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Networking Based Applications
Networking Based Applications
These applications are used to write Networking Based Applications and they are used in all advaced topics like jdbc, rmi, servlets, corba etc…. These applications can be developed for all types of networks These can be used with any type of protocol.
Types of Networks Homogeneos Network: Hetrogeneos Network:
Maintaining same types of architecture for every system in a network. Hetrogeneos Network: Architecture may defer from one system to another system. Internet is a Hetrogeneos type of network.
Communication Connection Oriented Communication:
It is reliable communication as data will transfer from one end to another end with consistant connection. Example: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3 Connectionless communication: It is posssible in the form of pocket routers which exchange the data in packets. It is not reliable. Example: DNS, RMI, SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)
Protocols Protocol is a system of difining the rules and regulation in transfering the data in networks. We can develop the application based on connection oriented and also connection less protocols. In TCP (Connection Oriented Protocol) HTTP (Hyper Test Transfer Protocol) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) POP3 (Post Office Protocol) In UDP (Connection Less Protocol) DNS (Domain Naming Service) RMI (Remote Method Invocation) SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)
TCP TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL It is basic protocol for standard for transfering the data. It will have 4 layers. Transport Layer data in streams(TCP/UDP) Network Layer data divides to packets (IP) Link Layer data into Frames(Error/Flow) Physical Layer Raw bits (EtherNet) voltage for either 0 or 1
OSI OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECT MODEL There are 7 layers in this model. Application sends data in FTP, HTTP, SMTP, POP3 Presentation presenting data in understandable format Session maintance connection (socket) Transport Layer data in streams(TCP/UDP) Network Layer data divides to packets (IP) Data Link Layer data into Frames (Error/Flow) Physical Layer Raw bits (EtherNet) voltage for either 0 or 1
TCP/IP TRANSMISSION CONTROL PROTOCOL/INTERNET PROTOCOL There are only 4 layers in this model 1. Application combination of Appication, presentation and Session Layers 2. Transport Layer data in streams(TCP/UDP) 3. Internet Layer data divides to packets (IP) 4. Network Access combination of Data Link and Physical Layers
Applications Requirements
A System without TCP/IP settings can not be used to execute network based applications. As Network Based Applications are developed on Application Layer protocols which are standardly uses TCP/IP stack and it needs IPAddress to indentify every system in network. Communication inbetween two systems either on TCP or UDP will be based on IPAddress and Port number.
Applications Network Based Application are developed either for distribution of data or for exchanging the information. These Applications can work among the hosts (Systems connected to network) and also portable on internet also as both are based on TCP/IP protocol. Applications can be deveoped for servers and clients but internally it has to depend on protocols used in servers.
Applications In Client/Server technology, an application which passes request of connection is called a client application and an application which provides response on a request is called server application. Servers are different types based on their services and they will follow their individual protocols like…. Web Server : http protocol File Server : ftp protocol Mail Server : smtp/pop3 protocol
Applications Domain: IT is a logical group of hosts or users. Every host connectd to network has to be part of domain. Example: .com, .org, .net, .gov, .in etc DNS (Domain Name System): It is maintained by ISP. It is a logical name address for physical number address. It resolves the userfriendly name into physical IPAddress. Within a DNS a name can be maped to multiple IPAddresses. Example:
Applications TCP/IP Address: It is a 32 bit number used to identify the systems connected in network. It can be called as Inet Address or Internet Address. Format: (0-255). (0-255).(0-255).(0-255) Example: Static IPAddress: A address fixed to identify the host in network. Loop Back Address: ( )IT is used to identify the LocalHost. Every host will two IP Addresses ie., one is assigned to identify host and another is to identify on its own. It is used to refer to services of our own host.
Applications Port Number:
It is a logical number to identify the services running on system. It can have any number up to max of 2^16. Example: http Service 80 ftp service 21 telnet service 23 smtp service 25 pop3 service 110 Oracle Client Service 1521 Tomcat Client Service 8080 Tomcat Admin Service 9090 Bea WLS Client Service 7001 Bea WLS Admin Service 7002
16 Package
URL One way communication
InetAddress Provides the information of IPAddress of host
Socket Connection oriented communication.
Server Socket……service provided with port number and helps in listening to the the client socket request for aonnection. Client Socket….requests a host with port for a perticular service
UDP User Datagram Protocol Connection less communication.
DatagramSocket: can be used to provide service of sending and receiving the Datagram Packets. DatagramPacket: used to exchange data in connection less communication.
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