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Supply Chain Management Training support for Logistics Users

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1 Supply Chain Management Training support for Logistics Users

2 Supply Chain Forms for logistics users
The 4 Forms Who can use the Forms ? How to use a Form ? Role & Responsibilities Frequency Reference & Fill-in Technical specifications Archiving Conclusion Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

3 1. The 4 Forms  Procurement Request (PR) is the form to use to launch any type of purchase (goods/ services/work/property) With the exception of: Fees consultants or advisers (Refer to your HQ for the procedure to apply) Bank fees Who are the responsibilities of the Head of Mission and / or the Administrator. Reception Note (RN) is the form to use when a delivery from a supplier is received without delivery note Stock Release Order (SRO) is the form to use to launch any type of stock release Delivery Note (DN) is the form to use to send back material to the stock Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

4 2. Who can use Forms ? The forms can be used by all programs managers and support function representative on bases and in the capital. All potential users must be registered in the Authorized Signature Form. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

5 3. How to use a Form ?  Role & Responsibilities
Procurement Request & Stock Release Order : The requester remains responsible for the pertinence of the request, and is responsible to ensure that the logistics department has all the technical information needed. The Logistics Department is responsible for supply of materials / services according to the details given by the requester. The Logistics Department will not be responsible for wrong purchases or delivery if the details were not provided by the requester. The Logistics Department is however responsible for notifying the requester if the description of the request is unclear. If requester fails to provide the proper description, the Logistician may refuse to validate the request. Reception Note & Delivery Note : Each direct reception from a supplier must be accompanied by a delivery note, if the supplier doesn’t provide a delivery note, the receiver must fill-in a Reception Note. Each return of material to the stock must be accompanied by a Delivery Note. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

6 3. How to use a Form ?  Frequencies
Procurement Request & Stock Release Order : - On each base = One request per department per week - From the bases to the capital = Two orders per month From the capital to the headquarters = Two orders per month The frequencies mentioned within the mission are guidelines, it can be adjusted by the Logistics Coordinator according to the operational needs. Procurement Follow-Up, Stock Report or Stock Follow Up: These documents must be sent by the Logistics Department to all requesters on weekly basis. The frequency mentioned within the mission are guidelines, it can be adjusted by the Logistics Coordinator according to the operational needs. We strongly recommend to set a weekly meeting with each requester in order to : receive, control and validate the forms of the week, (PR and SRO are submitted to logistics only on soft version, printing will be done after validation) give an update of the previous requests, review the Project Procurement Planning / Supply Plan. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

7 3. How to use a Form ?  Reference and Fill-in
The requester must fill-in ALL the information in the headings and in each lines used in the forms. If some information are missing, the Logistics dept might not validate the form. Each form has its own “How to Use” attached in the form. It includes the detailed explanation on : How to set a reference (essential for logistics tracking ad follow up), How to fill-in the form. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

8 3. How to use a Form ?  Technical specifications
For each line of a Form, and more specifically for the Procurement Request, the requester must provide the relevant technical specifications. In a simple request, the details of the technical specifications are included in the description, But the requester should not hesitate to attach the detailed technical specifications / photos / … whenever necessary. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

9 3. How to use a Form ?  Archiving
Each Form has several copies and particular rules of archiving. Refer to the “How to Use” One folder per Department or Service per type of form per year The forms are classified by chronological order. The Archiving chapter of the KitLog V3.0 consolidates all the archiving rule per form. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

10 4. Conclusion If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your logistician, he/she will be pleased to help you. And never forget, the aim of the Logistics Department is to support the programmes, but to benefit of a proper support, the logistics Users must collaborate by respecting the logistics procedures. Thank you. Action contre la Faim Service - Logistique Mission

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