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Long Term Causes of World War I

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1 Long Term Causes of World War I
Sources of Tension… Causes of World War I Sources of Tension…

2 1. Nationalism People living in countries they do not feel a part of …
People living in countries that want their independence … People living in countries that they feel severe pride for… People living in countries that they feel are superior to others and deserve more…

3 Nationalism Fierce rivalry between Europe’s Great Powers:
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and France Jingoism-extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy Pan-Slavism-a movement in the mid-19th century aimed at unity of all the Slavic peoples.

4 2. Imperialism (or Colonial Rivalries)
Conflict during scramble for African and Asian colonies Tension and war outside of Europe brought into Europe.

5 3. Militarism (or Military Build Up)
Nations of Europe preparing for war Military spending up 300% ( ) Naval Rivalries "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war."

6 4. Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Ententé

7 Triple Alliance Bismarck turns to Europe after unifying Germany  sees France as biggest threat, so tries to isolate it Finds allies in Austria-Hungary and Italy = Triple Alliance 1881-Bismarck signs a treaty with Russia to take a possible ally from France Reinsurance Treaty

8 Triple Entente Wilhelm I dies, Wilhelm II is Kaiser in 1890
Bismarck forced to quit Allows treaty with Russia to lapse in 1890 Russia allies with France Wilhelm begins building up navy-wants it to equal the naval power of Britain Britain allies with France and Russia=Triple Entente 1907 – Europe divided into two alliances

9 Alliances are very… Dangerous

10 In Your Text Book Read pages : Crisis in the Balkans and A Shot Heard Throughout Europe Take Notes in the space provided-focus on the general story line, alliances or enemies made, and key people

11 Diplomatic Crisis – tensions mounted
Serbia issued ultimatum by Austria Hungary – July 23, 1914 1. required Serbia to end all anti-Austria activities 2. dismiss all officials hostile to Austria Hungary 3. also Austria Hungary to send officials to investigate assassination

12 Diplomatic Crisis – tensions mounted
Serbia w/ difficult decision: Deny ultimatum and go to war Accept ultimatum and lose independence Serbia accepts all but investigation into death This did not satisfy Austria Hungary – determined to punish Serbia

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