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Terms, Notation, and Representation

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Presentation on theme: "Terms, Notation, and Representation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms, Notation, and Representation

2 Point Definition Picture A
An exact location in space with indefinite size and shape Point labeled with capital letters A Naming Real World Examples

3 Line XZ or ZX or the lower case script l Definition Picture
An object with no thickness that extends infinitely far in two directions X Z l Line XZ or ZX or the lower case script l Naming Real World Examples

4 Line Segment Definition Picture
a piece of a line consisting of two endpoints and all points in between. E A Line Segment the two points are the endpoints of the line and are used to name the line segment AE or EA Naming Real World Examples

5 Ray the endpoint of the ray always comes first AE Definition Picture
A piece of a line consisting of one endpoint and extends infinitely in one direction A E Ray the endpoint of the ray always comes first AE Naming Real World Examples

6 Opposite Rays TJ and TI Definition Picture
Two rays sharing the same endpoint and continuing infinitely in opposite directions I J T Opposite Rays TJ and TI Naming Real World Examples

7 Plane a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions
Definition Picture a flat surface that extends infinitely in all directions M S T R Plane named in two ways with a script capital letter M using any three points that lie in the plane STR Real World Examples Naming

8 Collinear Points that lie on the same line
Definition Picture A B C Points that lie on the same line Collinear Points A, B, and C are collinear Naming Real World Examples

9 Non-Collinear Points that DON’T lie on the same line
Definition Picture A B C Points that DON’T lie on the same line Non-Collinear Points A, B, and C are non-collinear Naming Real World Examples

10 Coplanar Points that lie on the same plane
Definition Picture M S T R Points that lie on the same plane Coplanar Points S, T, and R are coplanar Naming Real World Examples

11 Non-Coplanar Points that DON’T lie on the same plane
B C Definition Picture Points that DON’T lie on the same plane Non-Coplanar Points A, B, and C are non-coplanar Naming Real World Examples

12 Skew Lines Lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar.
Definition Picture n Lines that do not intersect and are not coplanar. m Skew Lines Lines m and n are skew lines. Naming Real World Examples

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