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Building the Domestic Church

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1 Building the Domestic Church
Michigan State Council Knights of Columbus Summer Leadership Meeting Building the Domestic Church

2 Ken Krause State Membership Director

3 Membership Development Model

4 Leadership Development Model

5 Developing Comprehensive Membership Programs



8 Historical Suspensions and Withdrawals
Total: 3967 Average: 1322 per year June

9 Deaths Total: 4440 Average: June


11 Historical Intake Total: 6685 Average: June

12 Admission Degrees 450 Forms submitted to Supreme June 90 Districts x 12 months = 1080 Average Attendance / Degree 3.2

13 Knighthood Degrees Form 450s submitted to Supreme Degrees Reported YTD – May Average Attendance per Degree 14.6

14 What’s the Prognosis if the Knights of Columbus in Michigan doesn’t grow? What’s the Prescription for turning this situation around?

15 Prescription More Admission Degrees
More Formation and Knighthood Degrees Fewer Suspensions and Withdrawals Recruit New and Reactivated Members and their Families

16 Prescription View Every Activity and Program as a Recruitment Opportunity Activate All Members Communicate with Members Develop Leadership Skills Be Active in Parishes and Communities

17 Prescription View all Programs and Membership Recruitment within the context of Building the Domestic Church Recruit young members and their families

18 Commitment District Deputy: _____________________ District Number: ____________________ July 1 – December 31 District Recruitment Target: _______ X 10% = Your Commitment: _______ Non-Functioning Council Numbers:

19 Michigan Action Plan Membership 365 New Council Development
Round Tables Reactivations Ethnic Outreach College Councils

20 Achieving Membership Recruitment Success
Develop a monthly program using the Fraternal Leader Success Planner Promote Membership 24 / 7 / 365 Every Council Active Church Drives Major Recruitment Activity Use Membership Teams Follow-up by Proposers’ Mentors

21 Programs Programs should ask for volunteers from the parish.
The more visible your programs, the more potential for recruitment.

22 Membership Recruitment and Program
Planning for Success Membership Recruitment and Program Action Plan (Form MI-19) Copy due to DD at the Diocesan Meeting Council activities start July 1 Six months of quality programs with membership components Refinements as needed at district meetings DD submits copies to the Diocesan Membership and Program Directors 22



25 Major Recruitment Activity
Councils schedule each half of the fraternal year. Held in addition to Church Drives and regular recruitment activities. Details submitted to DD at the diocesan meeting. Target: 3 new or reactivated members. Should the drive fall short, the council should review its plan and invite the DD’s suggestions for changes. What could have gone better? 25

26 Major Recruitment Activity continued
Use this information to plan for success in the second major recruiting program. The DD’s experience with programs and membership recruitment are valuable. DDs help councils maximize results with minimal efforts.

27 Key Factors for a Successful Recruiting Drive
Gain pastor / chaplain approval for the program. Actively “work the audience” to solicit new members. Recruitment is a team effort. Insure the membership director has all the help he needs.

28 Membership Teams Membership Director Two or more assistants
Ex-officio members: Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Retention Director, Program Director Use the Admission Committee Survey (1842) 28

29 Duties of a Proposer/Mentor
Shepherd him through the admission process and degrees. Assist achievement of the Shining Armor Award. Encourage council activity. Tactfully follow-up if the new member stops attending council meetings and events.

30 DD Follow-Up is Essential
Roundtables DD Follow-Up is Essential Support for parishes unable to sustain a council Work with pastors / parish councils As appropriate, appoint a coordinator Complete Roundtable form 2630, due June 30 Direct questions to Dan Remeika, State Roundtable Director 30

31 Membership Awards and Incentives

32 The State Convention Membership Award Deadline – May 1
Awards “Quick Start” Council and District Awards State Chaplain / State Deputy Awards Council Membership Director Awards “Finish Strong” Award and District Recognition The State Convention Membership Award Deadline – May 1 32

33 NEW STATE INCENTIVES July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 for All members who recruit a new or reactivated member: Specially Designed Proposer Pin


35 NEW STATE INCENTIVES July All proposers receive $10 gift cards.
August – September Proposers entered in a lottery where 10 are drawn for $50 checks. AND All proposers receive $5 gift cards. 35

36 NEW STATE INCENTIVES October All proposers who recruit 5 new / reactivated members will receive a Pen and Pencil set.

37 Exemplary Public Relations Award (MI-22)
Quality councils communicate with their members, parishes, communities as well as State and Supreme publications. They are known and recognized as organizations to which men and their families want to belong. They recognize their members contributions. 37

38 38


40 Exemplary Public Relations Award Process
Upon completion of criteria, council submits form MI-22 to District Deputy for verification. District Deputy submits form to the State Public Relations Director. Awards presented at the Summer Diocesan meetings. 40

41 Programs / Recruitment Methods
Ed Nickel Assistant Membership Dir.

42 Church Drives are held 4 times per year
August Fr. Michael J. McGivney birthday drive Mid-October 7-8 or October 14-15, Columbus Day Drive March , 2018 Founder’s Drive April 14-15, 2018 After Easter Drive

43 Information Night Held after the Church Drive
All new potential members and families are invited to attend The speakers should be the Grand Knight, District Deputy, Father and the General Agent NO ALCOHOL SHOULD BE SERVED!!!!

44 Recruitment Tools and Techniques
The following tools and techniques are recommended by the Supreme Council as effective in recruiting new members. Experience demonstrates that they work!

45 Every Council Active Initiative
In order for a council to survive they need to recruit new members. New members are needed to support your councils programs. Failure to recruit will lead to a council that is being set up to fail Why did you join your council?

46 Membership 365 Members at the Council level need to be encouraged to think about membership at every opportunity Council membership director should speak at every council meeting

47 One-on-One Recruitment
One-on-One remains the most productive recruitment tool Show interest in the potential new Knight and not just another member Never give up - You never know when he will say YES !

48 Council Chaplain / Pastor Invitation
All of the following are with the approval of the Pastor Compose a letter inviting the potential member and his family to an information night Follow up with a telephone call requesting the potential member and family attend the information night

49 Catholic H.S. Partnership
Establish partnerships that will benefit the high school students and the council. Support school events. Include the school on mailing lists.

50 Partnerships Invite students to assist in a K of C activity for service credit. Donate back to the school when they provide assistance at a council fund raising event. Ask to address senior male students in the spring about the K of C.

51 24 Hour Knight 4 hrs a year – corporate communion
4 hrs a year – attend at least 2 meetings 4 hrs a year – helping church and community programs 2 hrs a year – supporting council programs 4 hrs a year – helping at council functions 4 hrs a year – enjoying council social functions 2 hrs a year – reading Supreme, council news

52 Power of 10 Each Council should select a Chairman to lead the Power of 10 (8-6-4) The Council roster then should be divided among the Power of 10 team Each team should contact members of their council to see which programs the members have an interest in participating

53 Information Table Should consist of:
Pictures of council members in action Pictures of your current council officers Council awards Copy of your council brochure Copies of Supreme information brochures Regalia from the 4th Degree A bib from the MI-Drive with a bowl of Tootsie Roll miniatures

54 Turning Passive Recruitment into Active Membership
Every Council project or activity presents an opportunity for membership growth When you see a family sitting by themselves go a talk with them. Let them know about who we are / how we support various charities / how we support our Church

55 Three for Life Councils suspend / lose more members in the first three years after the man makes his Initiation degree Councils fail to get the new Knight involved Council need to communicate better with new members Council need to get the proposers or a mentor involved with the new Knight

56 State & Supreme Expense Forms
David Bergeman Assistant State Program Director

57 Found on-line at &
District Deputy Expense Report Supreme Expenses District Deputy Form #267 Found on-line at &

58 District Deputy Expense Report Instructions on back of expense form
Supreme Expenses District Deputy Form #267

59 Reimbursable Expenses by Supreme
$0.30 per mile within District Parking & tolls while on official business Meals while attending council meetings Long distance phone calls Hotel & meals while attending Organization and Mid-year meetings

60 Non-reimbursable from Supreme
Guest meals Clerical assistance Printing & copying expenses Postage or stationary Travel expenses outside of district without prior authorization Expenses incurred while attending state meetings (i.e. convention, etc.)

61 District Deputy Expense Report
Supreme Expenses District Deputy Form #267 All supporting receipts must be attached Completed form and receipts to be sent to State Deputy for approval; Should be filed quarterly

62 District Deputy Expense Report
State Expenses District Deputy Form #MI 14 All supporting receipts must be attached Completed form and receipts to be sent to State Deputy for approval Should be filed quarterly

63 District Deputy Expense Report Instructions on tab of expense form
State Expenses District Deputy Form #MI 14

64 State Training Initiative
Joe Munie State Training Director


66 State Advocate Key Issues
Walter Winkle State Advocate





























95 What Every DD Needs to Know to Build the Domestic Church
Thomas Wegener Supreme Director


97 July 1 ???

98 What Every DD Needs to Know and Do A Recipe for Membership Growth
Thomas M. Wegener, PSD Supreme Director Chair, Membership Committee, Supreme Council Board of Directors

99 What Every DD Needs to Know and Do A Recipe for Membership Growth
Dannie Harris, PSD Supreme Membership Program Consultant Fraternal MIssion

100 You have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have!
JRR Tolkien

101 care & well being of all councils within his district.
Job Description of District Deputy The DD is responsible for the supervision, membership growth, expansion, general care & well being of all councils within his district.

102 Michigan's Intake Trend 2010 - 2017 2010-2011 2456 2011-2012 2612
2457 2205 2270 2210 2100? Michigan's Intake Trend


104 Over the Last Ten Years:
Membership recruitment: From over 3,000 per year to just over 2,000 per year. 165 Councils have increased their membership by a total of 5,183 members. 41 New Councils have been instituted adding a total of 2,461 members  221 Councils have lost net membership by a total of – 11,832 brother knights.

105 Over the Last Ten Years:
Which brings us to the number of today. Over the past ten years Michigan’s membership has declined from 70,480 to under 66,000. This decline is just over a 6% loss of membership. At the same time the Order in the United States has grown by over 40,000. Read the Screen

106 Over the Last Ten Years:
Membership recruitment: Averages 3,000 per year 165 Councils have increased their membership by a total of 5,183 members. 41 New Councils have been instituted adding a total of 2,461 members  221 Councils have lost net membership by a total of – 11,832 brother knights What If:

107 Over the Last Ten Years:
Which brings us to the number of today. Over the past ten years Michigan’s membership has declined increased from 70,480 to under 66,000 70,648. This decline is just over a 6% loss of membership. At the same time the Order in the United States has grown by over 40,000. What If:

108 Anything less is trouble!
3,000 is Michigan’s Membership Intake Floor Michigan 3,000 3,000 Anything less is trouble!

109 Need to turn Nomentum into Momentum

110 Michigan’s Demographic Problem

111 Michigan’s Demographic Problem

112 Who are the Knights of Columbus?
Do we know who the Knights of Columbus are? How do we Market Ourselves?

113 Members feel that the organization is more Catholic and Philanthropic than it is fraternal.
Internally, Knights of Columbus receives overwhelmingly positive impressions with many referencing its Catholic, family, and service values. The wider community identifies several concerning misperceptions including older, elitist, and beer driven. Not surprisingly, most councils are comprised of middle to older aged white males and therefore lacking in diversity. The majority of members believe their Council is growing and likely won’t see the need to focus on recruitment and retention unless this perception is changed.

114 Mission & Motivations For Joining Knights of Columbus
Knights believe they are charged with supporting the community and the priest, as well as building on their faith. The desire to give back and to continue the family legacy of knighthood are strong motivating factors for membership, as is the opportunity to grow in and serve the Catholic faith. Members also point out that fellow Knights are a second family and support mechanism. In addition, Knights of Columbus involves the entire family in events rather than pull fathers away. Insurance is an added bonus.

115 You have been chosen, and you must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as you have!
JRR Tolkien

116 Reasons for more Members?
Do not put stock in those that say all Supreme cares about are numbers. What we care about is fewer hungry children, what we care about is less of our kids becoming alcoholics or drug users and pregnant out of wedlock. What we care about is fewer divorces where kids are traumatized for the rest of their lives. What we care about is being able to afford your mortgage payment, your health insurance, your children’s education when you die unexpectedly. What we care about is the defense of the Catholic Church and our solidarity with our Bishops and Priests.

117 Reasons for more Members?
Need more Hands, more Heads, More Hearts to do the work of the Order. Make our Councils attractive to new members by offering programs for them, and by them. Make our Councils attractive to new members by including them in programs and leadership. Moral Obligation to Offer Membership In Our Order to Every Eligible Catholic Man False Argument: Quality over Quantity

118 How Can I Help? 70% Solution
District Deputy Goal = 70% of the total of your councils’ goals (DD Report), in any combination. 100% of District Deputies make their 100% Goal = 3,000+ new members for Michigan

119 25% Star Council Solution and a little help from their friends
How Can I Help? 25% Star Council Solution and a little help from their friends When 25% of the smallest councils in each of Michigan’s 3 Horse Race Heats make their goal (McGivney Award) AND Then the remaining 75% of councils make only 50% of their goal Michigan is well over 4,000 new members annually - Fact

120 Star Council Award: Earn the Father McGivney Award for membership growth; Earn the Founders’ Award for insurance growth; Earn the Columbian Award for well-rounded council programs, Submit the Columbian Award Application (#SP-7); Submit the Service Program Personnel Report (#365); Submit the Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (#1728); and Remain current with assessments from Supreme Council Headquarters

121 Star Council Award Checklist Checklist

122 Why Recruit?

123 Reasons we recruit Build up the Church
Evangelization of our Catholic faith Grow and enhance witness to our Catholic faith Promote and engage others in a better prayer life.

124 Reasons we recruit Sharing opportunity to serve others.
Give back to the community Develop relationships with other Catholic families Assist others to become leaders

125 Reasons we recruit For activity suggestions and programming ideas.
New members bring new experiences, ideas and talents. New members infuse new enthusiasm into a council.

126 Reasons we recruit Support the financial needs of the council, through dues and working at fundraising events. Provide opportunity to participate in the Order’s top rated insurance programs. They can participate in our annuities, long term care programs and other fraternal benefits.

127 Reasons we recruit Eventual replacement of what WE contribute today, as volunteers and as leaders. Growth of our Order. With 1.75 million members and growing. Strength in numbers. For continued growth in volunteer hours and dollars contributed to worthy causes.

128 Reasons we recruit Fulfill Fr McGivney’s vision.
Fulfill God’s instruction to us; to know, to love and to serve Him on this earth. Knowing we did something good for another Catholic man and his family, the church and community.

129 Reasons we recruit St Theresa of Avila said,
“Yours are the only hands with which God can do His work, and yours are the only eyes through which God’s compassion can shine upon a troubled world”.

130 “Our truest value is being a value to others”
Reasons we recruit “Our truest value is being a value to others”

131 Membership Opportunities
Young Adult Recruitment Insurance/Fraternal Partnership Pastor/Fraternal Partnership Member Mentorship Program Ethnic Recruitment

132 Membership Opportunities
Young Adult Recruitment This is the question: Are my son and his friends members of my Order? Do we know what they want? Are we prepared to offer this to them?

133 Membership Opportunities
Insurance/Fraternal Partnership Don’t our fellow members, who offer insight into our fraternal benefits, deserve the opportunity to meet with our members without prejudice? Isn’t Fraternal and Insurance two sides of the same coin? Where would we be, as an Order, if we didn’t protect our own families?

134 Membership Opportunities
Pastor/Fraternal Partnership Is it easy being a ‘Man In Black’? 24/7 preaching, 24/7 administering, 24/7 living in the real world Are our councils offering themselves to their pastors? Building the Domestic Church Are we offering our families to our pastors? Building the Domestic Church

135 Membership Opportunities
Member Mentorship Program Are members that do not come to meetings good members? Our officers must understand that not everyone can make every (or any) meeting. Call him or text him (no ) minimum every six months, talk to him, invite to function or charity. Every member is one of our own.

136 Membership Opportunities
Member Mentorship Program Recruiter vs Mentor Duties of a Proposer Cannot Work with a Super Recruiter Mentor Committee Under the Retention Director Officer Mentor – Who is waiting for your position? DD Shelf Life. Sales

137 Membership Opportunities
Ethnic Recruitment Is Ethnic Recruitment only Hispanic? NO! Search out those Catholic Churches that are not Orthodox Eastern Rite Vietnamese Pilipino Korean Every Eligible Catholic Man Diocesan Parish Listing will help you find those hidden parishes.

138 Membership Opportunities
Young Adult Recruitment Insurance/Fraternal Partnership Pastor/Fraternal Partnership Member Mentorship Program Ethnic Recruitment By availing yourselves of these five categories you will open the councils to new members, and in the end ….

139 Inclusive Membership Your councils will be more diverse, more inclusive, much stronger and vibrant.

140 Goals: More Members More Members More Members More Members


142 Plan: Checklist _______________

143 Supreme Council Resources _______________
Plan: Checklist Supreme Council Resources _______________

144 Supreme Council Resources State Council Resources _______________
Plan: Checklist Supreme Council Resources State Council Resources _______________

145 Supreme Council Resources State Council Resources
Plan: Checklist Supreme Council Resources State Council Resources District Deputy Buy In _______________

146 Supreme Council Resources State Council Resources
Plan: Checklist Supreme Council Resources State Council Resources District Deputy Buy In Believe In Success

147 Supreme Council Resources
MPC - Supreme Membership Program Consultant Webinars (Training Portal) Officer’s Desk Reference Pamphlets Videos Online District Reporting

148 State Council Resources
Diocesan Membership Director State Membership Director Diocesan Program Director State Program Director State Training Director State Website

149 District Deputy Buy In Michigan Needs Your Leadership
Educator / Mentor for Councils Shepherd During Troubled Times Your Knowledge Can Open Doors You Can Dispel The “We Haven’t Done It That Way Before” Narrative



152 Thank you.

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