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The Power of Us Governing in Times of Mistrust

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1 The Power of Us Governing in Times of Mistrust
MARK EVANS Director, Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis (CRICOS) #00212K

2 The Power of Us In February and March this year, the Museum of Australian Democracy (MoAD) and the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis (IGPA) commissioned Ipsos to survey 1444 Australians on the relationship between trust in the political system and attitudes towards democracy. We have called it The Power of Us survey and the data will inform the design of a new exhibition to be launched in Old Parliament House in the new year. Drawing upon questions posed in the long running Australian Election Study, we carefully crafted the survey to ensure time series data on most questions. The findings make difficult reading for Australian political parties but provide strong clues as to how to respond.

3 Satisfaction with democracy in Australia is now at its’ lowest level since 1996  

4 Levels of trust in government and politicians in Australia are at their lowest level since 1993  
Perceptions of the motivations of politicians by age cohort in Australia (CRICOS) #00212K

5 And remarkably this increases with age…
Federal Government Local MPs

6 Grey Australians no longer trust their politicians
Grey Australians no longer trust their politicians. Q: How much do you personally trust each of the following?

7 Interest in politics by age
Party loyalty is also at its lowest level since 1967 but interest in politics is strong Interest in politics by age Party Loyalty

8 We trust the police, the military, community based organisations and universities but distrust political parties and most jurisdictions

9 We trust judges and quite trust public servants but clearly distrust our politicians

10 We trust governments to address national security issues but little else

11 The ideal politician for Indi
Honest, trustworthy, ethical, local – “knows the area”, “approachable and accessible”, “who listens to them”, who “communicates and follows up”, and who “fights for them”. “Trust is earned.” “At the moment a lot of politicians go into politics for advancement rather than service. Turning out clones of media-savvy people with soundbites and platitudes …it feels like they’re manufactured”. “Trust means that I know that someone’s being real and honest with me, not pleasing my ears with sweet talk while holding a gun under the table”.

12 The reforms they would like to see (2014) strengthen accountability, increased participation, greater localism, digital futures

13 Reflections on a decade of decline
There is a global pattern of democratic discontent but it tends to be linked to austerity particularly in Europe and the US. In contrast, Australia has experienced a decade of democratic decline in a period of uninterrupted economic growth. The evidence suggests that Australians simply don’t like the norms and values of contemporary politics that are presented in the Magic Kingdom (Canberra) and the way decisions are reached. The politics are perceived to be too adversarial, self-serving and disconnected from the needs and aspirations of everyday Australians. Hence growing numbers of Australians support a new politics that ensures greater political accountability, open and devolved government and consensual decision-making in the national interest. Our focus groups are also picking up on this trend.

14 What can the public service do to reconnect with the citizenry OR See like a citizen?
Introduce new methods of governing that “enable” (e.g. remove barriers to citizen participation through digital enablers), “empower” (e.g. through co-design/ of projects & services), “engage” (e.g. working with and through community-based organisations and trusted intermediaries) and “mainstream” a culture of “seeing like a citizen”. Public services, community-based organisations and trusted institutions (e.g. criminal justice system), become key instruments for trust building. So lets look at various interventions to help us to see like citizens

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