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November 13 & 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "November 13 & 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 13 & 16, 2015

2 j

3 Homework Read p. 551-554 & p. 555-561 p. 554 #3,4,5 & p. 561 #3,4,5
Textbooks Next Class? No

4 Quote of the Day “We live at a time when almost everything can be bought and sold.” -Michael Sandel

5 #4 Jeremy Bentham/John Stuart Mill (17)

6 j Professor Michael Sandel 0:00-13:00 27:00-29:24

7 #5 Robert Owen (17) j

8 #5 Robert Owen (17 cont.) j

9 #6 Karl Marx (17 & 18) j

10 Warm Up #18 Answer the following in your 3-Ring Binders:
New Sheet/One Paragraph/Proper Grammar Pick ONE station from the gallery walk and react to it. -Do you want to know more about something? -Do you have strong feelings about it? -Can you relate to it? -Do you have an example that applies? Be Creative/Be Curious

11 Interchangeable Parts (19)
Identical components One can be used in place of the other Simplified assembly & repair

12 Can you provide everyday examples of interchangeable parts?
Think for a minute… Can you provide everyday examples of interchangeable parts?

13 DaimlerChrysler (in Belvidere, IL)
Assembly Line (19) Add parts to a product as it moves along a belt Production became faster and cheaper This caused a decrease in the price of goods Ford Motor Company DaimlerChrysler (in Belvidere, IL) I Love Lucy

14 Louis Pasteur (20) French Chemist Germ Theory
Link between Microbes and Disease Rabies & Anthrax Vaccinations Milk Pasteurization

15 j

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17 Charles Darwin (26) British Naturalist
Beagle (ship) to Galapagos Islands On the Origin of Species (1859)

18 Charles Darwin (cont.) 1. Theory of Evolution
All forms of life have evolved to present state over millions of years 2. Theory of Natural Selection Influenced by Thomas Malthus Competition to survive Nature “selects” those who are physically best for their environment “Survival of the fittest”

19 j

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23 Inherit the Wind (Play)
Scope’s Trial (1925) John Scopes (substitute teacher) taught Theory of Evolution (Darwin) in Tennessee classroom

24 Social Darwinism Darwin-Did NOT promote social ideas
Apply idea of survival of the fittest to war and economic competition Is that a dangerous idea?

25 If time permits… Begin working on your study guide
Begin working on your homework

26 Homework Read p. 551-554 & p. 555-561 p. 554 #3,4,5 & p. 561 #3,4,5
Textbooks Next Class? No

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