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Welcome to Room 3 Back to School Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Room 3 Back to School Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Room 3 Back to School Night

2 Kindergarten is the First Step
I am so glad you’re here! I believe parents are the most important part of their child’s education. I also believe that home and school communication is critical for student success! Therefore I encourage you to ask questions and become involved here at Winkelman school! 

3 Our Daily Routine in Kindergarten
Check in Morning Work Calendar Literacy Stations Math Stations Recess/Lunch Specials Quiet Time Jolly Phonics Writing Science Closing routine, Pack up Dismissal

4 Daily Specials Daily Specials
Gym – Everyday *Please send your child in gym shoes everyday, or they can be left at school. Music- 2 times per week Learning Center- 3 times per week. Art- 1 time per week

5 Reading in Kindergarten
*Jolly Phonics *Decodable Readers *Lead 21 Reading in Kindergarten Left to right, top to bottom Alphabet letter recognition Letter sounds associations Phonemic Awareness Vocabulary Sight Words

6 Phonemic Awareness Phonics
An understanding about spoken language The ability to manipulate sounds of oral speech Phonics Knowing the relationship between specific, printed letters, and specific spoken words Preparing to Read 42 sounds Actions Poems Segmenting Blending Rhyming Songs Tongue Twisters

7 School wide program Kindergarten-5th grade
Small, flexible, differentiated, guided reading groups Whole group discussions with common theme Literacy Stations

8 Language Arts: Writing
Pictures Dictation Random letters Labeling Initial Consonants Final Consonants Vowels Sentences Journal Writing

9 Math Expressions Math Stations Common Core Standards:
Counting and Cardinality Operations and Algebraic Thinking Numbers and operations in base 10 Measurement and Data Geometry Math Stations Website tools: 2nd grade

10 Science Weather and Climate Forces and Interactions
Plants and Animals Unit

11 Second Step. Social Emotional Program
Second Step *Social Emotional Program* Skills for Learning Empathy Emotion Management Problem Solving

12 Differentiation Differentiation
All children are unique and therefore many of them are at different instructional levels. It is my responsibility to work with every child to help them excel at his/her own pace. This might mean that some students may be learning concepts different from his or her peers. With this type of teaching, you can be sure that your child will have their individual needs met.

13 Assessments AIMSWEB/ MAP Fall, Winter, Spring Report Cards November, March, June Children in kindergarten will be assessed by their teacher to determine their readiness skills. These assessments will be given throughout the year to help track progress, plan instruction, and determine who may need additional support or enrichment within the classroom.

14 Homework Monthly Checklists Covers skills we are working on
Practice a few times per week Repeat activity more than once Turn in last week of the month READ AT HOME EVERYDAY!

15 ROAR R = Respect O = Ownership A = Achievement R = Responsibility

16 Behavior Chart -Based on familiar stories. -Can go up or down.
-Makes students responsible for choices. -Every child is their own “boss.” -Behavior chart in folder.

17 Birthdays -No food or drink per our district policy.
-Crowns, bookmarks, stickers, special chair cover. -Birthday Book. -Child may distribute pencils/stickers.

18 Snack -Healthy snacks only
Snack -Healthy snacks only. -Please send a snack your child can open independently. -No peanuts! -Water bottles only. -Please place snack in separate bag/area from lunch box.

19 Extra Clothes On occasion, children may have minor accidents at school in which clothes might become wet or dirty. This is why I ask that you please provide your child with an extra pair of play clothes to be kept at school. As the year progresses, keep in mind that you might need to change out this pair of clothes as your child grows or the weather changes. If you child happens to use their extra school clothes, please send a new pair as soon as possible. *Please send your child’s extra school clothes in a labeled, gallon size zip loc bag!  Extra Clothes On occasion, children may have minor accidents at school in which clothes might become wet or dirty. This is why I ask that you please provide your child with an extra pair of play clothes to be kept at school. As the year progresses, keep in mind that you might need to change out this pair of clothes as your child grows or the weather changes. If you child happens to use their extra school clothes, please send a new pair as soon as possible. *Please send your child’s extra school clothes in a labeled, gallon size zip loc bag! 

20 Scholastic Books www. scholastic
Scholastic Books Click “Parents” tab Click “Order From Reading Club Flyer” Click “Connect to Your Teacher” Code: DN4BY -Help us earn points to get free books for our classroom! -Free shipping! 

21 Kindergarten
Take Home Folders: Please Check and empty Notes: Transportation, play dates in take home folder Picture day is Friday September 2nd :)

22 Jenna Norman (847) 729-5650 ext: 2210
Notes home s Phone calls District website Notes in child’s folder

23 Thank you for coming! We will have a great year in Full Day Kindergarten!

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