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Mrs Pilkington & Mr Stevenson

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1 Mrs Pilkington & Mr Stevenson
Welcome to Year Five Mrs Pilkington & Mr Stevenson

2 Communication It is vital that we are in contact to ensure children are progressing and happy. Please inform me if you feel there are any emotional or physical circumstances that may affect your child. Ways to contact me: 1) By phone – the office will be able to put you through or arrange for me to call you or for an appointment 2) 3) Note in your child’s PAL (These are checked weekly) We are aiming to cut back on the excess paper used in school. If you have access to it would be helpful if we could letters to you. School website is useful for keeping up to date with events.

3 Twitter @ElmridgeSch

4 School uniform and haircuts
Elmridge has a school uniform policy which also refers to hairstyles and jewellery. Please note: Hairstlyes Hairstyles should be appropriate for a school setting. No artificial colour/bleach or temporary extensions/braiding or shaved partings or designs are permitted. Hair styles should avoid extremes of length (e.g. grade 1) including on the sides/back with the hair left longer on top. Long hair should be tied back Jewellery As a general rule, the school does not expect children to wear jewellery. A small number of exceptions are permitted: Only one small single stud earring in each ear is allowed.(this must be covered up or removed when the pupils are doing PE or games) Wristwatches may be worn Medic alert bracelets and necklaces may be worn and need to be visible. Please can you ensure that all school uniform is labelled with your child’s name

5 Independence In year 5 children are given more responsibility.
Playground Leaders Librarians Tour Guides Reading mentors Where possible, they should be responsible for ensuring they are equipped for the school day. Children are also encouraged to be independent in their approach to school work and their learning.

6 We are keen to keep raising the profile of reading.
There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book. —Frank Serafini You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be. I had a mother who read to me. —Strickland Gillian Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty.  It should be offered to them as a precious gift. —Kate DiCamillo We are keen to keep raising the profile of reading.

7 In School Year 5 will continue to have weekly Guided Reading sessions with myself. Reading independently for enjoyment will also feature within the class Guided reading weekly rotas. As part of our English lessons we will also read a novel together and look at Shakespeare. We will have regular access to the library and we will continue to have class story time. Early bird reading will continue at 8:30 on Friday morning - watch this space for ideas to keep children motivated to attend. Please let me know if you would like to be involved!

8 At home How can you help? Reading to your children at home and listening to them read. Asking your children about their reading and questions about what they have read. Supporting school with the homework policy and encouraging children to read at home at least twice a week. There are useful resources available on the school’s website.

9 Recording Reading Children are expected to record their reading in their PAL. When a book is finished the children are asked to write a comment about what they enjoyed or found interesting, explaining why. ‘because!’ If they have not finished a book they are simply asked to write a page number of where they have read to. Children need to ensure they are reading a range of media. If they are finding a level easy and progressing through the books they will be assessed for the next stage. Once they complete the stages within the scheme they become free readers. Children are welcome to use school library books or one of their own from home a couple of times a half term.

10 Maths As in previous years the children in year 5 and will be split into 3 groups for Maths. Miss Law, Mr Edmundson and myself will lead theses groups. The score that your child achieved in their optional SATs tests has been used to create the groups. Benefits Confidence increases as children work in a group where everyone is working at the same level. Smaller classes mean that children receive more teacher support. In previous years in the same situation children made excellent progress.

11 I am happy to help if they see me before their homework is due.
Homework Timetable This is available in the pupil PAL and on the school website. Mon: English (spellings and a written task or comprehension) Due Friday Tue: Science Due Friday Wed: Maths Due Monday Reading twice weekly 3 pieces of missing homework will result in a letter home and will be recorded in the warning book. Any missing work will be noted in children’s PAL. Children are required to record homework within their PAL on the calendar pages. A good homework routine is essential in preparing for next year and a future at secondary school where they can find themselves with as much as 10 pieces each week. PALS will be signed by myself each week. Parents are also asked to sign the diary weekly. If your child needed your help to complete a particular task – please let me know by writing HG next to the activity in the PAL. I am happy to help if they see me before their homework is due.

12 Presentation at Elmridge
At Elmridge we have a policy for presentation and set high standards for the children. Pencil for Maths and a blue pen for English. Each piece of work should have the date and title and both should be underlined with a ruler. Handwriting should be joined. Children may use a pen from home. We recommend pilot pens but no biro. Children should be encouraged to check their work once it has been completed. Children are also encouraged to respond to any feedback given.

13 Physical Education Children will require a games kit and a PE kit in the school colours: Yellow t-shirt, green shorts, green jog pants or a green skirt and outdoor trainers / indoor pumps. Outdoor games is on Tuesday and Indoor PE is on Friday. However, it is useful to have kit in school on all days in case of changes or special events. If children forget their kit on more than 2 occasions in a half term, their names will be recorded in the warning book and a letter will be sent home. If children are unable to participate in PE sessions, a letter from home is required please. Tights must not be worn for PE. Jewellery must be removed and the school cannot take responsibility for its safe keeping.

14 Assessment in Year 5 On-going assessment within all areas of the curriculum. Optional SAT’s testing in May, will focus upon: Reading Spelling, grammar and punctuation Maths Non-verbal and verbal reasoning tests .

15 Special Events Whitworth Gallery project Learn a musical instrument
Verbal Reasoning and Challenge club Summer Production

16 Free School Meals & Pupil Premium
Your child may be eligible for Free School Meals - you should apply even if you do not intend to take the meals as this will enable the school to obtain additional funding to benefit your child in school All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 at state schools in England automatically get free school meals ‘Universal Free School Meal’ Pupil Premium funding still needs to be claimed even if your child is receiving the Universal Infant Free School Meal in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 classes. Receipt of Free School Meal results in school receiving Pupil Premium Funding of £1300 per pupil, the money must contribute to ‘raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils & closing the gap with peers’ To apply you will need to share your National Insurance details with your child’s school. This can be used by school to check whether your child is eligible for the Pupil Premium funding. There is a simple system which schools can access once they have your National Insurance details. School must have written permission from you to use this information. Trafford Council fully support schools in seeking National Insurance and Pupil Premium eligibility information. It is important to Trafford, as a local council, that it encourage its schools to ‘Close the Gap’ in attainment. This will cost you and Trafford Council nothing but will bring in extra funding for the school. Check with Trafford council to see if your child qualifies for free school meals School has a clear plan and successful history of using its Pupil Premium Funding in an inclusive and sensitive way . We ensure the children are supported and challenged so that they achieve the best progress possible.

17 Parking and after school clubs
Wilton Drive and High Elm Drive are no parking zones for parents dropping off or picking up pupils from school Please avoid parking close to street corners The school car park should only be used by staff, delivery drivers and disabled drivers at peak times Parents are asked not to use the school car park when picking up pupils from after school clubs

18 Any questions…

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