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Creative Art Childcare Lesson

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1 Creative Art Childcare Lesson
Early Childhood Education Creative Art Childcare Lesson Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

2 Beginning of Lab Procedures
Wash your hands Put on uniform, apron, or smock Review your lesson plan Gather all lesson materials Think about your lesson’s learning objective and how you are going to meet the objective. Be prepared to share. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

3 Objectives Student will be able to: Identify childcare lab procedures.
Conduct developmentally appropriate fine art (visual arts) activities for young children in an early childhood setting. Self-evaluate lesson plan implementation/childcare lab experience. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

4 Childcare Lab Reminders
Review confidentiality rules Review appropriate teacher-child interactions Review safety precautions, if applicable Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

5 End of Lab Procedures Put away uniform, apron, or smock
Turn in your lesson plan Return all unused lesson materials to where they belong Think about how you met your lesson’s learning objective. Get exit ticket. Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

6 Closure Write on an exit ticket the following responses about your implementation of your lesson plan in childcare lab: Lesson reflection How did you meet the lesson objective? What went well with your lesson? What might you do differently to improve the lesson? Property of the AZ CTE Curriculum Consortium

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