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New Student Orientation

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Presentation on theme: "New Student Orientation"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Student Orientation
Columbus State Community College Department of Nursing

2 Student Nurse Handbook
Introduction: Approval of the Nursing Program, Accreditation of the Nursing Program, Philosophy, and Nursing Program Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Nursing Program Outcomes (NGOs)

3 Student Nurse Handbook
College Policies and Nursing Program Policies

4 Student Nurse Handbook
Section 19: Health Records Health Requirements: are your responsibility! Health requirements listed in your health packet must be complete and on file before you may register. The due date is October 5, 2016. Go to the Health Records Office, Union Hall 132, if you have questions or concerns.

5 Student Nurse Handbook
Section 27: Background Checks and Drug Screenings Fingerprinting and drug screen must be completed. A valid CPR card must be submitted. Will not be permitted to register until results have been received and processed. Registration opens October 17, Must be registered by November 28, 2016.

6 Student Nurse Handbook
Section 7: Student Code of Conduct Professional and Ethical Behavior

7 Social Media Use and Professionalism

8 Advisor/ Advisee System
Section 25.1: Nursing Program Academic Advising Meet with your nursing program academic advisor after orientation

9 DARS Check every semester

10 Change of Address Section 35: Change of name or address with
College Records and Registration AND The Nursing Office Use your CSCC address

11 Mailboxes

12 Insurance Section 17: Liability Insurance is covered in the lab fees
Health Insurance is not covered

13 Uniforms (Section 37)

14 Student Identification Badge
To obtain: Go to Cashiers Office. Tell them you need a Student Nurse Badge Go to Student Central to obtain badge. Wait until you are registered for a NURS course. Take your receipt from the Cashiers Office Make sure to ask for a hole punch and hang device for your Student Nurse Badge

15 Return to School Form (Appendix 1)
This is to be returned to the health records office prior to returning to class, lab or seminar.

16 Section 42: Progression in the Nursing Program
Out of Sequence Form Petitioning

17 GRADUATION!! After a short break we’ll resume orientation for
NURS 1871

18 NURS1871 Concept based curriculum Online environment Plan of study

19 Concept Based Curriculum
Student understanding is improved when students focus on broad concepts that cross environmental settings, the lifespan, health & illness (Giddens & Wright, 2012) Reflects current practice trends Integration of newer teaching strategies I would like to give you a brief overview of the changes we have made to the curriculum and why… One of the biggest issues was content saturation (increasing quantities of information, so much so that it has become difficult to teach or learn this content during the length of the program. To remedy this we have gone with a Concept Based Curriculum, it works by teaching essential nursing concepts for example “pain & oxygenation” and then picking representative samples of client situations or problems as a way of teaching each concept The outcome is that students should be able to understand the concept and then apply it to new situations.


21 Registration for NURS 1871 When registration opens, you will register for a section of NURS 1871 that includes: Lecture, Seminar, Lab and Clinical (traditional) Lab and clinical (blended) Blended section will be labeled as B01, B02 etc. Traditional section will be labeled as 001, 002, etc. You can only register for the track you chose when you applied to the program. We understand that all of the times my not be your first choice BUT you must register for a time that fits best (not perfect) for your schedule. We cannot accommodate the personal schedules. 

22 Just a reminder….. Fingerprinting…
Fingerprinting and drug screen must be completed in order to register. This means CSCC must have the results on file. If you are “complete” and ready for registration you will note on your DARS that you are listed as a NURS.AAS (traditional) or NURS.WEB.AAS (Blended) Registration opens October 17, Must be registered by November 28, 2016.

23 NURS 1104 If you took NURC 1102 between Autumn and Autumn 2016 you do not need to take NURC If you do not enter in Spring 2017, you will need to take NURC 1104. If you did not take NURC 1102, you will need to register for NURS 1104. NURC 1104 (nursing skills) will be offered on Thursday and Friday. Please pay attention when registering for NURC 1104 what your schedule is for NURS (You can’t be in two places at the same time )

24 Class times: Traditional Track
Clinical will be1day,hours in length each week: Tuesday or Wednesday 7am-11 or 3pm-7. There are some sections with TBA. If you are able to be flexible in your schedule this is helpful. Lab will be 2 hours in length each week: Lab will be Wednesday for traditional Friday for blended Seminar will be 2 hours in length each week: Seminar will be Monday Lecture will be 2 hours in length each week: Lecture will be Monday 8-10am

25 Class times: Blended track
Clinical will be 1 day, 4 hours in length each week: Clinical will be Friday or Saturday 7am-11/or/ Tuesday or Wednesday 3-7pm There are some sections with TBA. If you are able to be flexible in your schedule this is helpful. You will still be in one of these 4 time slots Lab will be 2 hours in length each week: Lab will be Friday 2-4 or 4-6. Lecture and Seminar are both On-Line activities with assignments that will have weekly due dates.

26 Communication prior to the first day of class
NURS 1871 faculty will provide information to NURS 1871 students via the CSCC nursing website. Please check the website weekly for any course information. If we need to speak with a student individually we will contact you via your CSCC . Please also check this weekly. Faculty for NURS 1871 are: Patricia Brown RN, MSN, Tammy Montgomery RN, MS, Jill Ritchey RN, MS ( s are available on the departmental homepage)

27 Communication/Information
Approximately one month prior to the first day of class we will the NURS clinical list (times and days only not sites) to your CSCC . When Blackboard becomes available, you will have information to prepare for the first day for class.

28 First day of Class The first day of class for all Traditional students will be Wednesday January 18th at 8 am 2pm. The first day of class for all Blended students will Wednesday January 18th at 3pm-9pm. This is course orientation and is mandatory. Missing this orientation will require you to drop the course. Please plan for parking and traffic delays. Both groups will sign onto your online learning environment. Please bring your iPad, tablet or lap top to make this process easier. Phones will not work.

29 Enjoy winter break Contact your advisor regarding any issues related to admission problems Contact the course faculty with any issues related to the NURS 1871 (please remember we cannot accommodate personal schedules) Thank you for choosing CSCC Nursing Program to begin you nursing career. We look forward to an exciting semester beginning January 18th, 

30 Enjoy the Journey!

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