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Prepared by jajal patel (09dit008.)

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by jajal patel (09dit008.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by jajal patel (09dit008.)
3D TELEVISION Prepared by jajal patel (09dit008.)

2 Aims on 3D TV Japan a project aim to 3d tv
To provide 3D picture with smell and touch Virtual reality Contribution of university research institute and companies (universal communication.)

3 Introduction Three dimensional TV is expected to be next
revolution in the TV history. They implemented a 3D TV prototype system with real-time acquisition, transmission and 3D display of dynamic scenes. what is 3d tv..?? Why 3d tv..??

4 Basics of 3D TV Binocular parallax Motion parallax Depth perception
Stereographic Images Stereoscope Holographic Images

5 Binocular parallax

6 Motion parallax

7 Depth preception….

8 Sterographic images stereoscope

9 Holograhic images

10 Overview of the System Distributed architecture Scalability
Multiview video rendering High-resolution 3D display Computational alignment for 3D display

11 (OVERVIEW) Distributed architecture Scalability
Multiview video rendering High-resolution 3D display Computational alignment for 3D display

12 Model Based System One approach to 3D TV is to
acquire multiview video from sparsely arranged cameras and to use some model of the scene for view interpolation

13 Light Field System A light field represents radiance
as a function of position and direction in regions of space free of occluders. The light field describes the amount of light traveling through every point in 3D space in every possible direction.

14 Architecture of 3d tv… 1. acquisition 2.transmission 3. decoder & consumer processing

15 Architecture of 3D TV

16 Acquisition The acquisition stage consist of an array of
the hardware synchronized cameras • CCD image Sensors • MPEG-2 Encoding • PCI card

17 Transmission Gigabit Ethernet
A transmission technology, enables super net to deliver enhanced network performance.

18 Decoder & Consumer Processing
The receiver side is responsible for generating the appropriate images to be displayed.


20 Videos on how 3D works???

21 Multiview auto stereoscopic display
Holography images holographic movies Volumetric displays parallax displays multi projector

22 Holography images..

23 Helographic images.. Parallax dispalys

24 3D Display

25 Application of 3D TV IMAX screen OMNIMAX screen

26 Advantages & disadvantage of 3d tv..

27 3d tv for 21 st century….

28 Conclusion Most of the key ideas for 3D TV systems presented in this paper have been known for decade, such as lenticular screens, multi projector 3D displays, and camera array for acquisition. This system is the first to provide enough view points and enough pixels per view points to produce an immersive and convincing 3D experience. Another area of future research is precise color reproduction of natural scenes on multiview display.

29 Thank YOU…………..

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