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Workers’ compensation Program

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1 Workers’ compensation Program
BAM SECTION 1400 Workers’ compensation Program

2 General Information Every employer in CA Including the STATE
Legally uninsured Labor Code §3700 Purchase a yearly policy Participate in Master Agreement Everyone covered No open enrollment No lapse in benefits Employer paid no fault system Covers injury and illness that arise out and in the course of employment AOE/COE Labor Code §3600 1% causation for physical 51% causation for psyche unless traumatic event Section 1401 General Information

3 $??? Million General Information
Workers’ compensation benefits cost the State $??? Million Fiscal year 2010/2011 Increase of $?? million from previous year General Information

4 Employee’s Responsibility
Read and understand all provided material “New Hire” packette Guide to Workers’ Compensation for New State of California Employees Predesignation form Posted Notices Notice To Employees Guide to the State Fund MPN for State of California Employees Report all injuries, illnesses, and incidents Get treatment Posted provider OR Predesignated provider Substantiate any missing time Std 634 or equivalent form Section 1402 Employee’s Responsibility


6 YES – we have an MPN!



9 Employer’s Responsibility
Arrange 1st medical treatment Provide employee’s notice of potential eligibility (3301) Secure accident site Prepare employer’s claim of injury (3067) Submit forms timely Section 1403 Employer’s Responsibility

10 Personnel Office’s Responsibility
Notify employee of all benefit options Options Letter Sample on DPA web site DPA publications for employees I’ve just been injured on the job, what happens now? Supplementing IDL Supplementing TD Pay Industrial Disability Leave (IDL) and/or supplementation timely Must receive verification from State Fund 1st! STD 618s Section 1404 Personnel Office’s Responsibility

11 Sample contact letter can be modified to fit your needs…
DPA’s workers’ compensation program web page

12 See how much your department contributed to the $502 million total!
DPA’s workers’ compensation program web page

13 State Fund’s Responsibility
Claim adjustment Liability determinations Investigations Benefit delivery Legal representation Section 1405 State Fund’s Responsibility

14 Benefits Medical treatment Temporary disability Permanent disability
Subject to Utilization Review Plus mileage if claimed Temporary disability IDL or TD Plus supplementation if requested EIDL If applicable & approved 4800 or time DOJ & CHP officers only Permanent disability Due 14 days after TD ends +/- 15% Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit Paid after claim settlement if no RTW after TD ends Death Paid to dependent(s). Section 1406 Benefits

15 Industrial Disability Leave
3 day waiting period Waived if disabled 14 days, hospitalized, or assaulted Paid by employer to eligible employees AFTER State Fund verifies time PERS or STRS members Limited to 365 days of benefit within 2 years of the first date of disability First 22 days of disability = full net salary Then 2/3 of gross salary (can supplement) Can be used for verified medical appointments Industrial Disability Leave

16 Other salary continuation…
Enhanced Industrial Disability Leave Labor Code 4800 or Time Subject to bargaining unit provision and director approval for specifically caused physical injuries Continues IDL full net salary benefit up to 3 years No supplementation needed Sworn officers ONLY No waiting period Full gross salary up to 1 year or 2080 work hours After 1 year of this benefit, still eligible for 2 years of TD Other salary continuation…

17 Temporary Disability Benefit
3 day waiting period Only served ONCE per claim Paid by State Fund every 14 days to employees not eligible or have exhausted their IDL benefit Limited to 104 weeks within 5 years of DOI 1 year of IDL + 1 year of TD = 2 years of TD benefits Full days only (no medical appointments) 2/3 of average weekly wage (can supplement) Maximum benefit in 2011 = $986.69, in 2012 = $ Minimum benefit in 2011 = $148.00, in 2012 = $151.57 Temporary Disability Benefit

18 Step by Step Instructions
Line by line instructions to complete claim forms. Detailed workers’ comp information for State agencies. Section 1408 Step by Step Instructions

19 FREE Training!! Workers’ Comp: The Beginning Steps
State Controller’s Office Dept of Personnel Administration Workers’ Comp: The Beginning Steps 2 days Workers’ Comp Documentation 3 days (TTY) Return to Work Training Class 3 days once/year Annual Overview Life of a W/C Claim 1 day several times/year Quarterly Forums Simultaneously web cast FREE Training!!

20 Tracy Caldwell 916-445-9760
I love to get questions, if I don’t know the answer, I know someone who does! Tracy Caldwell

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