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Unit 1 Lecture 2: Physical and Chemical Changes

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1 Unit 1 Lecture 2: Physical and Chemical Changes
The student is able to evaluate the classification of a process as a physical change, chemical change, or ambiguous change based on observation and understanding of covalent and non-covalent interactions.

2 Physical Property Characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of a sample (color, density, luster, covalent/ionic nature, etc.)

3 Chemical Property Ability of a sample to undergo changes that transforms it into a different substance (ability to rust, reactivity, ability to form a precipitate, etc)

4 Types of Properties Intensive – Does not depend on the amount of matter present Melting point, Boiling point, Density, Conductivity, Ability to transfer Energy as heat Extensive – Depends on the amount of matter present Volume, Mass, Amount of Energy in a Sample

5 Physical Change Change in a substance that does not change the identity of the substance Grind, cut, melt, boil, freeze, condense

6 Chemical Change Change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances Burn, Rot, Decompose, Ferment, Explode, Corrode

7 Clues that a Chemical Change has Occurred:
Transfer of Energy Change in Color Gas Produced Precipitate Formed

8 Electrolyte Ionic compound whose aqueous solution and conducts electricity because it dissociates.

9 Demo Sugar and Salt Solutions pHet (Conductivity)

10 Exit Pass: Independently sort the examples into Physical or Chemical Changes.

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