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Course on An Update on Local Scale Weather Analysis and Weather Forecast Proceedings Bismillah, Assalamualaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh, Good morning.

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Presentation on theme: "Course on An Update on Local Scale Weather Analysis and Weather Forecast Proceedings Bismillah, Assalamualaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh, Good morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course on An Update on Local Scale Weather Analysis and Weather Forecast Proceedings
Bismillah, Assalamualaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh, Good morning everyone. First of all I would like to say “thank you” for this opportunity given to me. My name is Ratih Prasetya from education and training centre of BMKG Indonesia. My TDP titled An Update on Local Scale Weather Analysis and Weather Forecast Proceedings. I have been working this TDP in team with my colleague Mia Khusnul Khotimah from the operational division, Training Development Plan Ratih Prasetya & Mia Khusnul Khotimah Education and Training Centre Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics

2 Course Brief Description
Training Goal To strengthen fct capacity to improve the accuracy of short-term weather forecast Participants 34 forecasters from Met&Clim Coordinator Station + 1 researcher > islands The reasons why I choose this theme of local weather characteristic analysis are: 1. Indonesia is an archipelagic country with various and specific topography, contains of more than islands,34 provinces, more than 1200 fcts that spread in 179 weather stations with 34 coordinator stations which represents each province 2. From my personal experience working 6 years as a fct and from discussions gathered from many workshops and trainings, fcts states a difficulties in recognizing local weather pattern in their area. Recognizing local weather pattern is an ability that significant for them in making short term weather fcts (daily and early warning weather fct), its difficult since Ind. has specific type of local topography that plays a vital role in forming the local weather pattern. So, Its essential to conduct a training of .. to develop a skill in dealing with that matter. Describes the training goals.. Describes about the participants.. Primary (27) and secondary audience (7+1), with specific requirements and pre requisite knowledge (pre assesment) >1200 Forecasters 34 provinces 179 Weather Stations 34 Met&Clim Stations Coordinator

3 Job Competencies Learning Outcomes
Job competencies to be required: Identify local weather characteristic by applying local weather conceptual model (this includes: analysis on local topography, diurnal variation of weather parameters, RGB satellite imagery, radar, surface observations and integrate NWP products) Forecast rainfall distribution utilizing GSMap Learning Outcomes to be addressed: Produce a diagnose on local weather circulation by identifying local surface topography, diurnal pattern and climate type that forming and affecting cloud development Analyze and interpret RGB satellite imagery to monitor and identify stages of cloud development Analyze radar imagery to identifying areas of potential convection and wind shear Utilizing GSMap to analyze rainfall distribution Integrate NWP products into the analysis Referring to the WMO manual No. 1083…. Job comp. are This training is also a project based learning as the implementation of applying conceptual model in making short range fcts, the participant demanded to produce a document of operational reference thst is beneficial for both fct in the stations and in BMKG headquarter. So there expected to be 34 document to be compiled by the end of this training. Fyi, me and my colleagues are still working in preparing the project template, as you see.. And we haven’t finish it yet.. We havent translate it into english also im sorry..

4 Solutions – Blended Learning
KEY DESIGN DECISIONS Identifying local scale weather characteristic: Climatological type, surface topography, local circulation Diurnal Pattern: Synoptical data: Surface data of Temp, MSLP, surface wind Satellite and Radar analysis: Identify convective cloud development GSMap Rainfall Distribution L E A R N I N G Reading Resouces (BMKG moodle, digital library & online module) Forum Discussions Case Studies Simulations Small Group Duscussions Quizzes Project of Operational Reference Self-directed Learning Learning from Colleagues Coaching Online Learning (10 weeks) Initial Assesment Formative Assesment Summative Assesment This is the design decisions. First is the course content that includes 4 main topics: identifying local scale weather characteristic, diurnal pattern (processing the synoptical data), satellite and radar analysis, and GSMap to analyse the rainfall distribution. Second is the learning solutions that would be Blended Learning: Self directed learning, learning from colleagues, coaching and 10 weeks duration of online training. Third is the learning activities, in the form of: reading resources using BMKG moodle, digital library and online module. Forum discussions, case studies, simulation, small group discussion, quizzes and the project of operational reference. The fourth would be learning assesment plan divided into: Initial assesment (by selecting participant through the nominees skill background and the pre requisite knowledge as mentioned in the announcement letter). Formative assesment will be conducted during the course in the form of quizzes and the gradually submission of Operational reference to measure their understanding of each topic material. And the summative assesment after the course in quiz also and the final operational reference. Course Content Solutions – Blended Learning Activites Assessment Plan

5 Challenges & Discussions
Network & Infrastructure New training approaches Simulation‘s tools and techniques Large Scope of content Big number of participant Budget This all the 6 challenges in this training, I remarks the challenge to be discussed with the yellow stars, as you can see here, as I hope I might get some help in: Large scope of the content: how to choose and lessen the content, but still not reducing the essential of the learning outcomes Big number of participant: whether the content fit the 10 weeks long duration, how to manage the coaching matter, monitoring every one’s progress Simulation and tools: which effective and suitable types of simulator tools and techniques that support the content since this is a new approach of learning activities even for facilitator in BMKG. That would be all my presentation,, thank you very much.

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