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(What is SENSOR?) Photo Electric Sensors (PES) can detect many different physical attributes; from sensing a bottle coming down a conveyor or seeing a.

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Presentation on theme: "(What is SENSOR?) Photo Electric Sensors (PES) can detect many different physical attributes; from sensing a bottle coming down a conveyor or seeing a."— Presentation transcript:

1 (What is SENSOR?) Photo Electric Sensors (PES) can detect many different physical attributes; from sensing a bottle coming down a conveyor or seeing a multi-million dollar robot picking up a part to be installed onto an automobile. Imagine a world without PES, we basically would be blind when it came to Industrial Automation. What are the main advantages of a photoelectric sensor compared to other sensor, e.g. proximity sensor or tactile sensors? Photoelectric sensors... ... need no contact to the object ... can detect objects over a long distance ... are free from wear / long life time ... have a fast response time (e.g. 1 ms) ... detect almost any objects/materials

2 (INTERNAL DESIGN) The design of a photoelectric sensor is simple. Basically we have 3 major components: Light Emitter Light Receiver Output Circuit

3 Light emitter Today's photoelectric sensors are operated with semiconductor LEDs  (Light Emitting Diode). The emitting light is sent in pulses. These special pulse algorithms helps the sensor to distinguish between sensor light and light coming from other ambient light sources (e.g. sunlight or room illumination). The most common LED types are red LED, infrared LED or Laser Diode. Some special models also feature a white or green LED. Also there are yellow LEDs. Receiver Often the receiver is a phototransistor.  It can detect light and convert it into a small electrical analog signal. Today many photoelectric sensor use a high-integrated ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit), where photo-element, amplifier, processing and some sensor functions are integrated on one semiconductor IC. All Hanyoung Nux latest photoelectric sensors use such an ASIC. The receiver either detects light directly coming from the emitter (e.g. through-beam sensor) or the diffuse light reflected by the detected objects (e.g. diffuse reflective sensor). (Internal design – Emitter & Receiver)

4 [Internal design – Output]
Output circuit The output circuit converts the analog signal from the photo-transistor/ASIC into an amplified ON/OFF signal. The received light level triggers the sensor's output as soon as the amount of received light is exceeding a defined threshold level. While some previous designs with built-in power supplies and relay outputs are still popular, today most I/O-sensors use a transistor output (PNP/NPN). Some special photoelectric sensors also provide an analog output for simple measurement applications.

5 [Adjusters] Standard photoelectric sensors feature two main adjustment possibilities: Threshold adjuster The user can set up the threshold level; in other words the light amount which triggers the sensor output. If the light received is equal to or greater than the threshold, an output is generated. In practice changing the threshold will result in increasing or decreasing of sensing distance. Threshold adjustment can also be used to make the sensor more sensitive to detect smaller objects or semi-transparent objects. Hanyoung Nux photoelectric sensors mainly feature a screw potentiometer to adjust the threshold. Some sensors also feature a teach button to set the ideal threshold according to the given application Light-On/Dark-On switch The L-On/D-On switch reverses the output signal of the sensors. You will learn more about L-On and D-On operation later in this course.

6 [INDICATORS] Most of Hanyoung Nux photoelectric sensors have two indicators: Green - stability indicator The green LED indicates if the sensor is operated in a stabile condition; means that the sensor receives a clear ON or OFF signal. The green LED also helps when installing/adjusting the sensor Orange/red output indicator The orange or red LED indicates whether there is a signal on the output or not. In other words: Whether an object has been sensed.

7 [Operating Modes] Through-beam - 1 Through-beam sensors have separate emitter and receiver device. The emitter part of the sensor pair emits a beam of light, and the receiver part of the sensor receives the light. If an object moves in between the emitter and receiver, breaking the beam, the receiver outputs a signal. Advantages: Long distance, high reserve (e.g. for dusty environments)  Precise positioning of objects possible High reliability in sensing, detection of all objects possible (except transparent objects) Disadvantages: High adjustment effort Two cable connections needed => higher installation/wiring effort Higher product costs

8 [Operating Modes] Through-beam - 2 Application examples: Access gates. Often access gates installation are covered with dark/smoke glass. The high power of through-beam sensors is needed to detect through this glass. Harsh environments, where high sensing reserve is required; e.g. car washing machines or dirty environments. Factory automation in general, especially when precise positioning of parts is needed.

9 [Operating Modes] Retro-Reflective - 1 The sensor's emitter sends out the light to a special prism reflector, which reflects the light back to the sensor's receiver. If an object moves into the path of the light, the sensor generates an output. Polarizing Filter (MSR Function) Today most retro-reflective sensor feature polarizing filters to enable an immunity against disturbing reflections caused by shiny objects. This animation shows how a retro-reflective sensor would react without polarizing filters: There is no signal trigger (or undefined signals), because the shiny tin is reflecting the light like a mirror.

10 [Operating Modes] Retro-Reflective - 1 To prevent these malfunctions a simple trick is used. Light waves have the ability to be "shaped" by filters into a certain direction, e.g. into horizontal and vertical waves (turned by 90°). Now one filter is put on the emitter and a 90° shifted filter is put on the receiver lens. On the other side a prism reflector is shifting the light by 90°, thus there is a stable light path between emitter and receiver: Since shiny objects reflect the light in the same shape (horizontally or vertically), the filter on top of the receiver blocks this reflection.

11 [Operating Modes] Retro-Reflective - 1 The sensor now is immune against disturbance of shiny objects and reliably detect shiny objects: In HANYOUNG documentations this technology is also called MSR (Mirror Surface Reflection).

12 [Operating Modes] Dead Zone and Co-axial Sensor Most of standard photoelectric sensors feature a dual-lens optics; means there is a separate lens for emitter and receiver. This design has certain advantages: High sensing distance Possible to work with polarizing filters (MSR function) Low production costs However this dual-lens optic has one disadvantage: If the distance between sensor and reflector is short, only a few light signal is reflected back to the receiver. Under extreme conditions there might be no stable signal anymore (see picture bellow): This effect is most critical if a reflective foil with micro triples is used. For dual lens sensors the distance between sensor and reflective foil should be at least 150mm.

13 [Operating Modes] Dead Zone and Co-axial Sensor To overcome this problem there are special retro-reflective models, which have the same lens for emitting and receiving light and a translucent mirror inside the sensor. Now the distance between sensor and reflector can be zero and there is still a stable light signal. A sensor with this type of optics is called co-axial sensor. Especially for transparent bottle detection co- axial models are very common.

14 [Operating Modes] Retro-Reflective - 2 Retro-reflective is the most common mode used for PES in Industrial Automation. It provides a good compromise between good detection reliability, sufficient sensing distance and attractive price. Application examples: Logistics conveying Factory automation in general Clear bottle /PET detection (with special retro-reflective types) Doors, gates (building installation)

15 [Operating Modes] Diffuse reflective - 1 Diffuse-reflective sensing sends light from the emitter towards the sensed object. The sensed object reflects part of the emitted light (diffuse reflection) back to sensor's receive component to determine the absence or presence of the object. Advantages: Low installation effort No 2nd part needed Disadvantages: Limited sensing distance (only diffuse light is detected). E.g. E3Z-D: max. 1m. High black/white error; the sensing distance is highly influence by the color, size and surface structure of an object. See the different max. sensing distance of E3Z-D on black, white and stainless steel (SUS) below.

16 [Operating Modes] Less precise/reliable than Through-beam and Retro-reflective type Therefore sensing could be difficult, if there is a bright background behind the sensing object. See the animation below.

17 [Operating Modes] Diffuse reflective - 2 Diffuse-reflective sensors are often installed, if mounting of a reflector is difficult and/or the requirements for precision is low (simple presence detection). Application examples: Factory automation in general / conveying Ceramics industry (wide beam types)

18 [Operating Modes] Background Suppression (BGS) - 1 A background suppression sensor is a special version of a diffuse sensor. Whereas a pure diffuse sensor is detecting the amount of light received, the BGS sensor detects the angle of received light.  This technology is called triangulation. Thus the sensing behavior is not influenced by the color of the object or any backgrounds. To realize a triangulation the sensor is using a double-diode as receiver (as shown in animation below) or a PSD element/diode array. Advantages: No 2nd part needed More precise and reliable than diffuse reflective (low black/white error) Often a specific sensing distance can be set Disadvantages: Lower sensing distance; e.g. max. 200mm

19 [Operating Modes] Background Suppression (BGS) - 2 BGS sensors are getting more and more popular in factory automation, because they don't need a reflector and provide stable detection. Typically they are mounted on side or on top of a conveyor detecting passing objects (see animation).

20 [Operating Modes] Dark-On Operation (D-ON) The sensor's output is enabled when there is no light being received by the receiver. Through-beam and retro-reflective sensors are normally operated in D-ON mode. The objects interrupt the beam, which triggers the output.

21 [Operating Modes] Light-On Operation (L-ON) The sensor's output is enabled when the receiver is receiving light from the target. Diffuse and BGS sensors are normally operated in L-ON mode. The receiver detects the light reflected from the object, which triggers the output. Watch again the animation of diffuse sensor and see when the output LED is on.

22 [Classification (by composition)]
(1) Power Built-in Photo Sensor -The integrator of the light projecting part, the light receiving part, the control part and the power part in one case. A larger control output can be obtained directly from the receiver by increasing the appearance -Input power is mostly AC. (2) Amplifier Built-in Photo Sensor -A control unit (AMP) and a transmitter / receiver are built in a case.   -Most photo sensors fall into this group because of the low noise    -It is smaller than the power built-in type and larger than the amplifier separated type. (3) Amplifier Detachable Photo Sensor -Only the transparent part and the light receiving part are put into one case, and the power part and the amplifier are separated separately. -It is used when there is a problem in mounting space but it is easily affected by noise. Detecting Object Power supply Control unit Transmitting part Receiving part

23 Emitter 0.7 W max / Receiver 1.2 W max
( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups PE series 1. Specification Detection method Model Detection range Power Operation mode Output Diffuse reflective PE-R05D 500mm 24-240 V DC/AC (Light) On Relay output (1C) Retro reflective PE-M3D 0.1-3m (Dark) On Through-beam type PE-T5D 5m 2. Rating Model PE-T5D Type through-beam type Detection range 5m Sensing object Ø20 ㎜ min (Opaque body) Rated voltage 24 V d.c, V d.c/a.c 50/60 Hz Power consumption Emitter 0.7 W max / Receiver 1.2 W max Output operation Dark ON wide supply voltage / relay output

24 (Dark) On, Switch through Control
( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups PN series 1. Specification Detection method Model Detection range Power Operation mode Output Diffuse reflective PN-R02 200mm 12-24 V DC (Light) On, (Dark) On, Switch through Control NPN Open collector Retro reflective PN-M1 0.1-1m Through-beam type PN-T3 3m 2. Rating Model PN-T3 Type through-beam type Detection range 5m Sensing object Opaque object above Ø 8 ㎜ Power consumption bellow 40 mA Output operation Selection of L. ON/D. ON by the control line (Through beam is only with the receiver) Wide usage sensor

25 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups
PU Series 1. Specification Detection method Model Sensing distance Power Operation mode Output Through-beam type PU-30 30mm 12-24 V DC (Light) On, (Dark) On, L.ON/D.ON selected by the power reverse connection NPN Open collector PU-30S PU-50 50mm PU-50S 2. Rating Model PU Type through-beam type Detection range 30 ㎜ Sensing object Opaque object aboveØ0.4 ㎜ Power consumption 12-24 V DC ( ±10% ) Current consumption Bellow 30 mA Output operation Light ON/Dark ON selection by power supply connection Horseshoe-type photo sensor

26 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups
PS series 1. Rating Subminiature sensor Model PS series Type Through-beam type Mirror reflection Diffuse-reflective Limited-reflective Distance-settable Detecting object Opaque above Ø6 mm Opaque above Ø20 mm White no-glossy paper 100×100 mm White no-glossy paper 200×200 mm White no-glossy paper 50×50 mm Power supply voltage 12 ~ 24 V DC ±10% Operating mode Light ON / Dark ON selection by switch Volume built-in type

27 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups
2. Specifications 400mm 40 300mm 30 70mm Retro Reflective 7 2m Diffuse Reflective 2 10m 10 7m 1m Through Beam 1 Sensing Distance T Diffuse Reflection R Retro Reflection M Convergent Beam Z Distance Convergent Beam D Detection Photo Sensor Small Size PS Description Code Model Red LED Infrared LED None LED Indicator PNP P Output NPN N 10 ~ 50mm 5 10 ~ 40mm 4 10 ~ 30mm 3 3 ~ 30mm 1 ~ 40mm

28 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups
PW series Model Code Information PW Photo Sensor Small Wide Type Detec tion D Distance convergent Beam Sensing distance 10 10~100mm 15 10~150mm 20 10~200mm LED indicator Infrared LED R Red LED Output N NPN output P PNP output 1. Specifications Distance Convergent Beam 2. Rating Model NPN PW-D10RN PW-D10N PW-D15N PW-D20N PNP PW-D10RP PW-D10P PW-D15P PW-D20P Type Distance Convergent Beam Sensing Distance 10-100mm 10-150mm mm Detecting object White no-glossy paper 100 x 100 mm Power supply voltage V DC ±10%

29 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups
PY series Model Code Information PW PY series Detec tion T Through Beam Sensing distance 3 3m Output N NPN open collector output P PNP open collector output Operation D Dark On L Light On 1. Specification 2. Rating M O D E l Type PY-T3N (NPN) PY-T3P (PNP) PY-T3N-D PY-T3N-L PY-T3P-D PY-T3P-L Emitter PY-TL3 Receiver PY-TR3N-D PY-TR3N-L PY-TR3P-D PY-TR3P-L Detectable object Opaque object over ø5mm Power voltage V DC ± 10 % (Ripple P-P : Max. ± 10 %) Current consumption In case of rating Voltage 24 V DC, Trns : 23 mA, Rcvr : Max. 18 ㎃

30 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Product groups
PR series 1. Specification Detection Model Sensing distance Power supply voltage Operation Mode Output Body reflection PR-R300NC 300mm 12 – 24 V DC By control line, Light ON/ Dark ON / Selecting Mode Switching  (but, Through-Beam has only in the receiver) NPN output PR-R300NP Mirror reflection PR-M1NP 0.1-1m PR-M2NC 0.3-2m PR-M2NP Through-beam type PR-T10NC 10m 2. Ration Model PR-T10NP, PR-T10NC Type Through-beam type Sensing distance 10m Sensing object Opaque above Φ 10 ㎜ Current Consumption Transmitter : 15 ㎃ Receiver : 20 ㎃ Operation Mode By control line, Light ON / Dark ON selecting mode switching (but, through-beam has only in the receiver) Round type photo sensor

31 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Application example
2nd floor 1st floor Sensing object U type sensor Elevator elevator Product Factory Automation Line Elevator position detection (PU)

32 ( PHOTO SENSOR ) – Application example
Glass bottle level detection Object detection on conveyor

33 ( AREA SENSOR ) What is area sensor? Function of Area Sensor
Expansion of universal photo sensor for detecting a specific area by using multiple beams Function of Area Sensor Mutual interference prevention function ( M/S Mode ) Automatic sensitivity correction function Output short-circuit protection

34 ( AREA SENSOR ) – PAS PAS Series 1. Specification Model Code
Information PAS- Photo Area Small Detective type T Through-beam type Number of optic axis 4 4 optical axis 8 8 optical axis 12 12 optical axis 16 16 optical axis 20 20 optical axis Output type N NPN open collector P PNP open collector

35 +12 - +24 V DC ±10 % ( Ripple bellow 10 % )
( AREA SENSOR ) - PAS 2. Rating Model NPN PAS-T08N PAS-T12N PAS-T16N PAS-T20N PNP PAS-T08P PAS-T12P PAS-T16P PAS-T20P Sensor Type Emitter PAS-TL08 PAS-TL12 PAS-TL16 PAS-TL20 Receiver PAS-TR08N PAS-TR12N PAS-TR16N PAS-TR20N PAS-TR08P PAS-TR12P PAS-TR16P PAS-TR20P Number of  optical axis 8 12 16 20 Sensing range 140 mm 220 mm 300 mm 380 mm Power voltage V DC ±10 % ( Ripple bellow 10 % ) Current consumption Bellow 100 mA Bellow 110 mA Bellow 120 mA Bellow 130 mA Operating mode ON operation for all optical axis input [OFF operation for one or more optical axis shading] Protection circuit Auto sensitivity compensation, Mutual interference prevention in parallel installation (M/S mode), Reverse polarity protection, Overcurrent protection

36 ( AREA SENSOR ) - PAN PAS Series 1. Specification 2. Rating Model Code
Information PAN- Photo Area Aluminum Type Optical axis pitch 20 10/20/40mm Sensing method T Through-beam type Number of optical axes 16 PAN series 24 Output N NPN open collector P PNP open collector Model NPN PAN10-N PAN20-N PAN40-N PNP PAN10-P PAN20-P PAN40-P Detection Through-beam Sensing distance Max 2 m Max 7 m Detectable object Opaque object above ø17 mm Opaque object above ø32 mm Opaque object above ø52 mm Power supply V DC ±10 % ( Ripple bellow 10 % ) Current consumption Bellow 220 mA Bellow 170 mA 100 mA

37 Sensors that connect fiber to light source of photo sensor
[ F I B E R S E N S O R ] Sensors that connect fiber to light source of photo sensor Fiber instead of lenses Maximum Flexibility 1) Configuration of fiber sensor ( Amp Unit ) ( Fiber Unit ) ( Sensor controller )

38 [ F I B E R S E N S O R ] 2) Specifications Can be installed anywhere
Can detected fine objects Detectable even at high temperatures (when using a heat resistant fiber unit) Since no current flows, it is not affected by noise at all 3) Configuration and Principles Incidence of ray Full reflection Core material (High refractive index) Covering material (Low refractive index)

39 ( F I B E R S E N S O R ) - PG 1) (Amp Unit) 2. Rating PG Series
1. Specification Model PG-TG PG-TR PG-TAG PG-TAR Detective type Decided according to combination with fiber unit (object reflection type) Light source Green Red Power supply V DC Operation mode ( LIGHT ) ON / ( DARK ) ON, Switching by Switch Output NPN voltage output Model PG-TAR Detective type Object reflection Sensing distance The size, surface condition, and gloss of the object to be detected Detecting object Opaque object above Φ0.4 ㎜ Current consumption Bellow 40 mA Output operation ( LIGHT ON) / ( DARK ON) Switch Selection of switching action

40 ( F I B E R S E N S O R ) - PFD PDF Series 1. Specification 2. Rating
Model Code Information PFD 10Bit A/D built in 40Digit display type Light source R Red LED Usage G Universal (Mark) M Multi-function (Mark/RPM/COUNTER) External output N NPN open collector P PNP open collector A RS232 *order specification B RS485 *order specification Type Display method Rated voltage 12-24 V DC ±10%(Ripple bellow 10%) Current consumption Bellow 50 mA On/Off Delay 1 ~ 9999ms Output operation ( LIGHT ON) / ( DARK ON) Normal output, On Delay, Off Delay, One Shot Time output ※Multi-function: Control output without opening/closing with RPM/COUNTER function built-in

41 Power supply for sensor Connectable sensor (input)
( Sensor controller ) - HPAN 3) Sensor controller Controls the system by converting sensor signals into various logic types and outputting them to relay or transistors HPAN Series HPAN-C7(Universal), CT7(Timer function), C7W(For connecting two built-in sensors), HPA12 1. Rating Model HPAN-C7 HPAN-CT7 HPAN-C7W Appearance 80(W)×80(H)×32(D) Function category General High function 2 Channel Attachment type DIN rail mounting Rated voltage 85∼264VAC (50/60㎐) Current consumption about 5 V A Power supply for sensor 12 V DC ( ±10% ), Load current : bellow 200 mA Connectable sensor (input) Sensors for NPN transistor output and relay output

42 FS-3A (High sensitivity) FS-3A (Low sensitivity)
( Sensor controller ) – FS-3A FS-3A (Floatless level switch ) 1. Rating Water supply and drainage control Model FS-3A (High sensitivity) FS-3A (Low sensitivity) Appearance 49(W)×62(H)×91(D) Rating voltage 110 V AC / 220 V AC (50/60㎐) Allowable voltage ±10% of Rating voltage

43 Use rotating object rpm detection function
( F I B E R S E N S O R ) – Applied example Enable Mark presence detection (PFD-RGN) Use object detection and counter integration (PFD-RMN) Use rotating object rpm detection function





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