification was pitched at the level expected (80%) The questions were clear and easily understood (73%), although there were areas where candidate guidance needed improving The pre-prepared notes allowed were useful and relevant (73%)

16 Candidate feedback (cont)
More support on exam technique and access to sample papers in advance of sitting the modules would be beneficial Candidates had specific feedback on a number of questions which were reviewed by the ETAG Candidates recognised the benefit and positive impact from the support they received from the training providers in helping them prepare effectively for their examination

17 Candidate quotes I wanted external recognition of my skills and experience It was an opportunity to drive me to make time for further professional development and be recognised within my organisation for doing so I really enjoyed the real world feel of the exam Having experience of the workplace allows you to know how you would approach each of the problems posed so in that respect it is quite realistic I see the new qualification as a clear stepping stone to becoming a Registered Project Professional

18 Changes following the Pilot
Candidate Guidance has been enhanced to ensure it has sufficient level of detail to meet candidate requirements Marker Guidance reviewed and enhanced in line with detailed feedback Terminology clarified and agreed for launch Clear marketing messaging developing

19 Summary of pilot conclusions
Successful pilot, and confirmed that the PPQ is fit for purpose Effective communication and engagement was key Really good support from all stakeholders We have been able to successfully test the APM processes We had a number of live candidates who passed (and failed). It’s identified a number of recommendations that will be reviewed and progressed where appropriate by the project team in advance of launch

20 Questions

21 Accredited Providers Forum
APM Project Professional Qualification - Accreditation Mary-Jane Boughton

22 Accreditation Organisation Delivery Personnel Resources
We will continue to use the existing application form, but will include the evidence matrix for this qualiciation, the additional update is around the delivery personnel CLICK

23 Already hold an appropriate teacher training qualification
2 years experience in teaching/training or working towards teacher/training qualifications Already hold an appropriate teacher training qualification AND Qualified in project management or a related discipline to at least Level 4 (or equivalent) with a minimum of two years’ experience None of above quals – evidence of min 5 years practice across project management areas in a range of project roles And have knowledge & understanding of the structure of this qualification

24 Accreditation To achieve accreditation to deliver APM Project Professional Qualification 3 core modules Professionalism & Managing Others Planning & Control Governance PLUS a minimum of 1 Elective module Project Management Programme Management Portfolio Management We recognise that the resources you produce will be wide and varied but in escence what the assessors will be looking for is……. CLICK

25 Accreditation APPROACH
How will you ensure candidates are sufficiently prepared to apply their knowledge & experience in a scenario based examination?

26 Accreditation Candidate Readiness
Exam technique Capability assessment Scenario based assessments Blended learning Refresher course Classroom based workshops Candidate Readiness There are some syllabus areas in this qualification that would not have been covered in the APMP and we will be providing that gap analysis for you Dependant on where the candidates starting point is the opportunities could include………………

27 Accreditation Fees structure
One complete stream ie. Governance, Planning and Controls and Professionalism and Managing Others Plus one elective paper, Project, Programme or Portfolio Management. Total £2232 Each additional elective module £250

28 Questions

29 Scott Walkinshaw, Head of Marketing and Communications
PPQ marketing plan Scott Walkinshaw, Head of Marketing and Communications

30 Marketing plan streams
The profession Candidates Training providers Employers

31 Accredited Providers Accredited Providers Forum – 23rd February
Site visits Accreditation support Briefings Joint marketing

32 Employers Corporate Members’ Leadership Group – 14 April
Corporate member briefings and presentations Marketing collateral Webinars Case studies and testimonials

33 Individuals Launches at APM Conference - 21 April Project articles
Marketing collateral Digital resources Study and exam support Career Framework online

34 Profession Learning legacy partner for Crossrail
Broaden our social media reach Increase web traffic Influence government and contribute to current thinking and policy Research National media coverage

35 How can we support you in making this qualification a success?

36 APM Registered Project Professional Competence from experience
Career framework Code of Conduct and CPD APM Registered Project Professional Professional MAPM Competence from experience Management Associate Fundamentals Qualified route Development route Experiential route

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