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Ch. 33 Important People AP World History.

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1 Ch. 33 Important People AP World History

2 Indira Gandhi

3 Indira Gandhi Prime Minister of India in the 60s, 70s, & 80s
Father was Nehru Sought to feed India and improve standard of living Dealt with Sikh separatists Assassinated in 1984 Spent much of her time holding country together Was a champion of poor and powerless

4 Gamal Abdul Nasser

5 Gamal Abdul Nasser Nationalist founder of the Free Officer’s Movement in the 1930s Led coup in Egypt in 1952 & removed King Farouk (khedive) Implemented land reform & state financed education Reduced unemployment and restricted foreign investment Most reforms were unsuccessful Initiated 1956 Suez Canal crisis, Aswan Dam project, and Six Day War with Israel

6 Ayatollah Khomeni

7 Ayatollah Khomeni Religious cleric who led the Iranian revolution of 1979 Distanced Iran from the West (American Embassy taken and hostages taken for 444 days) Led Iran into the Iran/Iraq war (lost) Emphasized religious purification, but did not improve standard of living Limited reform to things along Islamic lines

8 F.W. de Klerk

9 F.W. de Klerk President of South Africa that facilitated the end of apartheid His election ushered in a new phase of South African history Allowed peaceful demonstrations as his own party lost power African National Congress (political organization) is legalized & Nelson Mandela is released from prison Agrees to hold universal elections

10 Kwame Nkrumah

11 Kwame Nkrumah Leader of Ghana’s independence movement
Becomes 1st prime minister of Ghana Crushed opposition and assumed dictatorial powers Schemes – universal education and industrial development Had rival political parties Supported the Soviets Price of cacao fell sharply and hurt Ghana economically Deposed in 1966 while visiting another country

12 Hasan al-Banna

13 Hasan Al-Banna Contempt for wealthy Egyptians and Europeans in Egypt (in the midst of appalling poverty) Founded Muslim Brotherhood (1928) Committed to revivalist approach to Islam Main focus was social uplift and sweeping reforms Promoted trade unions, building medical clinics, educating women, & land reform Became highly politicized (strikes, urban riots, militant youth organizations, & paramilitary assassination squads Assassinated in 1949 by khedive Farouk’s assassins

14 Anwar Sadat

15 Anwar Sadat Member of the Free Officers Movement who removed King Farouk from power Third president of Egypt (succeeded Nasser) Led Egypt in the October War of 1973 to liberate Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, which Israel had occupied since the Six-Day War of 1967, made him a hero to Arabs Negotiated the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty with Israel; this won him and Israel Prime Minister Menachem Begin the Nobel Peace Prize; led to his assassination

16 Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk)

17 Mustafa Kemal Member of the Young Turks – successfully deposed the Ottoman Sultan in 1908 Held a number of posts on the Ottoman army – fought in World War II Turkey’s first president - modernized and secularized Turkey; believed in Westernization Social (legal equality between sexes) and economic (industrialization/railways) reforms Replaced the Arabic alphabet with a Latin one. Introduced the Gregorian calendar & urged people to dress in Western clothes Removed women’s veiling laws & gave suffrage

18 Bangladesh, Green Revolution, Biafra, African National Congress

19 Bangladesh, Green Revolution, Biafra, & African National Congress (ANC)
Bangladesh – civil war between East and West Pakistan in 1971 and then declared independence from Pakistan in 1971 Green Revolution – introduction of improved seed strains, fertilizers, and irrigation as a means of producing high crop yields Biafra – Secessionist movement with very bloody warfare by the Ibo people of Nigeria from ; unsuccessful ANC – Black organization in South Africa during Apartheid that was declared illegal; leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu were imprisoned

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