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Public-Private Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction:

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1 Public-Private Partnership for Disaster Risk Reduction:
Experience from Korea 2nd Disaster Experts Conference on DRR Technology & Policy Sharing in Asian Countries David Oliver KASDAN, PhD Graduate School of Governance, Sung Kyun Kwan University

2 Background Public-private partnerships in Korea have a 50 year history as the central government has driven development with support and incentive to companies for specific policy objectives While Korea does not suffer as many disasters as its regional neighbors, it has nonetheless begun the development of a DRR technology industry to meet global demands Ministry of Public Safety and Security is working with researchers, industry, and foreign officials to advance the technology applications for DRR

3 Ministry of Public Safety and Security
This project is supported by the Korean Ministry of Public Safety and Security (MPSS). MPSS is an organization for ensuring the safety of people and disaster management that handles all sorts of disasters and safety problems. It was established in an effort to create a prompt, comprehensive system to cope with disasters and safety problems.

4 Site Project Overview Global DRR Technology site serves the community of professionals, researchers, and citizens who have interest in DRR and the attendant industries. This site serves as a source of information about disasters and DRR technology, as well as providing a forum for visitors to communicate and share ideas. The site provides extensive information about DRR Technology, DRR Education, DRR Policy, as well as Case Studies, and a Community section for a variety of interactions.

5 Policy and research for global disaster management
A joint partnership with the MPSS, university researchers, and foreign advisory consultants Cooperation with UNISDR and other organizations Objective is a comprehensive web-based information and product market for East Asian DRR technology

6 Linking Policy to Technology
One of the key needs is to further develop the unique aspect of the project: bringing DRR technology into DRR policy plans and implementation The repository of international policies on the site needs to be directly linked to the applicable technology products Future opportunities for DRR technology may also be inspired by policy; innovation driven be need

7 Platform Design: DRR technology classification
Structured Technology Technology Sensor, Radar, CCTV, SNS, DMB, GPS, Broadcast, Siren, Light Bar, Electronic Board, Speaker, etc. Systems Risk assessment, Disaster-induced damage analysis, Flood/Inundation prediction, Evacuation, Early warning, Decision-making, etc. Tools Planning, Risk financing, Risk transfer, Risk insurance, Training, etc. Analytical Models Inundation prediction Water level measuring Weather analysis Rainfall prediction Big data analysis, etc. Non-Structured Technology Standards, Codes, Process, Consulting, etc.

8 Scholarly Research Events and Presentations: Publications:
“Public-Private Partnerships for Disaster Risk Reduction: Experience from Korea” at the 1st Asian Science and Technology Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction, UNISDR, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 August 2016. “Demonstrating to Share DRR Technology” at the UNISDR-GETI International Workshop in Incheon, Korea, 15 April 2016. Publications: Kasdan, D. O. and K. H. Kim (under review). “From K-pop to K-preparedness: Korea confronts disaster reduction.” Kim, Y. K., H. G. Sohn, Y. J. Lee and J. M. Chung (2016), “DRR technology sharing and transfer through web-based platforms: Lessons learned from Korean studies”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 25 No. 4, pp Kasdan, D. O. and K. H. Kim (2016). “Disaster risk reduction, Korean style”, Natural Hazards Observer, Vol. 15 No. 6, pp Lee, Y. J. (2015), “Developing a Web-Based Platform to Share Disaster Risk Reduction Technology”, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp

9 Main Page

10 1-1. DRR Case Study - Problem solving Case

11 1-2. DRR Case Study – Project Case

12 1-3. DRR Case Study – Technology Case

13 2-1. DRR Technology – Search

14 2-2. DRR Technology – DRR Product

15 3-1. DRR Policy – National Policy

16 3-2. DRR Policy – Best Management Practices

17 4-1. DRR Education – Case-Based Learning

18 4-2. DRR Education – Problem-Based Learning

19 4-3. DRR Education – Learning Case Studies

20 5-1. Community – Forum

21 5-2. Community – Reference Sites

22 5-3. Community – Events

23 6-1. Sign up

24 6-2. Log in

25 6-3. Help Desk

26 Thank you for your attention!
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