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“I Choose C”

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1 “I Choose C”
3:21 After viewing, discuss and share reactions to the video and the focus for our professional learning.

2 We are currently preparing our kids for jobs that don’t yet exist,
using technologies that have not been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet. – “Shift Happens” Why do we want to focus on transfer goals? Profound and huge challenge for us to consider and will require some transfer of knowledge.

BLOGGER APP DEVELOPER SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGIST PATIENT ADVOCATE MARKET RESEARCH DATA MINER VIDEO JOURNALIST ONLINE ADVERTISING MANAGER SEARCH ENGINE ORGANIZATION MANAGER SUSTANABILITY MANAGER COMPUTER & INFORMATION RESEARCH SCIENTIST Our job is to prepare kids for jobs of the future not the jobs on this list! How many of your peers prepared for these kinds of jobs? Another opportunity for transfer. So what is the what

4 Skill Sort Find the envelope on your table.
A survey of Fortune 500 companies who were asked to rank the most valued attributes of their new employees. 13 skills in your envelope. .

5 Rank the most valued attributes of new
employees by Fortune 500 companies in 1970? MOST VALUED (1) Option: Do a card sort of the most valued skills. Compare their answers to next slide. LEAST VALUED (13)

6 Fortune 500 Most Valued Skills
1970 1999 Writing 1 Computation skills 2 Reading skills 3 Oral communications 4 Listening skills 5 Personal Career Development 6 Creative Thinking 7 Leadership 8 Goal Setting /Motivation 9 Teamwork 10 Organizational Effectiveness 11 Problem Solver 12 Interpersonal Skills 13 Skills necessary to achieve in the 70’s – How did your table do?

7 Would you make any changes to your list to reflect the most valued skills today?

8 Fortune 500 Most Valued Skills
1970 1999 Writing 1 Team Work Computation Skills 2 Problem Solving Reading Skills 3 Interpersonal Skills Oral communications 4 Oral Communications Listening Skills 5 Personal Career Development 6 Creative Thinking 7 Leadership 8 Goal Setting /Motivation 9 Goal Setting/Motivation Teamwork 10 Organizational Effectiveness 11 Problem Solver 12 Computational Skills Interpersonal Skills 13 As you can see these skills have long been important, ranking in the top 20 since But in the 21st century, they are at the top of their list. What are the current and future demands employers want in an educated workforce? How can/do schools foster these skills? In red you will find the skills associated with higher order deeper thinking learning. Notice how this list shifts. This is what companies are looking for – HOW CAN WE MAKE SURE WE DELIVER THESE SKILLS?

9 How Do Our Bucket List Compare to Forbes List?
Are you focusing on solving nurturing these skills? challenge for our education system – recognize WHAT the skills are and consistently provide episodes in our classroom that give kids the chance to practice them.


11 Begin with the end in mind… Answer the question – what do what students to know and be able to do?

12 Communicate effectively in the target language,
culture Communicate effectively Conversations in target language Communicate effectively in the target language, in different conversations, while displaying a sensitivity to culture. Provide more examples next year of transfer goals. Try to make sure that they do not use content specific words in your transfer goal.

13 TRANSFER GOALS Transfer goals highlight what we want students to be able to do when they confront new challenges – both in and outside of school. (Grant Wiggins, 2012) As educators what do you think we are striving for?

Does your transfer goal--- Specify genuine performance applications in new situations? Require a thoughtful application (strategic thinking is required) Require autonomous performance by the learner (on their own, without teacher coaching) Distinguish performance outcomes (ends) from enabling knowledge and skills (the means) (Wiggins, 2012) As educators what do you think we are striving for?

To stimulate thought, to provoke inquiry, and to spark more questions, including thoughtful student questions, not just pat answers. They are provocative and generative. By tackling such questions, learners are engaged in uncovering the depth and richness of a topic that might otherwise be obscured by simply covering it. Using the materials in the paper clip … " What traits do the essential questions have in common? How do they differ from the others?

16 Non – Essential Questions
Paper clip contains some essential questions and some that are not. Try to sort the questions into the appropriate columns, by observing the traits they have in common? How do they differ from the others?

17 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Have no one right answer.
They challenge students to demonstrate that they understand the relationship between what they are learning and larger world issues. All students can answer them. They enable all students to learn. They involve thinking, not just answering. They enable students to begin the unit from their own past experience or understanding. They make students investigators. They are provocative—they hook students into wanting to learn. They build in personalized options for all students. They offer a sense of adventure, are fun to explore and try to answer. Assessed through the observable performance They require students to connect learning from several disciplines. Since I work better by myself, why should I have to work as a team with people I have little in common with? If we can get just as much work done on our own, why should we work as a team in the research lab? What does teamwork look like in a research lab? Even if we could erase bad memories, should we?

How do the arts shape, as well as reflect, a culture? What are common Spanish colloquialisms? What common artistic symbols were used by the Incas and the Mayans? Who is Maggie's best friend in the story? What do effective problem solvers do when they get stuck? What makes objects move the way they do? What steps did you follow to get your answer? How are structure and function related in living things? How strong is the scientific evidence? Is aging a disease? What is a variable in scientific investigations? Why and how do scientific theories change? Is there ever a "just" war? How can we best measure what we cannot directly see? How can I sound more like a native speaker? How do we decide what to believe about a scientific claim? Who is a true friend? What key event sparked World War I? `

19 Allows teacher a place in curriculum to use DBCS.
Why do we need to learn something? WRITING ACADEMIC GOALS

20 Academic Goals Academic goals will come from your content standards.
Successful completion of academic goals can/should prepares students for next grade level learning objectives.

21 Disruptive Change

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