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OSH sub-group Co-chair Dr.Remigijus Jankauskas

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1 OSH sub-group Co-chair Dr.Remigijus Jankauskas
Agenda Health at Work Strategy Strategy implementation Project plan: status WHO activities & WHO/ILO/EU cooperation Country reports Future plans 14 paricipants, 8 countries and organisations

2 NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work
BSN was invited as an expert group for NDPHS 2005 At the same time, a proposal for a SIHLWA Expert Group was made SIHLWA OSH group: Preparation of situational analysis/thematic reports Cooperation with ILO, WHO and EU OSHA BSN Annual meetings, WHO CC meeting Aimed at preparing a NDPHS Strategy and Implementation plan NDPHS Strategy Approved in Vilnius on 16 Nov 2007 by PAC

3 Strategy implementation Project plan: status
Discussed in the BSN Annual Meeting, Oct 2007 Prepared for Pre-PAC Forum and PAC, 16 Nov 2007 A framework project plan with 5 modules drafted At the end of 2007, a possibility turned up to apply funding for the project activities Funding was received for project activities in North-West Russia Now: Need to identify the most important modules in each country for further project planning and applying funds Apply for funding from the Nordic Council of Minister, other sources

4 WHO-EURO activities Rokho Kim described the WHO-EURO activities:
He mentioned the Global Plan of Action which was endorsed in May 2007 by WHA A joint meeting of WHO, ILO and EU was organized on 14 Nov 2007 in Vilnius The aim of the meeting was to coordinate the activities of the three international organizations, based on their recently revised OSH strategies Several activities have been planned: national level, regional, pan-European levels

5 SIHLWA Nov 2006 Vilnius – decision to prepare OSH country reports
aim: surveying the status of OSH in the country Received reports from Russian Federation, Norway, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania country reports accessible later at BSN and NDPHS websites reports of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania finalised, Norway and Russian Federation will reply in a week Recommendation: WHO and ILO will work together to have a common profile (health and safety issues combined) A national profile is an inventory of the OSH situation in the country, revealing the needs for development (SWOT analysis)  Recommendation: based on national profiles, a summary can be prepared in future describing regional (European) situation International collaboration needed – migrant workers

6 How to prepare the profile: Lithuania
How the Strategy can be implemented at the country level Lithuania presented the process of preparing the National Profile

7 NDPHS Strategy for OH&S improvements: expectations from Lithuania
Why Partnership Strategy: Diminishing inequalities in development of OH&S system in Lithuania Extraction the common elements from WHO,ILO and EU strategy documents Updating of national OH&S profile and regular estimation of the on-going changes in OH&S system and services Drafting national OH&S strategy and planning actions, according to the Partnership Strategy

8 Organization of OH&S system in Lithuania

9 Expert estimation of the Lithuanian national programmes for OH&S (1996-2000 and 2002-2004)
Main Components fully considerable some no (ILO 187) achieved progress progress progress ________________________________________________________________________________________ Promotion of the development of the national OH&S culture yes Contribution to the workers health protection yes Analysis of the national OH&S system yes Setting of the expected results and indicators of progress yes Support by the other national programmes yes

10 Actions, recommended by Partnership for the years 2008-2011
Drafting the national OH&S strategy, following the NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work: Actions, recommended by Partnership for the years (accepted in SIHLWA meeting in Vilnius, November,16,2007) Policies and programmes Specific actions Capacity building Information Follow-up and evaluation Actions, drafted in the Lithuanian national OH&S strategy for the years (to be adopted by Lithuanian Government on the end of March,2008)

11 Action 1: Policies and programmes
1.Each Partner Country, whenever feasible, draw up a national occupational safety and health profile according… 2.Each Partner Country, whenever feasible, draw up a national policy and programme for the development of work life, health and safety at work… 3. Each Partner Country, whenever feasible, prepare a special national programme for the development of occupational health services… Lithuanian national OH&S profile was prepared according to the SIHLWA OSH expert group proposals Lithuanian OH&S strategy for the years drafted and Action Plan for the years would be presented to the Government on March,2008 In the Lithuanian Governmental Action Plan a special box of actions for the strengthening of OHS is incorporated

12 Action 2: Specific actions
4. Special joint and national actions to be instituted for the elimination of the most dangerous hazards at work (… ) by utilizing successful experiences from the Partner Countries… 5.The Partner Countries organize audits of occupational health and safety (…) results will be used for learning from the partners. 6.Partner Countries may organize specifically targeted actions (…) such as the improvement of occupational health and safety in the transport sector. Lithuanian Governmental programme on the safe elimination of asbestos for the years have started Audits should be performed using best practices existing in EU and partnership countries Lithuanian State Labour Inspectorate (focal point of Bilbao Agency) have started with the planning of project in transport sector

13 Action 3: Capacity building
7. Partner Countries organize region-wide joint seminars, courses and symposia for sharing experiences and for training experts working in authorities and in services in the field of health and safety. Annual meeting of BSN Network on OH&S is planed in Vilnius (October,2008) can be joint with the joint conference on the “Evidence based decissions for occupational and public health”

14 Action 4: Information 8. Organized efforts by utilizing the existing information systems, such as the NDPHS Database, BSN Network on OH&S, various newsletters will be used… The Partner Countries organize joint information campaigns for awareness raising… Partnership organize study tours for decision-makers, authorities and experts of individual countries to share experiences and learn from the neighbours… Participation in on-going SIHLWA and BSN Network activities can strongly support the implementation of national OH&S strategy Joint information campaigns and information support of the ILO, WHO and the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work should be utilized Participation in study tours can be usefull for the updating of national OH&S Action Plan implementation for the years

15 Action 5: Follow-up and evaluation
9.The Partner Countries organize a follow-up activity enabling the evaluation of achievement of the above activities by the end of 2011. Indicators of progress proposed for Lithuanian OH&S strategy implementation: decreasing number of heavy and fatal accidents at work per 100 thous. empl. Increasing number of OHS and enterprises having implemented OHSAS system Increasing number of occupational heath physicians per 100 thous. empl. Incorporating workers health protection elements into other sectoral policies

16 How to proceed? National and regional profiles
The North-West Russia project was briefly described ILO Moscow has collaborated with Murmansk and Vologda to prepare a regional profile When the profile is ready, a tripartite meeting will be organized The profile includes a SWOT analysis – recommendations for all actors When the Murmansk profile is ready, a regional meeting of the oblasts to be convened to share the information SEE country profiles – information should be utilized – EU accession Approximation of EU Directives may be a motivation factor for policy-makers Audit procedure of the OSH system and occupational health service system needs to be discussed within SIHLWA and BSN Norway: two ministries involved – NIOH + Labour Inspectorate – ready to work on the country profile National Plan on Occupational Health is available – political will needs still to be further raised It was proposed that the Partnership will send the Strategy to the relevant Ministers and/or other counterparts – what will each country do to implement the NDPHS Strategy – addresses of contacts need to be sent to NDPHS Secretariat Estonia: A development plan on OSH is currently going on

17 How to proceed? OHS WHO, ILO, ICOH, FIOH to support the development of OHS in the Russian Federation through the 'FIOH-North-West Russia project' Ministry of Health and Social Development needs to be approached Different partners need to be involved at the federal level; some people also from the regions in order to facilitate the further piloting 1,5-day policy level meeting; to provide a systematic approach to all industries in organizing occupational health services 27−28 May 2008 preliminary dates – broad OHS development The specific problems of industries will be discussed in more technical meetings Tagliati model of OHS was mentioned by Prof Izmerov Policy-level decision-makers WHO-EURO is focusing on non-communicable diseases using workplace as an arena as a collaborative efforts with the Ministry iof Health of the RF

18 How to proceed? Reducing risks
target area: North-West Russia, organizing a 2,5-day meeting among OH and PH experts in Nov. 2008 planning an intervention project to reduce CVD in transport sector through health protection and promotion linkages to WHO-EURO activities and the ILO North-West Russia project need to be created sectoral profiles – e.g. transport – describe the specific problems of a specific industry and sector and recognize the needs for development provide a basis for creating indicators NDPHS Secretariat proposed that indicators would be

19 Information How to proceed? High-level Policy Forum (WHO, ILO, EU)
Barents Newsletter on Occupational Health and Safety Campaigns 28 April (ILO World Safety and Health Day) and 7 April (WHO World Health Day) Websites – BSN, NDPHS, WHO, ILO WHO-EURO: Estimation of the occupational burden of disease should be carried out (in addition to noise and needle-stick injuries)

20 OSH sub-group Succesfuly passed agenda
Health at Work Strategy Strategy implementation Project plan: status WHO activities & WHO/ILO/EU cooperation Country reports Future plans 14 paricipants, 8 countries and organisations

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