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STORM Update May 14, 2015 May 14, 2015 STORM Update.

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Presentation on theme: "STORM Update May 14, 2015 May 14, 2015 STORM Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 STORM Update May 14, 2015 May 14, 2015 STORM Update

2 The Problem: How Much Ecology estimates 7 million quarts of motor oil are dripped on roads and parking lots in the Puget Sound basin every year.

3 10% % of Cars that Leak About
Our research between 2 phases shows ,000+ vehicles tested over 2 years Repair shops Events Not perfect, but getting closer to understanding the problem

4 To decrease the threat from vehicle leak pollution into stormwater
The Goal To decrease the threat from vehicle leak pollution into stormwater Behavior change approach

5 Social Marketing Approach
Leak Check Events Repair Shop Partnerships Campaign Promotions Workshops

6 Exceeded all goals! Number of vehicles owners reached 28,325/16,000
Number of leak check events 34/20 Number of leaks fixed 1,669/1,600

7 Leak Testing Events 34 events 5 counties 3,819 cars tested
271 leaks identified 39% repaired leaks 7 organizations Pierce, King, Snohomish, Whatcom, Thurston Survey says 39% repair rate 3+months after event

8 Participating Repair Shops
8,308 free inspections 3,023 leaks found 79% of leaks repaired Shops located in every county that touches Puget Sound Higher repair rate could be because people are more motivated to repair once they make the decision to take their car to a shop Shops are committed to participate, but tracking is difficult Thank you for helping recruit!

9 Leak Repair Workshops 95 workshops 1,120 participants 65% had leaks
43% repaired all leaks 33% partial repairs Ecology & Seattle program, not covered by GROSS grant, but coordinated Again, higher repair rate could be a result of people who know or suspect they have a leak being more motivated to repair/get info about repair Great feedback from participants and instructors Expanding to Snoco this year

10 Website 20,017 visitors 4 minute average visit length Use it! Website is still posted and has great information You can promote it on outreach materials 55% of people spend less than 15 seconds on a website

11 Online Advertising 5 ads: Leave no trace, child in puddle, oil rainbow, animated general offer and summer vacation 3 advertisers: King5, Seattle PI, Google 12 million impressions Less visible to partners – feedback from repair shops

12 Online Advertising

13 Ads Work! Although the feedback wasn’t as good, the website got a lot of hits that came from ads -Web hits phase 1: 1,759 unique visitors, Phase II: 20,017 unique visitors -Avg click-through-rate 0.36%, higher for google, lower for traditional -Ads based on barriers/motivators, very successful -Facebook ads not based on this, less successful Last day of ads = 536 unique visits, average during the campaign was 459 per day Currently, about 20 per day average

14 Motivators for Fixing Leaks
Keep car reliable Prevent damage to car Protect environment 3 month post event/repair survey Confirmed motivators and barriers for repairs from earlier audience research

15 Barriers to Fixing Leaks
Not worth fixing car Can’t afford cost Think leak is not a problem -These people weren’t our target audience for this campaign – without a larger incentive, we couldn’t address the cost barrier -others we may not be able to address with social marketing

16 What’s Next? Tiffany

17 Include Don’t Drip and Drive in your educational work
Toolkit: Website: Keep using the resources we’ve developed!

18 Finding Funding Centennial grant - denied GROSS grant
Non-governmental funders Heather

19 Expand Behavior Change Campaign
Keep the momentum Pilot new strategies Long-term funding plan -Don’t want to lose momentum – especially with motivated partners -Try new strategies -Look for long-term funding or “a home” for the program ala recycling

20 Spanish Language Strategy
Audience research Advertising Workshops Repair shop partnerships Reach underserved communities – the people and the shops

21 Drip Diaper Pilot -Device that sticks to the bottom of cars to stop leaks -Try to work with repair shops to install on cars that won’t fix right away -Does it work? -Could it be mass-produced and marketed?

22 Quick Lube Shop Partnership
-A lot of people get their oil changed at a quick lube shop. -Not all quick lube shops test for leaks -Ask them to identify leaks and refer people to Don’t Drip and Drive program

23 Third Party Mechanic Pilot
-People loved third party mechanic consult at leak testing events and workshops -Set up opportunity for third party mechanic consult at events or stations -self-selection for people who know or suspect they have a leak

24 Questions? Tiffany O’Dell, Pierce County Final Report at: Steering committee: Stef Frenzl, Mary Rabourn, Justine Asohmbom, Heather Trim, Tiffany O’Dell Mary

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