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Welcome to Woodpeckers

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Woodpeckers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Woodpeckers
Year 3/4

2 Life in Woodpecker Class
Introductions: Miss Langley Higgs Other teachers in the classroom. Mrs Sullivan, Mme Lawson, Mrs Bastable . I have very high expectations as your child moves into Lower KS2, which include… More formal, routines to develop confidence, independence and organisation. (Letters, personal belongings) Manners and behaviour. Team work. Pride/Handwriting.- Pen Licence

3 What will your child be learning?
The Curriculum/ Time Table Mixed ability groups- children will choose their activities. Talking Trios. Times Tables and Division links X12- weekly challenge against the clock.

4 How Can I Help My Child? Check the blog.
Home Learning Grid (Out Wed, back Mon) There is a home learning club (Wed/Thur). Spellings will be taught within school. Tables Reading. Reading Records- I expect the children to be writing in this- You need to hear them read, even if they are reading their own book. Everyday is best! Please sign or we cannot change the book (in Mon and Thurs- Out Tues and Fri) Free readers Taking the learning into ‘real life.’

5 What does my child need for learning?
Water bottle /named. (School or own) PE Kit – In School all week. (Tracksuit bottoms if possible for outdoor games ) Named Jumper! Colouring book/ pens for wet play- if possible. Tissues. Art Apron- old shirts.

6 Anything Else? Rewards- Raffle Tickets, Charity Tokens, Star of the Week, Attendance Award Library (Friday) Trainee Teacher in Spring Term. Please keep checking the blog- I will keep you updated with our learning and important dates via the blog.

7 Trips Autumn Term Pantomime is coming to school. Local Area walks
Anti-Bullying Workshops Carol singing at John Lewis Spring Term - Viking visitor (approx. £6-10) Summer Term Swimming (Year 4) Science Week Workshop School Partnership events over the year

8 If you need me… Write a note in reading record.
Please the office at Or leave a message with the office. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

9 Other Info Please support PTFA dates are on the weekly newsletter- all help much appreciated. If you would like to volunteer you do need a DBS but we are always grateful. Holiday requests cannot be authorised- any extreme personal circumstance please make an appointment to speak to Mrs Pace. Absences- please report to the school office either by or telephone. Parent Portal available for cashless payments. Can be used for tracking attendance. Parent Handbook available on website. Letters are ed out in most circumstances please check. Ladies in the office. Mrs Dudley- works full time, Mrs Atkins mornings through to end of lunch and Miss Clarke- Bazille afternoons.

10 Thank you for Listening.
Any Questions?

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