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Bacterial Conjugation

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1 Bacterial Conjugation

2 Genetic recombination
Genetic variability – ESSENTIAL!!! Survival of the species Diploid Eukaryotes Crossing over Meiosis Haploid Prokaryotes Transduction Transformation Conjugation Image 1 -

3 Transduction Genetic material exchanged via Viruses
E.g. bacteriophage lambda No physical contact b/w bacteria Promotes drug resistance Horizontal gene transfer Image 2 -

4 Transformation Acquisition of exogenous DNA fragments from environment
E.g. Plasmids Antibiotic resistance Pesticide resistance in crops E.g. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Horizontal gene transfer Crops picture!

5 Conjugation Exchange of genetic material b/w bacteria
Physical contact required DNA exchanged via Pilli Drug resistance!! Horizontal Gene Transfer Image 3 -

6 Bacterial Conjugation

7 Terminology The Donor The Recipient The Conjugate F+
Fertility factor Contains genetic material for gene exchange “male” cell The Recipient F- No fertility factor Receives genetic material “Female” cell The Conjugate HFR High frequency recombinant Resulting genetic recombinant Transfers entire genomic DNA when mixed with F- cells

8 1. Cell – Cell Contact Attachment Via Pilli Formation of “sex pilus” or F-bridge between cells Image 4 - Image 5 -

9 Genetic Transfer of ssDNA
2. Mobilization Target DNA is replicated in F+ Genetic transfer of ssDNA to F- Image 6 - Image 7 -

10 Synthesis of Complementary DNA
3. DNA Synthesis Synthesis of Complementary DNA Complementary strands of DNA are replicated in both F- and F+ Target DNA is incorporated into F- genome Image 8 - Image 9 -

11 Separation and Formation of Two F+ cells
Cells separate Form two F+ cells with completed recombinant plasmids Both serve as donor cells for further conjugation

12 Bacterial Conjugation in E. coli
Experiment 3

13 E. coli Strains HFR (F+) F- Mixed Culture Able to produce amino acids
Thr, Leu, Thi Sensitive to Streptomycin HFR strain used for experimental purposes Requires amino acids: Thr, Leu, Thi Resistant to Streptomycin Able to produce Thr and Leu Thi not produced Resistant to Strepromycin

14 Media M9ST Agar Minimal Media 9 Streptomycin Thiamine
Antibiotic formation Inhibition of F- growth Thiamine Inhibition of F+ growth Promotion of HFR growth Image -

15 Procedure Mix F- and HFR (F+) strains
Incubation in 37o water bath for proper conjugation 30 minutes* Vortex to terminate genetic transfer Centrifugation – DNA Pellet formation Removal of supernatant (TSB broth)* Resuspension with M9 Broth Plated on M9ST Agar plates Incubation at 37o for 48hrs

16 Results & Conclusion HFR (F+) No growth Sensitivity to Antibiotics F -
Absence of amino acids Mixed Culture Growth Produced Thr and Leu Antibiotic Resistance HFR F-

17 Bacterial Conjugation

18 References BIOL 3116 Advanced Microbiology Lab Manual

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