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Using Drama-Based Pedagogy in the CULF Classroom

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Presentation on theme: "Using Drama-Based Pedagogy in the CULF Classroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Drama-Based Pedagogy in the CULF Classroom
Professor Shannon Baley University Studies (

2 WHAT is drama-based pedagogy?
HOW can we use it in the CULF classroom (or any college classroom)? WHY is it useful?

3 How do we want to engage our students in the CULF classes?
First, a question: How do we want to engage our students in the CULF classes?

4 Students with an education rich in arts-based pedagogy benefit from:
Improved “habits of mind”; Improved academic achievement; Improved student engagement and motivation; Improved cultural literacy; and, Improved personal and social skills (President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities, 2011)

5 WHAT is drama-based pedagogy?

6 uses active and dramatic approaches to engage participants in
Drama-based pedagogy uses active and dramatic approaches to engage participants in academic, affective, and aesthetic learning through dialogic meaning-making in all areas of the curriculum.

7 the emotional, social and cultural curriculum in the classroom
Academic cognitive skills such as analysis, synthesis, transfer and problem- solving Affective the emotional, social and cultural curriculum in the classroom Aesthetic art-making, meaning- making and creating

8 Background/Theory Theatre of the Oppressed/Augusto Boal
Liberatory Pedagogy/Paulo Freire Co-constructive learning/Lev Vygostky Profs. Katie Dawson (UT Austin) and Bridget Lee (Ohio State)

9 What DBP is NOT: “Putting on a show”, i.e. THEATRE
Making learning more “fun” (although it does) Calm and quiet

10 What DBP is: Rigorous method of inquiry
Getting students up on their feet (can be loud/messy) Accessing knowledge and learning visually, spatially, kinesthetically Activates discussion of sometimes ‘uncomfortable topics’ Dialogic meaning-making

11 DAR Describe Analyze Relate Make Observations Make Interpretations
Make Connections

12 Exploding Atom

13 People to People

14 The Great Game of Power

15 Real and Ideal Images

16 make a difference at St. Ed’s?
How can this pedagogy make a difference at St. Ed’s?

17 Back to our activating question:
3D Model

18 Want to know more? Drama Based Pedagogy: Activating Learning through the Arts, by Kathryn Dawson, M.F.A., and Bridget Lee, PhD, due out Summer 2016 Drama-Based Instruction (DBI) Network: My contact info: X 1298

19 Thank You!

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