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Welcome to Resica Elementary School

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Resica Elementary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Resica Elementary School
Through teamwork we will provide the keys for a successful and well-rounded education.

2 Visitors in Building All visitors must sign in and obtain a visitor’s pass if you will be going beyond the office or office lobby. For safety and security reasons, we ask that all who enter the school please remove sunglasses and hats.

3 Parking In the side lot only – designated parking areas only or along the grassy area. Yellowed line fire lane for drop offs (kiss and go) and pick ups only – - No waiting or watching enter zone Between 8:20 and 8:45am students being dropped off enter through the 2nd door.

4 Attendance and Dismissal
Instructional Hours: 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM Please do not send children early (Breakfast begins at 8:20 students arriving after 8:40 will be given a bagged breakfast to take to the classroom). Please phone the school if you are going to be late picking up your child.

5 P.T.O Our students need YOU!!!! Mrs. Kathy Doyle – Co – Vice President
Please take a few moments to read the PTO brief located in your orientation folder.

6 Dropping off and Picking Up Your Child Up From School
Send a note During the day, sign outs are conducted in the office Meet students in the office lobby Do not pick up your child in the bus loading zone Proof of I.D. If you are bringing your child to school and parking, please use a designated area Afternoon pick up – parents may enter the building at 3:15pm. Dismissal sign outs (for daily pick ups) are conducted at the Welcome Desk

7 Correspondence and Homework Request
Please remember to check your child’s folder on a daily basis. Call prior to 11:30 am May be picked up between 3:30 and 4:15 pm May be sent home with another student.

8 Pick Up Notes/End of the Day Pick Ups
If your child will be a daily pick up, send in 1 note stating this. Changes will only be made if we receive a note from the parent/guardian Student will be called down once you arrive (early dismissals) Please call if you are running late. Unless we receive a note, we will follow the child’s normal pick up procedure.

9 Dismissal/Transportation
Send a note if your child will Not be taking the bus home on any given day Students will only be released to authorized individuals Students will be returned to the school if there is not an authorized adult or sibling 12 years or older at the bus stop Remind students of safe riding procedures

10 Absentees and Tardies Vacations during district testing and the first and last weeks of school are not approved Students must bring an excuse upon return to school (after 3 days are unexcused absences become “Unlawful” Students who arrive after 8:45 AM are considered “tardy” Students must be brought to the Welcome Desk and a parent or guardian must sign him or her in All vacations must be approved 10 school days in advance

11 How do I know that the school received my child’s excuse?
Resica Elementary School Receipt Register ______________________________ Student’s Name Date(s) of Absence Date of Receipt of Absence Excuse Receipt Child’s Name: _____________________ Resica Elementary School is in receipt of your child’s absence note for ___________________________. Date(s) of absence Thank you, Resica Elementary It is the parent’s responsibility to check his/her child’s folders, backpacks, etc. for an excuse receipt. If you do not see the receipt please contact the school office the next day.

12 Social-Emotional Development
Class Dojo – See handout Honorable Hughes Hue Growth Mindset

13 Emergency Cards/Office Card
It is extremely important that both cards are kept updated . Please write or call with any changes Inclement weather instructions are on the back of the office card. Mrs. Early - Nurse

14 Arts Integration Arts Integration
Enhance upon each student’s understanding of the arts Utilize the arts to address the varying abilities and learning modalities of the students

15 Academic Focus Reading (120 Min. daily) Phonemic Awareness (auditory)
Alphabetic Principal (associate sounds with letters to form words) Accuracy and Fluency (ability to transfer letters to sounds to words) Initial and Final Sound Identification Word Segmentation Comprehension and Vocabulary (ability to understand and use words to convey meaning)

16 Academic Focus (Cont.) Writing Sounds to letters Talking about words
Use of word walls Math Occurs for a total of 75 minutes daily Ex. of concepts: numbers, counting, patterns, tally marks, count by 5’s and 10’s, reading sentences, coins, etc. Intervention and Enrichment Period RtII

17 Snacks Healthy snacks encouraged (no nuts/peanuts) Additional specifics in from individual teachers will be forthcoming due to allergies Celebrations: foods must be individually wrapped (from the store) with the ingredients clearly marked Birthdays are quick treats only (5 min. maximum). You may order a Birthday Basket from Food Services Only one item is permitted with sugar as the first ingredient) per celebration PLEASE NOTE: We have nut free classrooms.

18 Guidance Counselor Services
Mrs. Jillian Hansen Mrs. Lauren Rovi – Day 6 only Special Education Services/Testing Programs

19 General Reminders Name Tags
Wear the first two weeks Tape the sides and back of the nametag Be at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to its scheduled arrival both morning and afternoon. Give written permission for other adults or a sibling 12 years or older to pick up your child (school and bus) Book Bags/Folders/Home and School Correspondence Please check nightly

20 Skills Skills to work on prior to school Buttoning and zippering
Sharing and other social skills Name (letters and sounds for reading and writing) Following directions/waiting turn

21 Have a wonderful year and feel free to ask any questions as they arise!

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