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Genetics & The Work of Mendel

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1 Genetics & The Work of Mendel

2 Do you know these terms? alleles Homozygous Heterozygous Phenotype
Genotype Test cross Back cross Mendel’s Laws

3 Genetics The study of inheritance
how genes are passed on through generations What is a gene? A section of DNA that codes for a protein

4 Gregor Mendel Modern genetics began in the mid-1800s in an abbey garden, where a monk named Gregor Mendel documented inheritance in peas used experimental method used quantitative analysis collected data & counted them excellent example of scientific method He studied at the University of Vienna from 1851 to 1853 where he was influenced by a physicist who encouraged experimentation and the application of mathematics to science and a botanist who aroused Mendel’s interest in the causes of variation in plants. After the university, Mendel taught at the Brunn Modern School and lived in the local monastery. The monks at this monastery had a long tradition of interest in the breeding of plants, including peas. Around 1857, Mendel began breeding garden peas to study inheritance.

5 Mendel’s work Bred pea plants P F1 F2
Pollen transferred from white flower to stigma of purple flower Bred pea plants cross-pollinate true breeding parents (P) Pure or homozygous raised seed & then observed traits (F1) Hybrid or heterozygous allowed offspring to self-pollinate & observed next generation (F2) P anthers removed all purple flowers result F1 P = parents F = filial generation self-pollinate F2

6 Generations P - parents. Usually pure breeding – ex. BB or bb
F1 - are hybrid – Bb since they get a B from one parent and b from the other due to meiosis F2 - the result of crossing two Bb. The ratio is usually 3:1 dominant:recessive

7 Mendel collected data for 7 pea traits

8 Looking closer at Mendel’s work
true-breeding purple-flower peas true-breeding white-flower peas X P Where did the white flowers go? 100% F1 generation (hybrids) purple-flower peas In a typical breeding experiment, Mendel would cross-pollinate (hybridize) two contrasting, true-breeding pea varieties. The true-breeding parents are the P generation and their hybrid offspring are the F1 generation. Mendel would then allow the F1 hybrids to self-pollinate to produce an F2 generation. White flowers came back! self-pollinate F2 generation 3:1 75% purple-flower peas 25% white-flower peas

9 What did Mendel’s findings mean?
Traits come in alternative versions purple vs. white flower color Alleles are genes for the same trait different alleles vary in the sequence of nucleotides at the specific locus of a gene some difference in sequence of A, T, C, G purple-flower allele & white-flower allele are two DNA variations at flower-color locus different versions of gene at same location on homologous chromosomes

10 Traits are inherited as discrete units
For each characteristic, an organism inherits 2 alleles, 1 from each parent diploid organism inherits 2 sets of chromosomes, 1 from each parent

11 What did Mendel’s findings mean?
Some traits mask others purple & white flower colors are separate traits that do not blend purple x white ≠ light purple purple masked white _Wild type(Dominant) functional protein masks other alleles _Mutatant(recessive) allele makes a malfunctioning protein wild type allele producing functional protein mutant allele producing malfunctioning protein homologous chromosomes

12 Genotype vs. phenotype Difference between how an organism “looks” & its genetics Phenotype description of an organism’s trait the “physical” Genotype description of an organism’s genetic makeup F1 P X purple white all purple Explain Mendel’s results using …dominant & recessive …phenotype & genotype

13 PP pp Pp x Making crosses Can represent alleles as letters
flower color alleles  P or p true-breeding purple-flower peas  PP true-breeding white-flower peas  pp F1 P X purple white all purple PP x pp Pp

14 Looking closer at Mendel’s work
true-breeding purple-flower peas true-breeding white-flower peas X phenotype P PP pp 100% F1 generation (hybrids) purple-flower peas In a typical breeding experiment, Mendel would cross-pollinate (hybridize) two contrasting, true-breeding pea varieties. The true-breeding parents are the P generation and their hybrid offspring are the F1 generation. Mendel would then allow the F1 hybrids to self-pollinate to produce an F2 generation. Pp self-pollinate 75% purple-flower peas 25% white-flower peas 3:1 F2 generation ? ? ? ?

15 phenotype & genotype can have different ratios
Aaaaah, phenotype & genotype can have different ratios Punnett squares Pp x Pp F1 generation (hybrids) % genotype % phenotype male / sperm PP 25% 75% P p Pp 50% female / eggs P Pp p 25% 25% pp 1:2:1 3:1

16 Genotypes Homozygous = same alleles = PP, pp
Heterozygous = different alleles = Pp homozygous dominant heterozygous homozygous recessive

17 Phenotype vs. genotype 2 organisms can have the same phenotype but have different genotypes homozygous dominant PP purple Pp heterozygous purple How do you determine the genotype of an individual with with a dominant phenotype?

18 Test cross Cross the dominant phenotype — the unknown genotype — with a homozygous recessive (pp) to determine the identity of the unknown allele x How does that work? is it PP or Pp? pp

19 How does a Test cross work?
x x Am I this? Or am I this? PP pp Pp pp P P P p p p p p 100% purple 50% purple:50% white or 1:1

20 RESULTS If any recessive offspring result, the parents were hybrid
If all (of many offspring) show the dominant trait, the parents probably are pure dominant for that trait, but you can’t prove it.

21 Back Cross If you know the parents, you can determine the offspring genotypes (look back at the parents) If any parents have the recessive trait, the offspring (with the dominant trait) MUST BE HYBRID.

22 Black shows recessive trait
Pedigree chart B-Brown allele b-blue allele What is the genotype here? bb B_ Bb We know that The blues must be pure 1 2 bb bb 3 4 5 6 bb 7 8 Black shows recessive trait

23 Mendel’s laws of heredity
Segregation single trait each allele segregates into separate gametes established by Metaphase 1 Independent Assortment 2 or more traits genes on separate chromosomes assort into gametes independently Tt T t EXCEPTION linked genes metaphase1

24 Law of Dominance When parents with different expressions of a trait (brown/blue, red/white) are crossed, the trait that is shown in the F1 is the dominant trait, and the hidden trait is recessive NOTE: This is not always true but it was for the traits Mendel studied.

25 Law of Segregation-explanation
PP P Law of Segregation-explanation during meiosis, alleles segregate (homologous chromosomes separate) each allele for a trait is packaged into a separate gamete pp p Pp P p

26 Whoa! And Mendel didn’t even know DNA or genes existed!
Law of Segregation Which stage of meiosis creates the law of segregation? Whoa! And Mendel didn’t even know DNA or genes existed!

27 Monohybrid cross Some of Mendel’s experiments followed the inheritance of single characters flower color seed color Monohybrids

28 Dihybrid cross Other of Mendel’s experiments followed the inheritance of 2 different characters seed color and seed shape Dihybrids Mendel was working out many of the genetic rules! Yellow/green, Round/wrinkled

29 Dihybrid cross P YYRR yyrr 100% F1 YyRr 9:3:3:1 F2 x true-breeding
yellow, round peas true-breeding green, wrinkled peas x YYRR yyrr Y = yellow R = round y = green r = wrinkled 100% F1 generation (hybrids) yellow, round peas YyRr Wrinkled seeds in pea plants with two copies of the recessive allele are due to the accumulation of monosaccharides and excess water in seeds because of the lack of a key enzyme. The seeds wrinkle when they dry. Both homozygous dominants and heterozygotes produce enough enzyme to convert all the monosaccharides into starch and form smooth seeds when they dry. self-pollinate 9:3:3:1 F2 generation 9/16 yellow round peas 3/16 green round peas 3/16 yellow wrinkled peas 1/16 green wrinkled peas

30 Which system explains the data?
What’s going on here? If genes are on different chromosomes… how do they assort in the gametes? together or independently? YyRr Is it this? Or this? YyRr YR yr YR Yr yR yr Which system explains the data?

31 Dihybrid cross YyRr x YyRr YR Yr yR yr YR Yr yR yr or 9/16 yellow
round YR Yr yR yr YR Yr yR yr 3/16 green round 3/16 yellow wrinkled 1/16 green wrinkled

32 Law of Independent Assortment
different loci (genes) separate into gametes independently non-homologous chromosomes align independently classes of gametes produced in equal amounts YR = Yr = yR = yr only true for genes on separate chromosomes yellow green round wrinkled YyRr Yr Yr yR yR YR YR yr yr 1 : 1 : 1 : 1

33 Law of Independent Assortment
Which stage of meiosis creates the law of independent assortment? Remember Mendel didn’t even know DNA —or genes— existed! EXCEPTION If genes are on same chromosome will usually be inherited together Linkage

34 The chromosomal basis of Mendel’s laws…
Trace the genetic events through meiosis, gamete formation & fertilization to offspring

35 Linkage – Morgan used fruit flies
Genes on the same chromosome are usually inherited together. Ex. red hair and freckles in humans Linked genes are changed by crossing over More crossing over occurs between genes that are far apart on the chromosome Chromosome maps are based on percentage of crossing over.

36 ------------40--------------
Chromosome maps Problem: What is the relative position of the genes ABCD on the chromosome if cross-over experiments show the following: (% of cross-over) A-B 40% C-B 10% D-C 10% D-B 20% A-D 20% A D --10-- C--10-- B Answer: ADCB or BCDA

37 Linkage and Crossing Over
Example Tall, Yellow hybrids are crossed TtYy X TtYy If Linkage occurs (genes are on the same chromosome), you expect 75% Tall Yellow and 25% short green in the F2 If crossing over occurs, you expect most offspring to look like either parent, and a small number to have a different combination than the parents.

38 Mendel chose peas wisely
Pea plants are good for genetic research available in many varieties with distinct heritable features with different variations flower color, seed color, seed shape, etc. Mendel had strict control over which plants mated with which each pea plant has male & female structures pea plants can self-fertilize Mendel could also cross-pollinate plants: moving pollen from one plant to another

39 Mendel chose peas luckily
Pea plants are good for genetic research relatively simple genetically most characters are controlled by a single gene with each gene having only 2 alleles, one completely dominant over the other

40 Any Questions??

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