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Earth day GO GREEN Keep nature nice and neat! Keep your environment clean, don’t litter ! Plant trees, don't cut down the trees! Reduce, Reuse &

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Presentation on theme: "Earth day GO GREEN Keep nature nice and neat! Keep your environment clean, don’t litter ! Plant trees, don't cut down the trees! Reduce, Reuse &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth day GO GREEN Keep nature nice and neat! Keep your environment clean, don’t litter ! Plant trees, don't cut down the trees! Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

2 Go Green Here are some ways to go green: Don’t litter Pick up garbage
Plant trees Encourage your friends. Say ,don’t litter ,don’t kick at plants ,pick up your garbage, don't climb in the garden! Don’t yell! Say it nicely.

3 Environmentally Friendly
Being environmentally friendly doesn't need to be something big, it might just be you not riding through a stream on your bike or A.T.V.! Those are some ways of being environmentally friendly: Don’t spill chemicals into salmon streams If no one is in the room, its okay to turn off the lights Don’t pollute the air or water

4 Recycling Recycling is good because: We don't have to remake stuff
We recycle because we only have limited minerals to make things Do not waste anything, just reuse(because it can be reused easily Why do we recycle: Recycling is good because: We don't have to remake stuff We don’t run out of non-renewable resources as quickly

5 Replanting How to replant plants: Place 2 to 3 inches of planting soil in the bottom of new plant container. Make sure the plant container is big enough to allow your plant to grow. Break up any clumps in the soil, then smooth the soil even. Dig a whole in the center of the soil big enough for the plant to fit into. Gently take the plant to be replanted out of the old container and place it the center of the new container. Firm the soil around the plant by gently pressing with your hands. Water plant thoroughly and allow excess water to drain Why do we have to re plant trees if we cut them down? Because trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, which we need

6 Why We Don’t Litter What do you do If there is no trash can near by? Keep it in your pocket, put it in bag, leave it near by and pick it up later if you are playing. What pops in your head when you think of littering? Some people think "what about the animals, don't they get stuck and get hurt? Some say,” I don’t care” but you should !!!

7 The End

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