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Chapter 9 Hellenistic Civilization

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1 Chapter 9 Hellenistic Civilization

2 Alexander and the Creation of a World Empire
Background facts Alexander conquered most of known world Invaded Persian heartland, got as far as India Troops eventually mutinied, he led them back Mixed culture Alexander founded new cities, recruited Greeks to come there Encouraged intermarriage with locals Result was blended Greek/Asiatic culture Typically large kingdom with bureaucracy governed by king and subject-inhabitants

3 Greeks and Easterners in Hellenistic Kingdoms
Three successor states, each ruled by former Greek general Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt Seleucid Kingdom of Persia Antigonid Empire

4 Society and Economy True urban civilization City life
Many slaves, lifelong slavery more common Many different social and ethnic groups Feelings of alienation, being uprooted Greeks were governing class Hellenistic economy Large scale long-distance enterprises Manufacturing and commerce were common

5 -Social Relations - Women’s Status Gradually Rose
Played active role in business affairs Held important positions in politics Married women’s rights improved More opportunities for education

6 Religion Different from Greek, Chinese, Indian religions
Form modeled on Greek beliefs Content more from Eastern contributions Why did religion change? Traditional Greek worship was civic ceremony, held no appeal to non-Greeks Greek immigrants turned more to native cults Cults offered some promise of eternal life, earthly prosperity, emotional support

7 Religion Mystery religions Philosophy: three Hellenistic varieties
Demanded faith rather than reason Deities were universal gods Philosophy: three Hellenistic varieties Mystery religions especially appealing to less educated, poor Upper class more inclined to turn to philosophy – seemed more realistic

8 Hellenistic Philosophy
Cynicism and Diogenes Opposite of what we call materialism Call for return to simplicity, no more divisions Epicureanism and Epicurus Life should be pleasure (absence of pain) Reject values, prejudices of others – discover what is important to you Led to political indifference, withdrawal Stoicism and Zeno Emphasized brotherhood of man Good man should work in government to help less fortunate Emphasized need to serve others, idea that all are equal

9 Science Pursuit of science Science came into its own in this period
Astronomy – heliocentrism vs. geocentrism Some medical advances by Empiricists

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