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DATA SNAPSHOT Part II Prepared by Cori Herbst-Loehr

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1 DATA SNAPSHOT Part II Prepared by Cori Herbst-Loehr

Prepared by Cori Herbst-Loehr Summary Layout Section One: TEACHER PERCEPTION SURVEY – Slides 3-9 Includes evidence of how each administrative leader scored on the Teacher Perception Survey with an evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses and an analysis of the data. Section Two: Turnover – Slide 10 Includes evidence of teacher turnover and analysis of this evidence as it relates to the success of the programming at KCAA.

3 Strategic Leadership Strategic Leadership Strengths
Teachers rated: "Creates connections between our school's vision and my daily work” as the most effective area of Strategic Leadership practice. (L1 42%, L2 60%, L3 4%) Evaluation: Research indicates that KCAA has a strong mission “To prepare students to engage in the 21st century global community through arts infusion” and vision “We are a dynamic model of successful arts infusion, developing creative, curious and courageous learners.” That is clearly defined to all stakeholders in a variety of methods (website, printed materials, staff handbook, PD, culture building) by the majority of school leaders. Strategic Leadership Weaknesses “Challenges the status quo and leads implementation of initiatives that result in positive change” as the weakest area of effective Strategic Leadership practice. (L1 26%, L2 40%, L3 0%, L1 26%) This data indicates that teachers believe that school based, district, state and federal initiatives are not clearly outlined or delivered in a manner that effects positive change in the school.

4 Instructional Leadership
Instructional Leadership Strengths Teachers rated: “Supports an environment where students develop a passion for learning.” as the most effective area of Instructional Leadership practice. (L1 42%, L2 77%, L3 11%) Evaluation: This data indicates that the majority of leadership promotes an environment that engages students in their learning and assists staff in developing their classrooms to reflect this practice. Instructional Leadership Weaknesses “Supports teachers in the implementation of English Language Acquisition standards and best practices.” as the weakest area of Instructional Leadership practices. (L1 28%, L2 17%, L3 10%) This data indicates that teachers do not feel supported in acquiring the skills or techniques necessary for the implementation of ELA standards and best practices. YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE YOUR SUBTOPICS GO HERE

5 Organization Leadership
Organization Leadership Strengths Teachers rated: “Works in a collaborative manner and fosters collaborative teams.” as the most effective area of Organizational Leadership (L1 45%, L2 57%, L3 4%) Evaluation: This data indicates and is supported by a variety of resources (website, staff handbook, mission/vision) that teachers are encouraged and supported to work collaboratively with administration and colleagues by the majority of leaders. Organization Leadership Weaknesses “Develops effective schedules and ensures that instructional time is highly valued.” As the weakest area of Organization Leadership practice (L1 26%, L2 41%, L3 0%,) This data indicates that staff believe effective scheduling practices are not implemented and that instructional time may not always be highly valued. YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE YOUR SUBTOPICS GO HERE

6 Culture and Equity Leadership
Culture and Equity Leadership Strengths Teachers rated: “Has high expectations for the success of every child at our school.” as the most effective area of Culture and Equity Leadership practice. (L1 49%, L2 73%, L3 11%) Evaluation: This data indicates that the majority of leaders have high expectations for the students at KCAA. Culture and Equity Leadership Weaknesses “Creates a place that feels safe for acknowledging mistakes, learning and exploring growth opportunities.” as the weakest area of Culture and Equity Leadership. (L1 40%, L2 38%, L3 11%) This data indicates that not all teachers feel that the environment is safe and supportive of mistakes and growth. YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE YOUR SUBTOPICS GO HERE

7 Human Resource Leadership
Human Resource Leadership Strengths Teachers rated: “Treats me with respect.” as the most effective area of practice in Human Resource Leadership. (L1 68%, L2 63%, L3 48%) Evaluation: This data indicates that the staff believe they are treated with respect most of the time by a majority of school leadership. Human Resource Leadership Weaknesses “Is open to feedback and learns and grows from that feedback.” as the weakest area of Human Resource Leadership Practice. (L 34%, L1 48%, L3 4%) This data indicates that a majority of teachers believe that leadership is not open to and does not use feed back to learn and grow. YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE YOUR SUBTOPICS GO HERE

Community Leadership Strengths Teachers rated: “Remains positive in interactions and situations that may be frustrating or difficult.” as the most effective area of practice in Community Leadership. (L1 61%, L2 50%, L3 33%) Evaluation: This data indicates that teachers believe that the majority of school leadership is able to remain positive in challenging situations. Community Leadership Weaknesses “Establishes partnerships with community organizations to meet student needs.” as the area of weakness in Community Leadership practice. (L1 40%, L2 46%, L3 5%) This data indicates that creating community partnerships to enhance learning and meet the needs of students is an area that is not met the majority of the time by school leaders. YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE YOUR SUBTOPICS GO HERE

9 Analysis: The Teacher Perception Survey yields results that indicate leadership has a diverse array of strengths and skills. Leadership. For example, one leader has Culture and Equity strengths and one has strength in the area of Human Resource Leadership and another is strong in Community Leadership. If there is one area that all leaders show more unified strength it would be in that of Community Leadership. While each leader demonstrates strengths in a few components across the spectrum of the survey the data indicates that the perception of the staff stakeholders is that there is room to grow in every category. There are correlations between the parent and staff surveys as well. For example, in the areas of Human Resources, Community and Instructional Leadership the lowest scores appear in areas of clear communication as they do in the parent and community survey. Additionally, parents scored the school lower in equitable treatment of students and resolving issues of bullying and those issues were present in the Culture and Equity questions of the survey. It is evident in the data that all of the school leaders believe in the mission of the school and have an investment in the longevity and success of the KCAA program. Below is a graph that calculates all data from the TPS to indicate each school leaders overall effectiveness.

10 Section Two Staff Turn Over 2009/10 – 2012/13
KCAA has added teachers every year to accommodate the growth of the school, but does not effect the percentages of turnover below. ‘Left the School’ data includes teachers who have moved schools within DPS but not left teaching, have been reduced due to staffing allocation changes, retired from teaching, have been removed from the classroom, and have moved states or districts, or left teaching all together. Please note that in 2011/12 an administrative change occurred and this impacted the rate of turnover at a significant level. A higher than normal number of teachers chose to leave the school (but remain in the district) during the administrative changeover. KCAA does not experience an unusually high turnover in staff from year-to-year, which indicates that most teachers are committed and engaged with the school and its program.

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