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Year 1 Parent Information Workshop
Sunlight Class Mrs Appleyard Mrs Ely Mrs Metcalfe
Mrs Tindale (Learning Mentor)
Sunshine Class Miss Mulqueen Mrs Ely Ms Brown
Mrs Tindale (Learning Mentor)
Friendly Reminders Ensure uniform and P.E kit is labelled.
P.E days are Thursday and Friday. P.E. Kits should consist of… A plain white tshirt/polo shirt Plain black shorts/skirt Black indoor pumps A plain black or blue tracksuit Outdoor trainers
Drinks, Snacks & Dinners
Free School Meals All children are eligible for a free meal until Year 3. Snacks Children can bring a snack to have during morning playtime. This can be a piece of fruit, vegetables or cheese. No fruit winders, biscuits or cereal bars please! We provide an afternoon snack or fruit or vegetables. Drinks Children can bring a bottle of plain, unflavoured water to school. This can be refilled during the day. We no longer provide plastic cups for hygiene reasons. Children can also have a carton of milk in the morning. Please sign up at
Routines In Year 1 The children generally work as a whole class and will be challenged with tasks suited to their ability. The busy areas are accessed during group reading times and during some topic lessons in the afternoon. Children now do two lessons of P.E each week, one of these is with a sports coach and the other is with the teacher. The children also visit the computer suite once a week.
Current Learning In Year 1
Topic- how do we stay healthy and safe? Maths- number, shape, problem solving and reasoning English- traditional tale, labels and captions, writing a list and poetry SPAG is introduced at year 1, this stands for Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar. This is taught once a week and throughout English lessons.
Year 1 Expectations- Maths
Number Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards from any number Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens Given a number, identify one more and one less Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line Use and understand the language of equal to, more than, less than, fewer, most, least Read and write numbers 0-20 in numerals and words Read, write and interpret the symbols +, - and = Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts to 20 Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to twenty, including zero Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction and missing number problems 7 = ? + 2 Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division Recognise, name and find ½ and ¼ of a shape, object and quantity
Year 1 Expectations- Maths
Measurement Measure, compare and begin to record the following: Lengths and heights Mass/weight Capacity and volume Time (hours, mins, secs) Recognise and name coins and notes Sequence events in chronological order Use language of day, week, month and year Tell and show o’clock and half past times on an analogue clock Shape Name and recognise common 2D and 3D shapes
Year 1 Expectations- Writing
Spelling Spell words using the year 1 phonic codes Spell year 1 tricky words (see attached sheet.) Spell the days of the week Write from memory simple sentences dictated by the teacher Name the letters of the alphabet in order Name the letter name and its sound Use the prefix ‘un’ (happy.) Use the suffixes –s –es –ing –ed –er –est Handwriting Sit comfortably at the table and hold their pencil correctly Form lowercase letters starting and finishing in the right place Form capital letters Form digits 0-9 Understand which letters belong to which families
Year 1 Expectations- Writing
Composition Write sentences by: Saying out loud what they are going to write Sequencing sentences to form short narratives Re-reading what they have written to check it makes sense Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be heard by others Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation: Leave spaces between words Use ‘and’ to join ideas in a sentence Begin to punctuate sentences using a capital letter, full stop, question mark or exclamation mark Use a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week and the ‘I’
Year 1 Expectations- Reading
Apply phonics knowledge and skills speedily to decode words Read year 1 tricky words (see attached sheet.) Read words containing –s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er and –est endings Read contractions such as I’ll, I’m and can’t Re-read books to build up accuracy, fluency and confidence Link what they hear or read to their own experiences. Re-tell with considerable accuracy- become familiar with key stories and traditional tales Join in with predictable phrases and recite some rhymes and poems by heart Discuss word meanings Discuss the significance of the title and events Make inferences based on what is being said and done Predict events
Learning Spellings
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Year 1 phonics screening check is week commencing 12th June 2017. All children will be tested on their segmenting and blending skills for the reading of real and nonsense (alien) words. The test contains 40 words and the pass mark in recent years has been 32/40. We encourage daily reading so that your child is secure with the sounds.
Assessment We assess from the National Curriculum objectives. This an on-going assessment during the year. Each half term the children complete an independent writing task and this informs key areas which the child needs to develop. Each term children are tested using the PIRA reading scheme and Maths Hub progress tests.
Thankyou For Coming! Please take a letter / number formation sheet and a homework mat. Please come and see us if you have any questions, queries or concerns- we have an open door policy.
Homework Each week your child will receive either a Maths or English task. This will be handed out on a Thursday and collected in the following Tuesday. A topic task is also set at the back of their homework book. This needs to be handed in at the end of each half term. Weekly spellings will be given out on a Thursday. Daily reading is expected across school, a good quality five minutes every day will support both reading and writing skills.
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