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February 13, 2017 In paragraph 2, the word quivery means that Ramona –

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1 February 13, 2017 In paragraph 2, the word quivery means that Ramona –
“Ha-ha, I get to ride the bus to school all by myself,” Ramona bragged to her big sister, Beatrice, at breakfast. Her stomach felt quivery with excitement at the day ahead, a day that would begin with a bus ride just the right length to make her feel a long way from home but not long enough-she hoped- to make her feel care-sick. In paragraph 2, the word quivery means that Ramona – ________________________________________________ 4th Grade

2 February 13, 2017 What change if any, should be made in sentence 1?
(1) “Mom, do I have to practice the piano, “ I complained. What change if any, should be made in sentence 1? Delete the comma after Mom Change the comma after piano to a question mark Change the period after complained to a question mark No changes need to be made Click Here to Learn More About Duke Ellington 4th Grade

3 I love reading! February 14, 2017
Happy Valentines Day! Ramona had reached the age of demanding accuracy from everyone, even herself. All summer, whenever a grown-up asked what grade she was in, she felt as if she were fibbing when she answered, “third,” because she had not actually started the third grade. In this paragraph, the word fibbing means - surprised angry disappointed lying I love reading! 4th Grade

4 I love writing! February 14, 2017 “Yes you do,” she answered.
Happy Valentines Day! “Yes you do,” she answered. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 2? Add a comma after Yes Change the comma after do to a period Change she to She Make no change I love writing! 4th Grade

5 February 15, 2017 She thought about her father’s new part-time job zipping around in a warehouse on a fork-life truck, filling orders for orange juice, peas, fish sticks, and all the other frozen items the markets carried. Read the dictionary entry. Which meaning of zipping is used in the paragraph? A. Meaning 1 B. Meaning 2 C. Meaning 3 D. Meaning 4 zipping - \‘zip’ing\ verb to move with speed to wake up or make more active to collect for a purpose to care for and help grow 4th Grade

6 February 15, 2017 “Whos Duke Ellington?” I asked.
What change, if any, should be made in sentence 6? Change Whos to Who’s Change the question mark after Ellington to a comma Change the period after asked to a question mark Make no change Click Here to Listen to Duke Ellington's Music 4th Grade

7 February 16, 2017 Read these sentences from the story –
What do the author’s comments about dogs show? ________________________________________________ I’m only afraid of dogs when there’s a pack of them, running furiously after me, drooling hungrily, eager to tear me to tiny shreds. 4th Grade

8 February 16, 2017 (10) He quit the lessons. (11) He forgot about the piano. What is the BEST way to combine sentences 10 and 11? He quit the lessons and forgetting about the piano. Forgetting about the piano, he quit the lessons. After quitting the lessons, he was forgetting about the piano. He quit the lessons and forgot about the piano. Click Here to Read More About Duke Ellington 4th Grade

9 February 17, 2017 The growls turned to low whimpers. The dogs backed up, started to retreat. The huge black dog with the black eyes lowered his head and loped slowly away. The others followed. What does the word retreat mean? become aggressive run towards go away howl and growl 4th Grade

10 February 17, 2017 (12) Later he heard ragtime music and he changed his mind about the piano. Change heard to herd Add a comma after music Change changed to changes Make no change 4th Grade

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