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Office of Special Education Effective Transition
Indicator 13 August 17, 2017
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants will:
become aware of revisions to 2419 pertaining to transition; examine the IEP as it pertains to transition; be provided with an in-depth look at how transition is monitored through the File Review Checklist; and review the upcoming changes to the “Individual Work Readiness Competencies” (IWRC).
What do we mean by “transitions”?
It is a process of adapting to change. “What do we mean by ‘transitions’? It is a process of adapting to change.” Exactly what do we mean by transitions? The word transitions typically refers to change. There are transitions that almost everyone experiences, such as going off to college, getting married, or having a baby. However, transition also can be thought of as a process. Throughout childhood, as children grow and develop, they move or transition from one learning environment to another. Often, these transitions involve a process of change that requires learning to adapt and prepare for new experiences.
Let’s take a look at transition!
TRANSITION FILE REVIEW CHECKLIST Notice of Eligibility Committee and/or Individualized Education Program Team Meeting Previous IEP Part I: Student Information Page Current IEP Part I: Student Information Part II: Documentation of Attendance Part IV: Consideration of Factors for IEP Development Part V: Assessment Data Part VI: Transition Planning Part VIII: Annual Goals
TRANSITION File Review Checklist
YES = Courses of study are listed in the Personalized Education Plan (PEP) and are aligned to the postsecondary goals, the Career Cluster, the selected Career Pathway, and the program of study or local concentration. NO = Courses of study are not aligned to the postsecondary goals.
IEP 1 Annual Review IEP Part I: Student Information ITEM
Compliance Item Criteria IEP1 The current IEP has been reviewed within one year from the date of the previous IEP YES = within 365 days (e.g., April 5 to April 5) NO = IEP date exceeds 365 days N/A = Initial IEP only IEP Part I: Student Information Current IEP Current IEP reviewed no more than 365 days from the last IEP meeting date Previous IEP
TR1 Agency Invitation Parent/Adult Student Permission
TR1 Agency Invitation Parent/Adult Student PermissionAgency Invitation TR1 Agency Invitation Parent/Adult Student Permission ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR1 Parent or adult student provided permission to invite the agency(ies) to the transition IEP meeting (Note: May need to review previous IEP or other documentation for consent) YES = Parent or adult student consent was obtained prior to district invitation of agencies providing transition services NO = Parent or adult student consent was not obtained prior to district invitation of agency(ies) providing transition services N/A = IEP states no agency is needed at this time or student was 14 or younger IEP Part IV: Consideration of Factors for IEP Development Option #2 Option #1
TR2 Agency Invited to the IEP Meeting
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR2 Agency representatives were invited to transition meeting YES = Documentation that notice was sent to agency representative or signature of agency representative on the IEP NO = No documentation that the notice was sent to agency representatives NOR was the signature of agency representatives on IEP N/A = Statement or other evidence that no agency(ies) identified at this time OR student was 14 years of age or younger as of the date of the IEP Option #1 Option #2
TR3 Education or Training
TR 3 Postsecondary Goals - Education or Training ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR3 There is an appropriate measurable postsecondary goal that addresses education OR training after high school YES = The IEP contains at least one appropriate postsecondary goal in the area of education or training that is: Measurable Found in present levels of performance and Supported by assessment results NO = The IEP does not contains a postsecondary goal in the area of education or training or the goal is not measureable or the goal does not align with present levels of performance and assessment results IEP Part VI: Transition Planning After graduation from high school, Allison will attend a 4-year liberal arts college and take coursework leading to a major in the area of Child Development
TR4 Postsecondary Goals Employment
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR4 There is an appropriate measurable postsecondary goal that addresses employment after high school YES = The IEP contains at least one appropriate postsecondary goal in the area of employment that is: Measurable Found in present levels of performance and Supported by assessment results NO = The IEP does not contain a postsecondary goal in the area of employment or the goal is not measureable or the goal does not align with present levels of performance and assessment results IEP Part VI: Transition Planning After graduation, Jeremy will obtain a supported employment position in the food services department at the local hospital.
TR5 Postsecondary Goals Independent Living
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR5 If needed, there is an appropriate measurable postsecondary goal that addresses independent living. YES = The IEP contains at least one appropriate postsecondary goal in the area of independent living that is: Measurable Found in present levels of performance and Supported by assessment results NO = The IEP does not contain a postsecondary goal in the area of independent living or the goal is not measureable or the goal does not align with present levels of performance and assessment results N/A = An independent living goal is not appropriate for the student. IEP Part VI: Transition Planning After high school, Jeremy will travel to and from work independently using the public transportation system.
TR Transition Assessments
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR6 Postsecondary goal(s) are based on age appropriate transition assessments. YES = The file contains documentation that age appropriate transition assessment(s) were used to develop student’s postsecondary goals. NO = The file does NOT contain documentation that age appropriate transition assessment(s) were used to develop student’s postsecondary goals. See handout for examples IEP Part V: Assessment Data IEP Part VI: Transition Planning
TR 7 Transition Career Pathway Alignment
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR7 Transition services include courses of study that will enable the student to meet postsecondary goal(s). YES = Courses of study are listed in the Personalized Education Plan (PEP) and are aligned to the postsecondary goals, the Career Cluster, the selected Career Pathway, and the program of study or local concentration. NO = Courses of study are not aligned to the postsecondary goals. IEP Part VI: Transition Planning Career Pathway Options: Indicate which career pathway the student will follow and specify either a state-approved CTE program of study or a locally developed concentration which aligns with the student’s chosen career cluster and provides the best option for success in the global workplace and postsecondary education. O State-Approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program of Study (Limited to District Offerings and Enrollment) O Locally Developed Concentration Specify the state-approved CTE program of study or the locally developed concentration that aligns with the student’s chosen career cluster: __________________ Description Description Examples NOTE: Specific course selections must be documented in the student’s Personalized Education Plan (PEP) in collaboration with the school counselor, teachers, advisors and parent/guardian. A copy of the PEP MUST be kept with the student’s IEP.
Individual Work Readiness Competencies (IWRC)
TR8 Student Invited to the IEP Meeting
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR8 There is evidence that the student was invited to the IEP meeting YES = File contains the student’s invitation to the IEP meeting or the student signature was on the IEP. NO = File does NOT contain the student’s invitation to the IEP meeting.
TR 9 Connection to Annual Goals
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR9 There are annual IEP goal(s) related to the student’s transition services needs. YES = At least one area is indicated by checking an appropriate box and is connected to at least one annual goal NO = No area has been selected and/or is not connected to at least one annual goal
TR10 Activities and Linkages to Services
ITEM Compliance Item Criteria TR10 There are transition services in the IEP that will reasonably enable the student to meet his or her postsecondary goals YES = At least one or more activities/linkages are addressed by selection of the party responsible and a description of services to be provided. NO = No activities/linkages has been addressed by selecting the party responsible and/or the description of service(s) to be provided is not present. See handout for examples Example: Vocational aptitude/interest assessment: Complete simulated work experiences to identify interest and aptitude
Why did we create a Transitional Program?
Transition planning is a process that brings together a student and those individuals directly involved in helping the student prepare to enter a post- school environment. ... Unless the transition process is formalized, little thought or planning is given to the student's future service or program needs.
Areas that must be discussed when participating in a transition planning meeting:
What is the student’s long term goal in the area of Postsecondary Education or Training? What is the student’s long term goal in the area of Employment? What is the student’s long term goal in the area of Independent Living/Community Participation (if appropriate)?
WVDE Monitors In-Depth Look at Transition
WVDE monitors will be taking a more in-depth look at transition services this school year, which will include the following: Documentation that written consent was obtained prior to inviting an agency representative to the NEXT IEP meeting and that the subsequent IEP Meeting Notice includes the invited agency representative; Documentation that the student was invited to the IEP meeting when transition is to be addressed; Documentation of appropriate measureable postsecondary goals which address education/training, employment, and if needed, independent living; Documentation that age appropriate transition assessments were used to develop the student’s postsecondary goals; Documentation of how student preferences and interests were considered when planning for transition; Documentation that at least one annual goal in the student’s IEP is related to the student’s transition needs;
Look at Transition- Continued
Documentation that at least one or more activities/linkages are addressed by selection of the party responsible and a description of services provided; and Documentation that (1) the student’s identified Career Cluster aligns with the student’s identified career interests; (2) the student’s state approved program of studies or locally developed concentrations align with the Career Cluster, which was selected; (3) the courses of study documented on the student’s Personalized Education Plan (PEP) align with the student’s state approved program of studies or locally developed concentrations. Note: Information about the PEP Plan is discussed in WV BOE Policy 2315 and Policy 2510. It is noted at the bottom of the IEP transition page that a copy of the PEP Plan should be kept with the student’s IEP so that the IEP Team and monitors can review the alignment of the courses of study documented on the PEP to determine if they support the program of studies. If the PEP Plan is not available, the monitors will review the student’s schedule or transcript as evidence that the student is enrolled in courses of study, which will lead toward achievement of his or her transition goals.
PEP Plan The PEP is also very important to the Division of Rehabilitation Services because the Career Cluster is the foundation for the development of the Individualized Plan for Employment-Transition (IPET).
Policy 2419 Added Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS): (2419 page 52) Job exploration Work-based learning Counseling for transition and post-secondary programs Workplace readiness training Self-advocacy training Added Division of Rehabilitation Services to Level I and Level II Services. Removed sheltered workshops and replaced with community-based work exploration. Policy 2419
Strong Connections Between Home and School Can Help Ease Transition.
If you have ever moved away from home or separated from friends, you know just how difficult change can be. Moving from an environment where you feel safe and secure to one that is new and unfamiliar can be very stressful and uncomfortable. This is often how student’s feel when they move from school to school. Knowing how change affects you can provide a basis for understanding what children and their families are experiencing.
Family School Connections
Contact with family during first days of school year Assessment of family need Connecting family to community resources Family participation in the classroom/school Family sharing with the teacher Newsletters and resource material
Reaching Out to Parents
Parent letter Parent survey Parent brochure
“A truly successful transition process is the result of comprehensive team planning that is driven by the dreams, desires and abilities of youth. A transition plan provides the basic structure for preparing an individual to live, work and play in the community, as fully and independently as possible.” PACER Center, Inc. (2001)
Questions? Michael Knighton 304-558-2696 or
Debra L. Harless or
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