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CH 9-1 NOTES: Thomas Jefferson Takes Office!

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1 CH 9-1 NOTES: Thomas Jefferson Takes Office!

2 A Controversial Campaign:
Republicans wanted to elect Thomas Jefferson because they felt that John Adams was trying to create a monarchy. They were still upset about the laws he passed. (Alien & Sedition Acts) To try and sway voters, the Federalists were threatening a Civil War if Jefferson won the election. In the end, Jefferson ended up having the same number of votes as his running mate (also a republican candidate Aaron burr It was up to the House of Representatives to decide who would become president.


4 They chose Thomas Jefferson to become the 3rd president of the U.S.
It was after this that the 12th Amendment was added to the Constitution to avoid such a problem in the future.



7 Main Idea: After a controversial election, Thomas Jefferson had to try to bring the opposing political parties together and get them to work together. * Jefferson was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington D.C. , the country’s new capital. ( John Adams was the first president to live in the White House.)

As President, Jefferson’s main goal was to limit the federal government’s power over states and citizens. 1. He wanted to limit government’s involvement in economic affairs. He believed in the idea of laissez faire - which means that the government should not interfere in the economy. 2. Reduce government expenses to reduce their power. 3. Shrink the military. 4. Cut the number of government employees. 5. Eliminate all federal taxes. 6. He repealed the Sedition act and those imprisoned were released.

9 Jefferson also wanted to ease party disputes.
He allowed many Federalists to keep their government jobs. He would pay off State debts using federal money.

- Not only was the 12th Amendment added to the constitution to fix the issue of voting for the President and vice president. But they also added to the plan for the Judicial Branch: - It was during Jefferson’s presidency that the principle of Judicial Review was established – this gave the Supreme Court the authority to strike down unconstitutional laws.


12 CH 9-2 NOTES: The Louisiana Purchase!

► When Jefferson became President, the Western boundary of the United States was the Mississippi River.

14 WHY PURCHASE? ► 1. Jefferson did not want a strong military power like France bordering the United States. He feared they may try to take land from the United States. ► 2. Jefferson and the government recognized they needed access to the Mississippi river and the Port of New Orleans for trade. The Port of New Orleans empties into the Gulf of Mexico which connects to the Atlantic Ocean. This would make trade in the west much easier!


16 HOW DID THEY PURCHASE? ►Thomas Jefferson decided to purchase this land for 15 million from Napoleon, the French leader. ► Napoleon needed money to support his wars in Europe so he gave Jefferson a good deal… $15 million breaks down to just 4 cents per acre!!

17 RESULTS OF PURCHASE: ► This new land purchase doubled the size of the United States. ► New fertile farmland and natural resources awaited American settlers to be explored ► Had negative consequences for Native Americans. White settlers = spread of disease to natives and removal from their sacred land.

► Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the new land. They had help on their expedition by a Native American woman named Sacagawea. ► They were given three specific tasks: 1. To report on geography, plants, animals and other natural features. 2. To make friends with the Native Americans 3. To find out if there was a waterway connecting the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean for trade!


20 ► Lewis and Clark did not find a waterway connecting the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean BUT they did find the Continental Divide= this is the place that separates river systems flowing in opposite directions!

Main Idea: Following the purchase of the Louisiana territory, the United States faced growing conflicts.

- Trade with Europe and Asia was critical to the U.S. economy. - Pirates began attacking American ships. They were from four small countries on the Northern coast of Africa. Together these countries are known as the Barbary States. - The Barbary pirates were raiding both American and European ships and holding their sailors for ransom.

23 - European governments tried to solve the problems by paying the pirates tribute
- this is money paid by one country to another in return for protection. - The U.S. did not like the idea of paying tribute so in response they sent the American marines to capture Tripoli. - This was the first time America captured and occupied a foreign country. It inspired confidence in the ability of the U.S. to deal forcefully with foreign powers that threatened their security and prosperity.

- Britain and France continued to interfere with American trade ships. This interfered with U.S. economy. This is because they were still at war with one another. - Between 1803 and 1807, France seized 500 American ships and Britain seized more than 1,000. - The British went a step further and began the impressment of American sailors. Kidnapping and forcing them to serve in the British navy.

25 TEMPORARY SOLUTION: - Jefferson tried to find a peaceful method for solving their problem with the French and British. - He decided to use an embargo- a government order that forbids foreign trade. - The Embargo Act hurt the United States more than it hurt Britain or France because merchants depended heavily on foreign trade. - Thousands of Americans turned to smuggling - the act of illegally importing or exporting goods in order to get around the embargo.

- White settlement in the west had a negative impact on Native Americans. - disease spread - game became scarce. - Native American population decreased and the power of their tradition ways decreased. - New Native American leader pushed to preserve traditional ways. - Led by Tecumseh , Native Americans resisted white settlement.

Impressment: the act of forcing someone into service. Like when the British were forcing American sailors to serve in their navy. Embargo: a government order that forbids foreign trade. Nationalism: pride in one’s country. War Hawks: those Americans who were eager to go to war with the British. Blockade: the action of shutting a port or road to prevent people or supplies from coming into an area or leaving it. Secede: or withdraw.

28 Causes of the war of 1812 The British impressment of American sailors.
The British were supplying the Native Americans with weapons and ammunition to use against American settlers moving westward. * To most Americans the nations honor & economy was at stake!

29 The War of 1812: James Madison became the 4th President of the United States and remained president throughout the war. Led by the War Hawks, Congress declared war on Britain in June of 1812.

30 During the early years of the war, the government struggled to rebuild the American military strength weakened by Jefferson’s spending cuts. The war ended in a draw, neither side could continue to fight with their weakened military states.

31 Results of the war of 1812: The treaty that ended the war, returned things to the way they were before the war. Treaty of Ghent Although the War of 1812 had no clear victor, Americans gained a new confidence in the end and a new sense of nationalism. Many saw The War of 1812 as “the second war of Independence”. Once and for all the Untied States secured its independence from Britain.

32 After the bombing of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key penned a poem called the Star Spangled Banner which will become the United States national anthem.


34 Troubles for the U.S. during the War:
Weakened military Native Americans were helping the British. The British burned down Washington D.C. including the White House. The British Blockade cut off our supply line.

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