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HE252 First Aid-Basics and Beyond

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Presentation on theme: "HE252 First Aid-Basics and Beyond"— Presentation transcript:

1 HE252 First Aid-Basics and Beyond
“Safety doesn't happen by accident.” ~Author Unknown

2 CONTACT INFO… Shannon Carr, MPH Available to meet by appointment

3 KEYS TO SUCCESS Read the assigned chapters and take notes.
Come to class on time and be prepared for discussion of chapters assigned that day. Find a friend to fill you in when you miss class. Ask questions…

4 METHODS OF EVALUATION 3 Exams Attendance/Participation
Healthy Lifestyle Inventory First Aid Kit Skill Checks

5 EXAMS There will be 3 exams given during the term.
Multiple choice and fill in the blank. Questions will be based on textbook, lecture and films shown in class. One page of notes will be allowed.

Attendance is critical to your success in the class. Plan to arrive on time each class. Points will be deducted for late arrival. Missing/late 3 or more classes may result in a full grade drop. Missing/late 5 or more classes may result in two full grade drops. Excessive absences will result in a failing grade. Please do not visit during class and silence your cell, no texting.

7 ASSIGNMENTS Assignments are meant to be beneficial to you and should assist you in being prepared to help yourself and others in an emergency. Please take the time to complete them! They are not optional. Late assignments will be accepted but you will lose points. Be prepared to submit them before the due date if you are not able to attend class. Overview of Assignments Healthy Lifestyles Inventory First Aid Kit Skill Checks

Students may earn ARC certification with the successful completion of the course: ARC First Aid Responding to Emergencies and Adult, Child, Infant CPR/AED certificate. Your certificate may obtained at the end of the term via: ets/rco/Get_Certificate.html

9 INTRODUCTIONS Who are you? Reason for taking class?
Something you hope to learn?

10 Citizen Responder timeline
Recognize an emergency exists Call 911 Provide care within the scope of your training CPR…AED…First Aid Transportation Hospital

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