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Congress Information.

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1 Congress Information

2 Congress Committees Horonary President Ching-Kuan Liu
President, Kaohsiung Medical University Joh-Jong Huang Director-General of Department of Health, Kaohsiung City Government Administrative Committees President: Li-Min Lin Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University Vice President Shi-Long Lian Huey-Er Lee Secretary General Ming-Gene Tu Faculty of Dentistry, China Medical University

3 Congress Committees Scientific Program Committee Andy Teng
Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University Yuk-Kwan Chen Yuan-Chien Chen Faculty of Dentistry, China Medical University Social Program Committee Chao-Yin Lin Private practice Shan-Ting Hsieh ABC Dental Group Chao-Hsiang Wang Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University Yi-Heng Yin Ya-Yi Chen

4 Congress Committees General Affairs Committee Ching-Hung Chung
Private practice Wei-Chen Chang Lo-Lin Tsai Yeong-Lei Huang Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University Erh-Hui Tsai Faculty of Dentistry, Taipei Medical University International.Affairs Committee Kazjuaki Harada Visiting Professor of Kyushu Dental University Andy Teng Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University Treasure Committee Wen-Chen Wang Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University Lien-Yu Chang Faculty of Dentistry, NYMU Cheng-Mei Yang Faculty of Dentistry, KVGH

5 Congress Committees Exihibition Committee James Huang Private practice
Ching-Hung Chung Ming-Zhe Wu Home Page Committee Chiuan-Hang Yu Faculty of Dentistry, Chung-Shan Medical University Wan-Hsuan Liao Faculty of Dentistry, National Taiwan University Hospital Mu-Hsiung Chen Yuk-Kwan Chen Faculty of Dentistry, Kaohsiung Medical University

6 Congress information-> Important Date
Extend the deadline of Abstract Submission Until December 31, 2016 Early Bird Registration Until December 31, 2016 Deadline for Sponsor February 28, 2017

7 新增 Programs

8 Scientific Information->Tentative Program
Tue Apr 25 Wed Apr 26 Thu Apr 27 Fri Apr 28 Sat Apr 29 07:00-08:30 Registration 07:00-16:00 08:30-10:30 Opening Ceremony Oral Presentation 11:00-13:00 Special Lecture(1) 13:00-14:30 Lunch 14:30-16:00 Special Lecture(2) Closing Ceremony 16:30-17:30 Special Lecture(3) Kaohsiung Night Gala Dinner

9 Pre-Congress Tour April 25, 2016
08: :30 Gatering at the Lobby of 85 Sky Tower Hotel 08: :30 Chimei Museum at Tainan 11:30-13:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 Special Lecture(Evergreen Plaze Hotel) 14:00-16:00 Anping Fort /Fort Zeelandia (Tainan) 16:00-17:00 Back to the Lobby of 85 Sky Tower Hotel 17:00-20:00 Registration 18:00-20:00 Welcome Party at Hotel (Room A)

10 新增 Call for Abstracts

Important dates to remember Opening of abstract submission: Semtember 1, 2016 Extend the deadline of abstract submission: December 15, 2016 Deadline for early bird registration: December 31, 2016 ABSTRACT SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Abstracts must be submitted in English. Authors should have the abstract reviewed by a native English speaker before submission. Oral and Poster presentations must be presented in English only. All abstracts should be submitted online via the Congress website. Faxes, photocopies or ed copies will not be reviewed. A preference for “Oral” or “Poster” presentation, or “No preference” must be selected when submitting the abstract. If the abstract is accepted upon evaluation by the Scientific Committee, it will be appointed as an oral or a poster presentation, taking into account the author’s preferences. If “No preference” is selected, the Scientific Committee will appoint the type of presentation as appropriate. The author who submits an abstract should be the first listed author in the abstract and is considered the presenting author. In case of emergency, a co-author whose name must be presented in the abstract, may be the presenting author if a notification letter is sent to the Congress Secretariat at least one week before the Congress. After the abstract submission is completed, an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to the author via within 7 days. If you do not receive the within that time, please contact the Congress Secretariat. Oral presentation duration is 10 minutes with a 3-minute discussion time. Timing will be strict. For Poster presentations, the orientation of the poster is vertical with the format: 110 cm. (height) and 90 cm. (width). The presenting author must be present at his or her poster during the assigned date and time. At least 2 specific areas related to your abstract must be selected. Once you completely submit your abstract, it cannot be edited. Please prepare the abstract correctly in PDF format (see abstract format)before submitting it online.

ABSTRACT FORMAT (see example of the abstract) All abstracts must be submitted online in a PDF FILE via the Congress website Abstracts must be in English. Page layout must be set in normal format with 2.54 cm for all margins and single line spacing. Abstract titles are limited to 15 words or less: Font - Arial size 14, bold. The title should be concise and clearly convey the subject of the abstract. Only 6 or fewer authors/ co-authors are accepted. The names of the author and co-authors (first name and last name), institutions, cities and countries must be typed: Font – Arial size 12. Do not include degrees or professional titles (Dr, Prof, PhD, DDS, etc.). The first identified author should be the presenting author. All abstracts must be 300 words or less, excluding title and authors: Font – Arial size 12. The format should be structured as Introduction; Objectives; Methods; Results; Conclusions. A case report or a bibliographic review are accepted in a descriptive format. Figures or graphs should not be included in the abstract. From 2 to 5 Keywords are required. NOTIFICATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE/NON-ACCEPTANCE The authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their abstract before December 15, 2016 via . Please make sure that you enter a valid, long-term address. Authors whose abstracts are accepted should register by the early bird registration date, August 31, Failure to register by that date will result in the withdrawal of the abstract.

13 Important Dates Important dates to remember
Opening of abstract submission: Semtember 1, 2016 Extend the deadline of abstract submission: December 15, 2016 Deadline for early bird registration: December 31, 2016

14 新增 Registration

15 Registration Fees(1) 450 550 575 650 675 300 275 Delegates categories
Early Registration Within December 31, 2016 Registration (January 1- April 20, 2017) On site Registration (After April 20, 2017) Members (IADMFR) Non Members Non Member International (USD) 450 550 575 650 675 Student(USD) 300 No On-site Registration for these categories Accompanying person (USD) 275 Message to all Registrants Pre-Congress tour (half-day tour and dinner) is 50 USD/ Person (Optional). If you wish to attend this session, you need to fill in “Pre-Congress attending” in the Registration form. Scientific attending, Exhibition attending, Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Welcome and Farewell party are included for all Registrants. Participant bags and complimentary kits will be provided to all Registrants, except who register in accompanying person category. Gala Dinner is not included in Registration fee. It is 30 USD/ Person (Optional). If you wish to attend this session, you may fill in “Gala Dinner attending” in the Registration form or do on site booking within April 25, 2017 ( Limited seats are noted for on- site booking) The conference does not offer a one day Registration Message to Non-Registrants (i.e. children, spouse, or your accompanying person who do not wish to enroll for an accompanying person category) If non-Registrants would like to attend the welcome party and/or farewell party you need to fill in “ Welcome party attending” and/or “Farewell party attending” in the Registration form, and there will be USD 30 charge for each event/ person. If non-Registrants would like to attend the Gala Dinner, there will be USD 30 charge/ Person. You may fill in “ Gala Dinner attending” in the Registration form or do on site booking within April 26, 2017 (Limited seats are noted for on-site booking) If you register online, you will receive an confirmation of your Registration. The information supplied on the Internet is passed through a secured server. Please note that credit card payment is required for those registering online. If you register via bank deposit, you need to a copy of transfer slip to register. and you will receive an confirmation of your Registration.

16 Registration Fees(2) Bank: FIRST COMMERCIAL BANK   A/C Name: Taiwan Academy of Oral & Maxillo-Facial Radiology A/C No.: Swift Code: FCBKTWTPXXX  If you do not receive an of Registration confirmation within 2 weeks after your payment, please to register.

17 Registration Online

18 Registration Online

19 Registration Online

20 Registration Status

21 Bank Transfer Confirmation

22 Bank Transfer Confirmation

23 Cancellation Policy All registrations are subject to the cancellation policy. Cancellations must be made in writing by the deadline date; telephone cancellations will NOT be accepted. Refunds or credits will not be given for failure to attend, late arrival, unattended events or early departure. Refunds will be processed 2 weeks after the meeting. Deadline Dates: On or before December 15, 2016: Refund 50 %  August 16 to Juanary 31, 2017: Refund 25%  After Juanary 31, 2017 : No refund If you are unable to attend the meeting because you were denied a visa, you will be granted a refund only if you submit a copy of your visa rejection letter and proof that you applied for a visa no later than December 15, 2016 to register. The refund for this situation is 75%. Please note that no refunds will be issued for additional fees paid for express shipping of invitation letters and/or Accompanying Person registration cancellation due to visa denial. If you need to cancel your registration for the pre-congress tour and/or Accompanying Person registration, a full refund is available until August 31, After that date, no refund is available for these additional items. REFUND POLICY Refunds will be processed 8-10 weeks after the conference. Refunds of USD 30 or less will be treated as a contribution and will not be refunded. Refunds due to overpayment or changes to an existing registration will be subject to a USD 20 processing fee. Express shipping fees for invitation letters are non-refundable. No refunds of less than USD 100 will be issued by wire transfer. If a refund by wire transfer is requested, please contact FINANCIAL DISCLAIMER The organizing committee reserves the right to review each registration for the appropriateness of the selected registration category and make any necessary corrections. For example a full-time faculty member that chooses the Accompanying Person or Student rate will be corrected upon review. We reserve the right to charge his/her credit card the difference in registration fees.

24 新增 Sponsor

25 Platinum Sponsor $ 35,000 USD List of participants (After the congress) Square meters Booth (8 x3meters) Full page advertisement in the congress program Free admission for participants*4 10 Minutes company presentation to the plenary Your logo in screens during breaks Your logo in printed material and congress bag Printed material inside congress bags

26 Gold Sponsor $ 20,000 USD List of participants (After the congress)
Square meters Booth (6 x 3 meters) Full page advertisement in the congress program Free admission for participants*2

27 Silver Sponsor $ 17,500 USD List of participants (After the congress)
Square meters Booth (3 x 3 meters) Half page advertisement in the congress program Free admission for participants

28 Sponsor for Special Event
The details for co-sponsoring an event are as follow: Welcome Party (ACOMFR) USD 3,500 Banquet Party (ACOMFR) USD 7,000 Farewell Party (ACOMFR) USD 2,800 The requirements are that you will cover 100% of the cost required for the course of the event with details: Meals for all participants and organizers Draw prizes for participants Souvenirs for participants The benefits offered: Corporate presentations/promotions of the company or products for 30 minutes at the special events. Company’s logo on a proceeding book Company’s logo on banners for special events (banner created by sponsor) Company’s logo on the website and invitation card Receive 2 booths sized 2 x 4 meter for free for the sponsor of Banquet party Receive 1 booth sized 2 x 4 meter for free for the sponsor of Welcome party Receive 1 booth sized 2 x 2 meter for free for the sponsor of Farewell party

29 Deadline for Sponsor

30 Location of Booth 暫無

31 新增 Accommodation

32 Accommodation 85 Sky Tower Hotel

33 Accommodation Ambassador Hotel Kaohsiung

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