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Hub City Farmers’ Market

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Presentation on theme: "Hub City Farmers’ Market"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hub City Farmers’ Market
More than just a market.

2 HCFM provides a comprehensive approach to food access by:
2 Farmers’ markets Urban farm Mobile market Northside Harvest Park

3 HCFM Staff: 14 Board of Directors Jamie Gibson, SNAP Champion
Caroline Sexton, Executive Director Heather Raines, Market Manager Meg Whiteley, Urban Farmer 14 Board of Directors

4 HCFM began accepting SNAP in 2009

5 More SNAP sales than the 2014 season = $14,560
SNAP Champion: My role at HCFM 60% More SNAP sales than the 2014 season = $14,560

6 August 13, 2016: $11,433 SNAP swiped $8,840 SNAP matched
$20,273 Cumulative Total

7 How do we increase SNAP and Healthy Bucks participation?

8 SC District 4 Characteristics:
32,866 households receiving SNAP 23.1% at least one person over age 60 56.5% with children under age 18

9 Spartanburg County Characteristics (2014):
Almost 300,000 residents 15,215 households receiving SNAP 27.6% at least one person over age 60 57.2% with children under age 18

10 What’s the big picture? SNAP Participation for July 2016: Spartanburg County 18,120 households 39,591 people $4,776,858 ($56+ mil annually)

11 SNAP increase: barriers/challenges
Convenience Perceived costs Lack of information Transportation Unlike supermarkets Item selection Don’t know how to prepare Exclusive market environment

12 SNAP increase: exclusive market environment
“...shoppers at markets are majority white, female, highly educated and affluent” Exclusive nature “ignores structural barriers to access”

13 SNAP increase: strategies
Identify barriers Provide transportation POS incentives; SNAP- matching Community outreach Promoting awareness Advertising Community organizing Community leaders/representatives Targeted campaigns Youth programs/volunteers

14 Cultural competency: why?
Avoid unnecessary biases Clear identification of community and outreach partners Improved participation rates Mutual respect Increased diversity Agents of change Increased level of trust More than ½ of SNAP recipients are non-white: 33% African American 19% Hispanic 4% Other races More effective in reaching potential clients

15 Successful strategies:
Research characteristics/find data Trade publications SNAP matching incentive program/Double SNAP Program Healthy Bucks Program Past SNAP recipients

16 Successful strategies:
Redirect recipients of other federally funded food programs Food bank food drives Word of mouth Television/advertising Community events (health fairs, etc.)

17 Successful strategies:
Community partnerships Flyers Speaking engagements Tabling when requested Inviting market environment

18 Unsuccessful strategies:
Targeted mailing to local area churches WIC office School districts

19 Recommendations: SNAP incentives; SNAP-matching! DSS partnership
Community partnerships Listen to respondents Adapt output

20 Recommendations: Cultural competency training
Professional development/research best practices Self-examination Improve market experience Increase diversity within market establishment

21 Hub City Farmers’ Market
More than just a market.

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