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Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 4, Room 503

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 4, Room 503"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night!!! Ms. Crowley, Grade 4, Room 503
Please take a pen or pencil near sink. Sign your name next to your child’s name on one of the sign in sheets on the tables. Please indicate how your child will get home each day.

2 My Teaching Philosophy and Background
My teaching philosophy is to foster a love of learning, create memorable moments, and create strong bonds among the students and with the students. I incorporate music, art, physical activity, and healthy choices into as many lessons as I can. I have a sense of humor which helps engage my students. I treat my students with respect. I have been a teacher at Hedenkamp Elementary since we opened in 2003, eleven years in third grade, and four years teaching fourth grade.

3 New 4th Grade English Language Arts Curriculum
Balanced Literacy Program Students will be able to access online at school and at home Students will have workbooks for each unit Welcome letter

4 New P.E. Rotation Begins on Friday, Aug. 4th 1:15-1:55pm
4th graders will rotate in mixed groups (not their typical class) to other 4th grade teachers to learn new directed sport activities Teachers are Ms. Martucci, Ms. Beals, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Medina, Ms. Toral, and myself

5 Classroom Management Classroom Expectations
-Come to school prepared with needed materials -Ability to work independently and with groups cooperatively -Participation -Keep a positive attitude -Bring “school to home communication folder” home and return back to school daily Reward System ( see sign up on flyer (separate PPT)

6 Homework Expectations/Flyers
Homework is given each Friday and due weekly on the following Friday. Homework consists of reading 20 min. for 5 days and logging it. Parent Signature on bottom of sheet is NOT mandatory. One other page of work may also be sent home or given daily (depending on the needs of the students); however, again, it’s due weekly, not daily. I do not want students spending more than 30 min. on homework each day.

7 Daily Schedule 8:45-10:35 Language Arts (whole group and small groups/centers) 10:35-10:50 Recess 10:50-12:15 Math 12:15-1:00 Lunch Recess 1:00-2:00 Writer’s Workshop 2:00-2:30 Social Studies/Science 2:30-3:00 Physical Education (M, W, F)/ Music/Art (T)/Thrilling Thursday (free choice time) 3:00-3:15 Independent Reading **1:55 Dismissal on Friday!**

8 Visit to a local Mission
Possible Field Trips USS Midway Indian Hills (Jamul) Visit to a local Mission Anticipated annual cost is $40 per child (by donation)

9 Forms and Handouts ( will be sent home tomorrow)
Student Disaster Info Card stapled to all other important forms (big packet) Annual Notification-District Wellness Policy (impacts birthday celebrations-parents are absolutely not allowed to bring food items to school to celebrate students’ birthdays Internet Consent Form –don’t forget to sign it! Cafeteria and Nutrition Services forms and applications PTA Membership- please sign up  Photo Release Form (to post pics of students on our blog)

10 One to one devices Students will receive a Dell laptop computer this year to use in school only Must be treated with respect Settings (desktop, screensaver) should not be changed Please read over Internet safety form with your child before they sign it

11 School Supplies Students are encouraged to bring their own pencil boxes or bags. Students are also encouraged to bring two pocket folders. Students may bring an old sock from home to use as a white board eraser. Ear buds/head sets are very much needed for computer use. I have about 15 used ones that will be cleaned with alcohol. Students may bring books from home to read. I will supply students with all necessary supplies if they are not able to provide them.

12 Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Students are not allowed to arrive prior to 8:15 a.m. each day. Our class lines up on line DD (take note of this!). They should not be playing while in line nor eating. I will ask students tomorrow how they will get home each day for our records. Please make sure to pull your car all the way forward in both the loop and parking lot. Be courteous in the parking lot. Library is open each morning at 8:15a.m. for student use. Students may also eat breakfast. Husky Hustle is a new running program that takes place in the morning before school!

13 Blog Pages Sign up to be a follower on our blogs:
–shows pictures of the class, important announcements, information on homework, projects, Star Student, and access to several websites for the students (along with class dojo) (SCHOOL’S MAIN FORM OF COMMUNICATION) Principals need you to sign up to access peach jar for all school flyers, links to Hedenkamp PTA, student council, safety patrol, and theatrical ensemble

14 How to Get Involved with your child’s education:
Volunteering-just let me know PTA-minimum $10 membership Reading at home with your child Be a follower on class dojo, our classroom blog page, the PTA’s blog page, and the school’s blog page Spend quality time with your child and learn what they’re doing at school

15 Communication By email-
By phone ext Or message me on

16 THANK YOU FOR COMING! 1:55 p.m. Early Dismissal on first day and each Friday Students line up each morning by 8:40 behind the letter “dd” on blacktop area. Please, do not have students come to classroom/hallway area in the morning prior to 8:40 a.m. (this is my very much needed prep time) You can leave a little “encouraging first day note” for your child on his/her nametag.

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