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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO THE SIXTH FORM INFORMATION EVENING 2017"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Sixth Form Team Miss Emma Shoreland – Director of Teaching & Learning KS5 Sixth Form Progress, Attendance, Academic Monitoring, Pastoral Issues, UCAS, Courses and Curriculum Teacher of Music Mr Nick Hunter – Deputy Director of 6th Form. Over 30 yrs Experience in the 6th Form Year 13, Oxbridge, Competitive Admissions, High Achievers and Student Mentoring Teacher of History and Geography Mrs Angela Morrissey – Assistant Director of 6th Form (Year 13) Year 13 UCAS, Apprenticeships, Attendance, Year 13 mentoring Teacher in Charge of Psychology Mr Dan Hall – Assistant Director of Sixth Form (Year 12) Year 12 Pastoral, Buddying, Enrichment, Prefects and Attendance Teacher of Chemistry and KS5 Science coordinator. We work closely as a Team to monitor, intervene and support Students in the 6th Form. Mrs Sue Hunter – Secretary for the 6th Form Main secretary for the School with many years experience. ES

3 Parents Evening for Year 12 takes place on Thursday 2nd November 4:30pm till 7:30pm in the Sixth Form Building Mention 6 week monitoring period and that we may be in touch before this. ES

4 Open Evening and Mornings
All Year 12 students will be expected to act as tour guides for our school open evening on Thursday 28th September from 4.30 to 7.30pm All Year 12 students will also be needed as tour guides for Open Mornings which will take place on 27th and 28th September

5 Specifications 2017 ES New Two Year A Level/BTEC
New Specification with AS/1 Year Certificate available No change until 2018 ( 1 Year Certificate remains) Art Media Studies Biology BTEC Music Business Studies Product Design Chemistry English Language Photography Physics English Literature Psychology Finance Level 3 Film Studies Sports Science Further Maths Statistics Geography Maths History Applied Science French and Spanish IT BTEC ES

6 Sixth Form Dress Code The Director of Sixth Form has the final veto on the appropriateness of the Sixth Form Dress. DH

7 Attendance Attendance & punctuality to lessons is critical to student learning Students must be punctual to lessons Timetabled lessons, assemblies, review are compulsory Attendance is strictly monitored; students are expected to maintain a minimum of 95% attendance Continued lack of attendance will result in a parental meeting and possibility of a Sixth Form place being withdrawn. Absence from school because of illness In the case of an absence from School, it is important that student or the parent/carer phone into Student Services before am. Allowed off site Year 12 Students are allowed off site at lunch times and break when they must sign out but not during non - contact periods, unless they have a lunchtime lesson. DH

8 GCSE Maths & English It is a government requirement that provision is made for those students that do not have English or Maths GCSE grade 4 or equivalent. Retake opportunity for Maths and English GCSE, in November and June. Forms need to be filled in by 29th September 2017 for English and Maths resits for November. The cost of entry is £37 for GCSE English (AQA) and £34 for GCSE Maths (Edexcel). Discuss with your Teacher whether it is better to enter for November exams or wait until the Summer. NB: Any Lesson may be at lunchtime or after 3:30pm in order for more flexibility in the time table. ES

9 Bursary Available The Bursary Fund helps 16 to 19 year olds continue in education, where they might otherwise struggle for financial reasons. This is taken from central government funds. Administration is carried out by the School and you should apply directly to us. (Mrs Sian Carter) If your circumstances change during the year please let us know. ES

10 AEN Assessment All students who have had extra provisions in place for exams will need to be reassessed to see if they still qualify at Keystage 5. Please contact Mrs L Maxfield as the assessment needs to be processed by November. If you have a statement of need then your Classroom Teacher will be made aware and should use effective strategies to help. Mrs N Dagunduro is our AEN Coordinator please contact her for any further information. Mentoring will take place regularly by the Sixth Form team and students need to take advantage of the strategies discussed in these sessions. DH

11 Private study time/Unifrog
Our Review Program Day CC CPD EPD ESU NE Monday Buddying Tuesday Private study time/Unifrog Wednesday A-level Mindset Thursday Assembly Friday Review of learning Individual Interviews between Student & Tutor EVERY TERM A part of our student development programme we include outside speakers on a range of topics from graduate programmes through to charity work Mention Buddying lower school student. DH

12 Volunteering - Enrichment
Inside School Outside School Study Buddy in a Subject* Local Charity e.g. volunteer for a charity shop Sixth Form Helper Sports Coaching at a Local Club Sports leadership Award Work Experience at a Local Primary School SEN one to one support MUNGA – Model United Nations Computer/Homework Club Outreach Centre at St. Philips Church – ICT Cafe Football academy assistant Scouts/Brownies/Guides Literacy Assistant (new for 2018) DH Keep a Log of your Enrichment Activity and you will receive a nationally recognised certificate from World Wide Volunteering  Excellent for your CV & Personal Statement (UCAS)

13 Lead Students: Head Boy and Girl
Leadership skills Confidence building Public speaking Representing the school Catholic ethos Personal statements/university applications Giving back to the community ES

14 “I did really well at GCSE and I didn’t really do much work so I don’t need to work that hard this year either!” ES

15 Bridging the Gap Most of our students do very well but some don’t. ES

16 Key Stage 5: The Independent Learner
Start as you mean to go on Be Proactive and ask for help early Persistence and Resilience Revision and extended study Create an appropriate study environment Adapt and continually improve how you approach your work (being reflective) DH

17 The Part Time Job We recommend that if you have a part time job, you commit yourself to no more than 5 or 6 hours a week. This is because anymore than this can seriously affect student performance and progress. We recommend that during your time outside of school, hours should be spent on study. DH

18 Year 12 Parents Evening Progress 1
Certificate Evening Progress 3 Progress 2 Lead Student Interviews AS Exams Begin Futures Week (HE Intentions) SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL ES End of 6 Week Monitoring Oxbridge Trip PPE Exams for 2 Year Courses Year 12 Parents Evening 20TH/30th September GCSE Resit Entry Deadline UCAS Convention

19 “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success”
Napoleon Hill ES Thankyou


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