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Transition from Foundation stage to year 1
Year 1 Staff Mrs Campbell-(Monday and Tuesday) Mrs Box-(Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) Mrs Minghella Mrs Longfield Mrs Upex
What we are going to cover:
Introduction to Year 1 The New National Curriculum End of year expectations Topic overview Timetable Reading Phonics Screening Check Homework Other information Question time
An introduction to Year 1:
We build upon key skills and learning from Reception. Elements of Literacy and Mathematics are introduced in Early Years which are then developed more extensively in Year 1. We recognise that Key Stage 1 (Infants Year 1/2) is different from the Foundation Stage and therefore we aim to manage the transition from Reception to Year 1 in a gradual, staged approach, which allows the children to adapt during the Autumn Term.
From EYFS to NC EYFS Communiction Personal, Social and Emotional And
Development Communiction And Language Physical Development EYFS Literacy Expressive Arts and Design Mathematics Understanding the World
From EYFS to NC NC Themed approach English Mathematics RE Music DT
Geography RE Music DT SEAL Computing Art PE Science History
English – Reading and Writing
National Curriculum English – Reading and Writing The new English Curriculum includes the following areas; Word Reading and Comprehension. Handwriting Composition Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation.
National Curriculum Maths
The new Maths Curriculum includes the following areas; Number and Place Value Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Fractions Measurement Properties of Shape Position and Direction
End of year expectations
The end of year expectations have been raised! You can support your child throughout the year by practising these important basic skills. Numeracy Count on to and across 100, forwards and backwards. Count on and back in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Double to at least 10. Read and write numbers to 100. Say what is one more and one less. Add and subtract two numbers under 20. Know and use bonds to 10 and 20 Know pairs of numbers to 20. Read, write and interpret mathematical symbols + - x ÷ = Recognise and use ½ and ¼ To know the days of the week and spell them correctly. Tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. To form digits 0-9 correctly To recognise and describe 2D and 3D shapes.
End of year expectations
Writing Know letter names and order of the alphabet. Write first and last name with capital letters where needed. Write simple and compound sentences. Use capital letters and full stops. Begin to use exclamation marks ! and question marks ? Leave finger spaces between each word. To spell high frequency words correctly. To use correct plural endings e.g. dog– dogs; wish– wishes To use word endings correctly help– helping; walk– walked To form all letters, (including capital letters) correctly To begin to join handwriting using cursive script
End of year expectations
Reading To sight read high frequency words. Be able to predict what happens next in stories. Know difference between fiction and non-fiction books. To check the text makes sense. Know that most fiction books have good and sometimes bad characters. To be able to use phonic knowledge to decode unknown words. To be able to answer comprehension questions on what they have read. Please promote reading at home by reading a range of texts to your to your child.
Year 1 2015 -2016 Some examples of our topics this year are:
• Dinosaurs Houses and Homes On Safari How does your garden grow? Changes Half termly overview will be on the website at the beginning of each half term. We always try to enhance our learning experiences by inviting visitors into school or going out on school trips. Visits planned: The Deep Cusworth Hall Theatre Yorkshire Wildlife Park Church
Example timetable MATHS B LITERACY L P.E. Rugby R U SEALs E N A C
9.00a.m 10.30 11.00 MONDAY Guided Reading and activities MATHS Whole school worship B Letters and sounds Letters and sounds LITERACY L Handwriting TOPIC HISTORY/ GEOGRAPHY ART Story TUESDAY P.E. Rugby R Letters and sounds U SEALs story WEDNESDAY Class/KS1 Worship E N Dance R.E. THURSDAY Whole School Worship/ Singing A C SCIENCE FRIDAY Whole School Celebration Assembly Guided Reading Spellings Phonics K H COMPUTING MUSIC
Reading Books are changed once or twice a week.
Guided reading once a week. Library session once a week. Children will be moved onto a new book band when they are ready (fluency and comprehension).
Phonics Screening Check
In Year 1, the children are required to take the Phonics Screening Check in June. This checks the children’s ability to blend the sounds we have covered in real and unknown (alien) words. During the check each child will sit with a teacher and read aloud the 40 words contained in the check. We will share the results from the check by a letter at the end of the summer term. Phonics workshop and information meeting in the Spring Term.
Homework Half termly menu related to new topic. Maths – Every 2 weeks. Spellings – Weekly MyLexia – 3 times a week. Mathletics Phonic games and activities
Other Information Drinks bottle daily. Named PE kit in school every day, taken home to wash at weekends or in the holidays. Coat in school every day.
Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?
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