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Warm-up Take out your signed Syllabus for teacher to check

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Take out your signed Syllabus for teacher to check"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Take out your signed Syllabus for teacher to check
Take out a sheet of Notebook paper. At the top label it WARM-UPS. Write today’s date and answer the following questions. Will Mrs. Church accept late work? Explain. What is the name of our first unit in American History I? Describe the BYOT policy in Mrs. Church’s Classroom. Describe Mrs. Church’s grading policy.

2 Unit 1 Exploration and Colonization
The First Americans

3 Unit Overview

4 The First Americans The first people in the US came following food; nomadic people Theories about how people arrived include- crossing a land bridge, the Bering Strait; traveling by small boats These groups settled and became known as Native Americans or Indians in what is today the Americas

5 First Settlers Arrive

6 South American Natives
Three major groups in South America Mayan Empire AD located on the Yucatan Peninsula; present day Mexico Aztec Empire AD located Valley of Mexico; Mexico City Inca Empire AD 1440s Peru in the Andes Mountains; Ecuador to northern Chile

7 South American Natives continued…
Mayans Largest city Tikal but had many city-states linked by trade Traded salt, flint, honey and cacao beans (chocolate) Agricultural society that grew maize, beans, and squash Used an advance number system and 365 day calendar

8 South American Natives continued…
Aztec Tenochtitlan largest city; built canals and roadways Agricultural society Wealthy kingdom with jewelry and art

9 South American Natives continued…
Incans Cuzco capital city; suspension bridges Agricultural society; llamas Known for medicine and terraces

10 North American Natives
Native American that lived in North America were composed of numerous, distinct tribes and bands Famous groups of North American Natives- Eastern Woodlands Plains Southwestern

11 Native American Tribes

12 Eastern Woodland Natives
Woodlands natives lived in the eastern part of the United States Woodlands natives hunted, gathered, fished and farmed Hunted- deer, bear, squirrels, raccoon Farmed- tobacco, beans, squash, sweet potatoes Built wooden homes/ cabins Major tribes included- Iroquois and the Algonquians

13 Eastern Woodland Natives

14 Plains Natives Plains natives lived in the Central part of the United States on the “plains” Nomadic people Moved following the buffalo Buffalo provided food, clothes and shelter All parts of the buffalo were used Major tribes included Dakota, Cheyenne and Sioux

15 Plains Natives

16 Southwestern Natives Southwestern Natives lived in Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado Known for their jewelry and sculptures (turquoise and silver) Agricultural based Major tribes included Apache, Hopi, Navajo and Pueblo

17 Southwestern Natives

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