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Leave on a note on a classmates desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Leave on a note on a classmates desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leave on a note on a classmates desk.
Surprise them! Try to choose someone who you don’t talk to everyday.

2 Word work- Root words, Prefixes, Suffixes
Migrant Culture Opportunity Immigrant Subculture Migration Multicultural Emigrate Third culture

3 Thick and Thin Questions
Let’s review… 1. How many dogs are in Poland? 2. How have dog breeds changed over time? 3. Who is the most famous dog in the world? 4. How do dogs learn? 5. How is a dog like a cat? 6. How are dogs represented in stories? 7. Where was the first dog found?

4 Tuning in- 3 key concepts
1 Causation 2 Change 3 Perspective Why is it like it is? What makes us a unique culture at ASW ? Why did/do people migrate? How is it changing? How has human migration changed over time? How has migration affected individuals, communities and cultures? What are the points of view? What are different opinions and perspectives about migration? What are stories of migration?

5 Show your understanding


7 Remember what we’ve done..
Push/Pull factors Edo’s mother’s talk Syrian refugee movie Read magazine articles Human rights skits Family migration stories Chechen Research & Talk Be a well rounded researcher-- use a variety of sources! Don’t forget to list your sources.

8 Now it’s time to research and learn more!
Keep asking more’ll be surprised at what you find!

9 Note taking with basic drawing shapes.

10 Sort out your information into similar groups.
Color code Numbers Headings

11 How would you like to share your findings?
Keynote iMovie Realistic fiction story Recorded interview Board Game Due date: Friday, Nov, 25th.

12 Time to reflect and connect!
How do my findings and questions connect to other subjects?

13 How can we learn more? What action will you take after learning this?

14 Ms. Chestnut’s grandparents’ migration stories:

15 Snack- Who’s breakfast?
Is it a balanced meal? I’m working on becoming more Balanced. What learner profile are you working on?

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