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Welcome to John Marshall Harlan High School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to John Marshall Harlan High School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to John Marshall Harlan High School
Home of the Hawks!

2 Harlan Staff Mr. Harris Coach Salas Principal Head Football Coach
Athletic Director Mrs. Williams Head Counselor

3 Math Credits 3 Science Credits 3 Social Studies 4 English Credits 1 PE Credit 1 Fine Art Credit 2 LOTE Credits 4 Elective Credits .5 Health Credit .5 Speech Credit FOUNDATION GRADUATION PLAN

DISTINGUISHED LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT Text Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math Multi-disciplinary Studies Business & Industry Public Service Arts & Humanities ENDORSEMENTS Text here FOUNDATION GRADUATION PLAN

4 Math Credits 4 Science Credits 4 Social Studies 4 English Credits 1 PE Credit 1 Fine Art Credit 2 LOTE Credits 5 Elective Credits .5 Health Credit .5 Speech Credit FOUNDATION GRADUATION PLAN with an Endorsement

6 Distinguished Level of Achievement
A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: Four credits in Mathematics, which must include Algebra II, and Four credits in Science, The Foundation Graduation Plan with an Endorsement A student must graduate at the distinguished level of achievement to be eligible for automatic admission to a publicTexas university or college through the Top Ten Percent rule.

7 STEM Strands Science Math Technology Engineering
Science and Math strands are fulfilled through the core classes instead of electives and require a total of 5 credits in each area.

8 Business & Industry Strands
Journalism Cyber Security Graphic Design Journalism Public Speech Bus. Management & Administration Audio Video Production Fashion Design Animation Photography Construction Technology Automotive Fashion Design Marketing Culinary Arts

9 Any Business & Industry Elective Sequence
Any B& I Sequence Any B& I Sequence Any B& I Sequence Any B& I Sequence 1 additional science credit 1 additional math credit 1 Additional math credit Text here Completed Business & Industry Endorsement

10 Public Service Endorsement Strands
Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps Education & Training Education & Training Health Science Clinical Health Science Services

11 Public Service Endorsement
Any Public Service Sequence Any Public Service Sequence Any Public Service Sequence Any Public Service Sequence 1 additional science credit 1 additional math credit Completed Public Service Endorsement

12 Arts & Humanities Strands
Social Studies Fine Arts Languages Other Than English Arts & Humanities Strands

13 Any Arts & Humanities Elective Sequence
Any A& H Sequence Any A & H Sequence Any A& H Sequence Any A & H Sequence 1 additional science credit 1 additional math credit 1 Additional math credit Text here Completed Arts & Humanities Endorsement

14 Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement
Journalism 4 Social Studies Credits 4 English Credits (English IV) 4 Math Credits 4 Science Credits OR 4 AP Credits Photography OR Completed Multidisciplinary Studies 4 Dual Credit Courses Fashion Design Marketing

4 math credits, MUST include Algebra II Distinguished achievement necessary for top 10% The course requirements for at least one endorsement The remaining Foundation Graduation Plan 4 science credits Performance Acknowledgments PSAT, SAT, or ACT Commended Scholar or National Merit Finalist 12 or more hours of college credit through dual credit courses AP Test with a score of a 3 or better

16 Planning Your Freshman Year
Now… Let’s look at sample freshman course selections that may be available at your high school.

17 Credit 1 credit is earned for successful completion of a full year course. Most required courses are full year. Credit is awarded at the end of each semester. Semester courses award .5 credit after successful completion. Attendance is critical – no more than 9 absences per semester

18 Freshman Core Courses At Harlan we want every student to be College and Career Ready. We HIGHLY encourage all Freshman to sign up for all Pre-AP classes next year and join an extracurricular activity. English I* Algebra I* or Geometry P-AP (if you took Algebra I in middle school) Biology * World Geography *Course has an EOC assessment Each entering Freshman in the school year will take 4 courses for the core areas of instruction to include English I, Algebra I or Geometry, Biology, and either World Geography or World History.

19 Sample STEM Freshman Schedule
Science Technology Engineering Math English 1 Algebra 1 Biology World Geo. PE LOTE 1 Choir Band Fundamentals of Computer Science Pre-AP Principles of Applied Engineering Football Fine Art This sample STEM Endorsement slide highlights the importance of selecting an Endorsement area as a 9th grader. Note that each sample has 7 courses selected to fill the Freshman student’s schedule. However, while the 7th course for a student interested in Math or Science includes the required Fine Art credit, the student who chooses Engineering should plan to take Concepts of Engineering and Technology. This course is a prerequisite to the courses the student will take as a Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. *NOTE: STEM Students must take Algebra II, Chemistry, and Physics

20 Sample Business and Industry Freshman Schedule
Business Management& Administration Construction Management Journalism Info. Tech. Computer Technician/ Cyber Security Culinary Arts English 1 Algebra 1 Biology World Geo. PE LOTE 1 Principles of Business Management & Administration Principles of Construction Journalism 1 Principles of Information Technology Principles of Human Services On these sample schedules for the Business and Industry Endorsement, note the diversity of the 7th course selected to fit the necessary coherent sequence. **Business & Industry has the most strands to choose from, but remember elective sequences MUST be followed in specific order to complete the endorsement. Please check with Taft Freshman Counselors for questions regarding elective sequences for B & I strands.

21 Sample Arts and Humanities Freshman Schedule
Fine Art Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Social Studies English 1 Algebra 1 Biology World Geo. PE LOTE 1 Fine Art 1 Please note that Music includes Band, Orchestra, Choir, and specialty ensembles such as Stage Band. In the Sample Dance schedule, Dance 1 will fulfill the PE requirement so an additional elective is added. **Fine Arts offered at Taft include: band, orchestra, choir, dance, theater arts, and technical theater.

22 Sample Public Service Freshman Schedule
Education & Training Junior Reserves Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Health Science Clinical Health Science Services English 1 Algebra 1 Biology World Geo. Pep Squad LOTE 1 Principles of Human Services Choir Air Force Science 1 Football Medical Terminology Band

23 Sample Multidisciplinary Studies Freshman Schedule
Go Raiders! 4 advanced courses defined as career and college Or 4 credits in each of four core subject areas including English IV Chemistry, and Physics 4 credits in Advanced Placement Or Dual Credit selected from English, Math, Science, Social Studies, LOTE, or Fine Arts. Multidisciplinary Studies English I Algebra I Biology World Geography PE LOTE 1 Fine Arts While the Multidisciplinary Studies Endorsement area looks very much like the current 4 X 4 graduation plan, the groupings should be noted. This Endorsement allows for advanced college and career ready courses NOT in a coherent sequence. The second option is similar to the current 4 X 4 in that it requires 4 of each core but must include English IV and either Chemistry or Physics. The final option requires either 4 AP OR 4 Dual Credit credits. However, the 4 courses can include LOTE and Fine Arts AP or Dual credit courses. (not just the 4 core areas of the 4 X 4.)

24 Notice to Students and Parents: Select courses with care
Notice to Students and Parents: Select courses with care. Scheduling and assignment of classes are completed prior to the end of the current school year. No schedule changes after June 2, All students are assigned to classes without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap.

25 Endorsement Elective Don’t forget to choose an endorsement and have you AND your parent sign it!

Fill out your 4 year planning sheet- COMPLETELY, TAKE HOME, and RETURN. Return completed 4 year planning sheet to teacher/counselor by deadline with parent signature. In May be watching for a letter from Harlan HS. This letter will include: The courses you have selected for the next school year. A form to return to Harlan if you have any changes or corrections. Pass the 8th grade and become a Hawk! Attend Freshmen “Fish Camp” in August TBA.

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