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Aim: What is e-commerce and what are some examples of e-commerce?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What is e-commerce and what are some examples of e-commerce?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What is e-commerce and what are some examples of e-commerce?
Do Now: Handout

2 Commerce: exchanging money for goods/services
Goods: Tangible, physical product Ex: book, ipod, clothes, Doritos, car Services: Intangible activity Ex: Cleaning services, accounting & law services, childcare, mechanics, electricians, dentist, hair salon)

3 E-Commerce Activities
E-Commerce: using the Internet to assist in the trading of goods, services, and information (other names: e-trading, e-business, and e-tailing) -Ex:,, E-Commerce Activities Advertise products Conduct market research Receive and process payment Order inventory from suppliers Track shipping Order supplies Provide product information Contact customers (send promotions and sales information)

4 Characteristics of E-Commerce
In theory, the internet knows no: Geographical boundaries Political boundaries Time boundaries Internet creates a level playing field. Everyone is “even” and has the same chance.

5 If you were to start an e-commerce business what would you need?
Reliable internet connection A product or service to sell A great web page design A way to deliver the product.

6 Let’s review. How does commerce differ from “e-commerce”? What are the characteristics of e-commerce. Describe an e-commerce transaction. Describe a good? A service? Describes some activities of an e-commerce business

7 Today’s activity Handout – Internet research HW – Finish handout

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