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“Eye of the Beholder” “A Private World of Darkness”

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1 “Eye of the Beholder” “A Private World of Darkness”
TheTwilight Zone “Eye of the Beholder” “A Private World of Darkness”

2 1. The woman's earliest memory of her effect on others is.....?
Janet: “The very first thing I can remember is a little child screaming when she looked at me.”

3 2. Janet Tyler expresses her wish--- what does she really want?
Janet: “I never wanted to be beautiful. I never wanted to look like a painting. I never even wanted to be loved.” “I just wanted...I just wanted people not to scream when they looked at me.”

4 3. She describes her life as like living in a cave-- why do you suppose this is--- where is she required to stay--- for whose benefit? Janet: “Sometimes I think I've lived my whole life inside a dark cave. The walls are gauze. And the wind that blows in from the mouth of the cave always smells of ether and disinfectant.” “There's a kind of a comfort though, doctor, to living in this cave. It's so wonderfully private.” “No one can ever see me.”

5 4. Why is it important that this is her 11th attempt at improving her appearance?
Janet: “No more after this, are there? No more tries.” Doctor: “Eleven is the mandatory number of experiments. No more are permitted after eleven.”

6 5. The goal of the treatment is to help Janet to look ______________________.
Janet: “To make me look like what?” Doctor: “Normal. The way you'd like to look.”

7 6. What will happen if this treatment does not work-- what will Janet Tyler be required to do?
Doctor: “You're not alone, Miss Tyler. You realize that, don't you? You're hardly alone. There are many others who share your misfortune. People who look much as you do. One of the alternatives...should this last treatment prove unsuccessful...well, this is simply to allow you to move into a special area in which people of your own kind have been congregated.”

8 You will answer this question on your own.
7. Notice the words used: Congregated, segregated; imprisoned, ghetto . “A ghetto designed for freaks. “ What is your impression of these words? What does it mean for Janet Tyler’s life? You will answer this question on your own.

9 You will answer these questions on your own.
8. – 9. The doctor asks, "Why shouldn't people be allowed to be different? Why?" The nurse reminds him this is dangerous thinking, and the doctor acknowledges that such talk is treason (the betrayal of one's country or state). The doctor agrees he needs to come to his senses and to forget his foolish thinking. What type of society, country or government prohibits diversity? What might life be like in such a society or country? You will answer these questions on your own.

10 You will answer this question on your own.
10. What is the topic of this speech, and how important is this idea to how this community defines itself? You will answer this question on your own. The leaders speech is located on your worksheet question Reflections. You will need to read it to answer this question.

11 11. What does she ask the doctor to do if the treatment has not worked?
You will answer this question on your own.

12 12. How horrific is Janet's appearance to you? Explain.
Answer this question on your own.

13 Answer this question on your own.
13. – 20. Reflections: After reading the Leader’s speech and Rod Serling’s narration, write a acrostic poem using phrases or sentences that reflects the message of this episode and the dangers of such a society using the word beauty. Answer this question on your own. Remember you MUST use phrases or sentences in your acrostic poem entitled BEAUTY.

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