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The Three Positive Connections For Generative Change

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1 The Three Positive Connections For Generative Change
Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D.

2 The general idea (1) Mindbody centering (2) Positive intention/goals
The central dimension in successful therapy is creativity—that is, the client’s capacity to create positive and meaningful realities. While focus on problems is important, it is secondary to activation of solutions. Significant positive changes are best made in a state of creative flow featuring three positive connections: (1) Mindbody centering (2) Positive intention/goals (3) Positive resources

3 Theoretical Overview

4 Premise 1: Creativity is a conversation
This conversation is between the creative unconscious (quantum) and the conscious (classical) worlds. The creative unconscious is a holographic wave field containing “infinite possibilities” The conscious mind “collapses the quantum wave” to create one reality. Creativity moves between these two worlds; each completes the other.

5 Premise 2: This reality construction occurs via filters
Filters translate quantum imagination into classical reality Three general types of filters: Somatic, Cognitive, and Field All we know is what our filters produce: Our maps are our reality We can generatively work with our filters

6 Premise 3: Filters are held by human consciousness: “Mindless” or “Mindful”
1. When held mindlessly with neuromuscular lock-- fight, flight, freeze, or fold--problems develop and repeat themselves 2. When held mindfully with creative flow, solutions and new learnings are possible

7 The Underlying Context of Symptoms
The CRASH State The Underlying Context of Symptoms Contracted Reactive Analysis Paralysis Separated Hurting/Hating/Hitting

8 CRASH as “neuromuscular lock”
The Four F’s of Neuromuscular Lock Fight Freeze Flight Fold

9 The Basis for Creative Change
The COACH State The Basis for Creative Change Centered Open Aware Connected Holding

10 CRASH vs. COACH: Whether a system is problematic or creative
When systems are in CRASH state, they are de-generative and problem-creating. When (the same) systems are in COACH state, they are generative and solution- creating holons. The goal of Systemic Trance Work is to move systems from CRASH to COACH, thereby facilitating transformation and generativity.

11 6 Steps in Generative Change
Open a COACH field Set Intention/Goals Develop a generative state Take action Transform Obstacles Deepening the Changes

12 Open the COACH field: Relax, ground, center, open awareness
Step 1 Open the COACH field: Relax, ground, center, open awareness

13 Revivifying client’s COACH experiences
Settle in, settle down Set intention to open COACH field Ask Client to identify COACH experiences in personal life (e.g., peaceful place, deep connection), or an imaginary place. Ask client to slowly describe sensory elements of experience, alternating with silence/breathing through body. Coach limbically attunes and uses/feeds back Client’s description to unfold parallel state Use self-rating (1-10) to identify when deep Coach state has been developed

14 Step 2: Goals/Intention
Move creative focus towards positive, meaningful goals

15 The core question for the hero’s journey of the generative self:
What is it that you most want to create in your life?

16 Three ways to represent intention
Verbal statement (positive, succinct, five words or less, resonant) Visual image (color, literal or symbolic) Somatic model (posture and movement) Gilligan - all rights reserved

17 Exercise: Speaking intention
Client: What I most want to create in my life is (verbal statement) --The image that goes with that is _____ --And the somatic model of that is (show movement) Coach: feedback 3 statements and adds: And I send you much support for making that real!! (Partners switch back and forth, 3-4 times)

18 Three application domains for creative intention
Professional life (future goal, work relationships, relationship to money/time/etc.) Personal relationships (family, intimacy relationship, children, friends, etc.) Relationship with self (body, future self, past self, cognitive pattern, “negative” self pattern, etc.)

19 Step 3: Develop a Generative State
“Your reality is a function of your state”

20 Generative state Dimension 1:
The three positive connections

21 The three positive connections: The platform for generative change
Positive intention/goal (succinct: 5 words or less; resonant) What do you most want to create in your life? Mind-body center (experiences of well-being) Where do you most deeply feel the connection in your body? Positive resources (people, places, things, skills, ancestors, etc.) What connections would best help you achieve your goal?

22 The relation of the 3 positive connections to trance experience
When the positive connections are at high levels, trances are positive and generative When the positive connections are at low levels, creativity is low and negative experiences are more likely

23 Walking a Timeline with the 3 positive connections
Preparation: Layout timeline, COACH. Set general intention for session, develop somatic model (1-10 scale): This is what I want to create.... Attune (1-10 scale) to somatic center (heart, belly): To do so, I stay connected with my center.... Attune (1-10 scale) to general resources (guides, protectors, friends, nature places, etc.) ...and also to all that supports me... Walk timeline slowly, maintaining 3 positive connections, noting changes. Integration: Review, future orient, vows, gratitude

24 Generative State VISION/ Goal Field of RESOURCES Center/Source
© 2016 Conscious Leaders Mastermind

25 Self-scaling as helpful tool
The three connections can fluctuate along a continuum Self-scaling is a very simple and helpful tool for tracking and optimizing the connections Self-scaling can be used any time, anywhere In Generative Coaching sessions, it is used intermittently to gauge and shift intensity levels

26 The Three Positive Connections: Practical notes
The connections need to be held in both cognitive and somatic consciousness—hence, limbic resonance and mind- body attunement are crucial There is no fixed sequence of developing the connections—use whatever unfolds optimally If positive connections seem impossible to develop, shift contexts first: somatic movement, humor, topic shift, relaxation, etc. Remember: Deeper than the conditioned (wounded) self is an unconditioned (unwounded) Self

27 Thank You..... And May the Force be with you!
Stephen Gilligan, Ph.D.

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