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Welcome to the RTF Flight School Manager product overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the RTF Flight School Manager product overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the RTF Flight School Manager product overview.
The following pages will give you an overview of the application, and take you on a tour through the screens available. When navigating through the system, popup boxes will be displayed to give you additional information about the screen. When you have finished with a screen, click on the “Next” button to move to the next screen. If you want to repeat a slide, click on the “Back” button and the slide will be repeated. To return to this page at any time click on the “Home” button. Click on the “Next” button to proceed. Back Home Next

2 If you have any queries you can contact RTF Systems directly at
Further details are also available at our website

3 This is the RTF Flight School Manager toolbar
This is the RTF Flight School Manager toolbar. It is available on all screens to ease navigation through the system. This is the RTF Flight School Manager main menu. Each button links directly to the selected function.

4 The icon on the main menu is also used on the toolbar.

5 The first screen we will look at will be the bookings screen.

6 The booking screen is divided into six tabs (pages), with each tab representing a phase of the booking.

7 The key details of the booking are entered here
The times the aircraft and instructor are required are displayed automatically based on the overall booking start / finish times. Save changes Cancel booking Undo cancel New booking

8 Voucher numbers for trial flights can be entered here
A full audit trail of the booking is displayed here

9 Existing bookings can be selected by clicking on the drop down list containing all bookings

10 The dropdown list will contain all open bookings by default.
The filters allow you restrict the bookings displayed in the dropdown. The available options are: All bookings Open bookings Bookings for a specific date Bookings for a specific customer

11 The details of the pilot / instructor checks are displayed here
From the dispatch tab, the aircraft, instructor and pilot validity is checked before the aircraft is dispatched. If the system does not believe the aircraft or pilot documentation is OK for flight then a prominent warning is displayed. The details of the pilot / instructor checks are displayed here The aircraft can be dispatched by clicking this button The dispatch can be cancelled using this button

12 Customer and booking information.
Aircraft defects Instructor name and rates Billing and flight sector information Flight experience analysis Invoicing and administration

13 The details of the flight sector(s) are entered on the check-in tab.
By clicking in this button a popup window will appear where details of multiple sectors can be entered if required.

14 Once you click save the sector is moved to the top section.
You can then enter additional sectors. The details of the flight sector(s) are entered in this section. The flight analysis can be entered here and it will be copied to the student’s training record

15 Fuel rebates can be added to the booking.
The total cost of the flight, less any fuel rebates is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Fuel rebates can be added to the booking. Fuel can be reimbursed to the customer or charged to your fuel suppliers account.

16 The check-in can be completed by clicking this button
Confirmation is required before the checkout is added to the customers record. A successful checkout can be added to the customers record using this button The check-in can be completed by clicking this button Aircraft defects can be added using this button

17 To add an item to the booking click on the “Add sales item” icon.
Once check-in is completed, the system will automatically progress to the miscellaneous sales page. Additional costs such as landing fees, charts, vouchers etc. can be added to the cost of the booking on this page. To add an item to the booking click on the “Add sales item” icon.

18 After clicking on the “Add sales item” icon, the following popup will appear.
Any number of sales items can be added and a discount % can be specified where required.

19 Items can be added, edited or deleted using the icons below.

20 A history of the students previous flights, type of experience gained, and hours flown is summarised at the top of the training page. At the end of each lesson, the instructors comments can be added to the students training record (if required)

21 To add a customer payment click on the “Add payment” icon
The balance(s) from the check-in and miscellaneous sales pages are carried forward to the total balance due for this booking. The final booking tab is used to manage the payment and billing function. To add a customer payment click on the “Add payment” icon

22 A customers credit card details can be added to their customer account to avoid re-entering the details. Using the payment popup, the user can add the payment type and payment amount. The payment can be split over multiple methods or credit cards if required.

23 The receipt can be printed (or previewed) at any time
The total due this booking (after payments), is added to the customers previous account balance. The receipt can be printed (or previewed) at any time Once the balance is within the customers credit limit the booking can be closed.

24 (E.g. booked 30 minutes but flew 40 due to ATC delay)
Minor amounts can be written off if required . (e.g cost = £ and customer pays £100) If the booking was a voucher flight (e.g. 30 minute trial) , it is possible to write of any remaining value to the voucher write-off account rather than leaving a balance on the customer account. (E.g. booked 30 minutes but flew 40 due to ATC delay)

25 Standard receipt layout

26 Select the 8 hour period you wish to view using the easy click and display calendar and overlapping time periods. RTF Manager bookings display screen. This screen replaces the whiteboard or “bookings folder” commonly seen at flight schools.

27 Bookings are colour coded so the status can be checked at a glance
Operational information for the selected day is displayed in the top right corner Double click on a booking to be taken to the detailed booking screen for that flight.

28 The miscellaneous sales screen facilitates sales of landing fees, fuel, vouchers and pilot supplies where they are not associated with a flight booking. The customer (or cash sale) is selected in the top section of the screen, and the items sold are added using the “Add sales item” icon

29 The popup for selecting sales items is identical to that used on the miscellaneous sales page of the booking screen.

30 The lower section of the screen is used to enter the payments received.

31 The “Add payment” popup is identical to that used on the payment tab on the bookings screen.

32 The balance can be left on the customers account if required.
The receipt can be printed or previewed as per the bookings page.

33 The customer page is divided into six different tabs:

34 Customers opening balance can be entered here
The customer contact, membership and credit limit details are displayed on the first tab – Customer details. Customers opening balance can be entered here Print customer statement The customers web login details can be amended here

35 Customer photo can be added, viewed or deleted using these icons
Customer’s next of kin details can be added using this icon

36 RTF Manager allows up to two next of kin contacts per customer.

37 Details of licenses and ratings held by the customer can be entered along with expiry dates.
Images of license and medical pages can be scanned in and reprinted for CAA or insurance audits.

38 The checkout tab lists all previous checkouts completed by the customer, and the expiry date of their currency on that aircraft type. The “effective privileges” section list all types that the customer is valid to fly based on checkout and currency.

39 Checkouts can also be added manually using the “Add checkout” icon.
Checkout are automatically added to the customers record during the check-in process Checkouts can also be added manually using the “Add checkout” icon.

40 To add a checkout, select the aircraft, instructor and date the checkout was completed.
If the customer is now valid indefinitely (i.e. not standard club policy of 30 / 60 days currency) then thick the “Non expiring currency” box. Otherwise the system will default to the club standard.

41 Multiple cards can be stored for each customer if required.
The customers credit card details can be kept on file to avoid duplicate entry. Multiple cards can be stored for each customer if required.

42 Enter the credit card details to be added to the customer record

43 The training page replicates the data held on the training page of the flight booking. It contains details of all flights completed by the student and all instructor feedback.

44 The customer notes page contains an audit history of changes to the customer record, along with a facility for storing notes on the customers record (e.g. exam results)

45 The instructor page is divided into five different tabs:
The instructors contact details are displayed on the first tab – instructor details.

46 Details of licenses and ratings held by the instructor can be entered along with expiry dates.
Images of license and medical pages can be scanned in and reprinted for CAA or insurance audits.

47 The Instruction rates tab allows you to define multiple rates for both flight and ground instruction for each instructor.

48 To add a rate click on the “Add rate” icon.
Each rate is given a unique name (e.g. Standard, IMC etc.) and the rate the student pays and the rate the instructor receives are both required. To add a rate click on the “Add rate” icon.

49 Once rates have been entered, one rate must then be selected as the default rate for this instructor.

50 The rota for each instructor is defined on the availability tab.
(The system will only accept bookings for an instructor when they are available as per their rota)

51 If the rota is identical for multiple weeks it can be easily copied

52 Each instructors rota can be printed for distribution to the instructor

53 The aircraft page is divided into four different tabs:
The main aircraft details page is used to maintain registration, make and model, checkout category and rental rates.

54 Each aircraft is assigned to a checkout category defined by you
Each aircraft is assigned to a checkout category defined by you. This allows you to customise how you group and manage your aircraft. The charging method of each aircraft can be selected from: Hobbs, Tach, Take off – landing, Brakes off – brakes on Multiple rental rates can be defined for each aircraft E.g. Standard, Owner, Group scheme, ferry etc.

55 Once you have added a rate you must select a default rental rate for the aircraft.

56 The maintenance tab is used to display the current status of the aircraft.
The remaining hours are decreased automatically during the check-in process and the values are highlighted in orange if they are almost out of hours / time, and red if they are past a critical check.

57 After maintenance, the figures can be updated by clicking the icon
You can customise how the remaining aircraft hours are decreased – using flight hours, brakes hours, or tach. After maintenance, the figures can be updated by clicking the icon

58 To view the full audit history for an item (e. g
To view the full audit history for an item (e.g. 50 hour check) click on the item below, and all related transactions are displayed in the grid Enter the new value and additional audit trail information to reset the check figures.

59 Defects can be categorised as : Cosmetic, Minor , Major, Grounding.
The defects page contains a list of all defects entered against the aircraft. Defects can be categorised as : Cosmetic, Minor , Major, Grounding. To add a defect click on the icon below.

60 Enter the details of the defect to be added.

61 To clear a defect, click on the icon and enter the rectification action

62 Leaseback details can be entered for the aircraft on this tab.
If the leaseback details are completed, the leaser’s account within the system will be credited automatically every time revenue is allocated against this aircraft.

63 Available leaseback methods include: Hourly rate on tach, hourly rate on hobbs, hourly rate on brakes, % of revenue. The leaser’s account must be created (on the accounts menu) before the can be selected from the dropdown.

64 Leaseback notes can be added to the record to capture notes of discussions or agreements made with the leaser.

65 The training module allows you to define courses specific to your school / clubs teaching syllabus.
The system contains three generic levels for your use: Training course – the top level e.g. PPL, CPL, NIGHT, IMC etc. Stage – used to define a relevant stage or phase within a course. E.g. For PPL they might be: Upper air work, Circuits, Pre Solo, Solo circuits, Dual X-Country etc. Lesson – used to define an exercise within a stage. E.g. Circuit works may be further divided into normal approach, soft field, short field, engine out, joins etc.

66 Click on the add course button and enter the course name

67 Once you have defined your course you can then define the stages within that course.

68 Finally, once you have defined your course and stage you can define your lessons.

69 The system settings menu contains the options that are used to customise the application for use at your location. The majority of these screens would not normally be used on a regular basis once they system is established at your location.

70 Some examples may be found in the description column.
The flight type screen allows you to customise the booking settings for each type of flight operated by your school / club. Some examples may be found in the description column. From this screen you can customise settings like how long should the pre / post flight brief take, is a voucher required for this flight, is VAT charged on this flight etc.

71 Click on the edit button to amend any of the settings or create a new flight type.

72 The checkout matrix allows you to define checkout categories, and specify which aircraft are bundled with this category for the purpose of currency.

73 For example, in category B “Warrior” if you fly the warrior your 30/60 day currency is also valid for flying the tomahawk. This allows your school / club to customise your aircraft currency rules and ensure they are upheld. The system will not dispatch a flight where the customer is not current on type (unless overridden).

74 To add a new user just click on the add user icon below.
Each user with access to the system (staff or customer) is given an individual login and password. The system also allows the user account to be limited in terms of financial authority. To add a new user just click on the add user icon below.

75 Each user can update their password once they log into the system.

76 The majority of functions within the system are controlled using an authorisation level.
The eight tabs on this screen allow you to customise the authorisation level required for each function.

77 For example this is the booking authorisation tab.
Here you can set the authorisation level required to complete different booking related functions. E.g. To dispatch an aircraft (assuming there are no pilot / aircraft problems) requires the user to have authorisation level 5. To dispatch an aircraft where the customer medical is not valid requires level 7.

78 Further customisation of the application is possible using the Parameters screen.
On this tab (bookings) the club / school can customise various booking related parameters E.g. What fee should be charged in the event of a customer cancellation?

79 To change a parameter just click on the update button and enter the new value.

80 This screen is used to enter the daily operational data displayed on the bookings display screen.

81 The system will automatically calculate sunrise and sunset times based on the latitude and longitude of the school / club. Use the calendar to select the day and then enter the duty instructor and weather conditions for the day.

82 The descriptions attached to the five weather categories can be updated here if required.

83 This screen allows you to define the miscellaneous sales items that are available for sale and their sales prices.

84 Create the miscellaneous sales item including price and VAT details.

85 To edit a supplier or display their details click on the edit icon
To add / edit your fuel or oil suppliers and their prices click on the menu button. The below popup is then displayed: To edit a supplier or display their details click on the edit icon

86 Only current suppliers are available when entering rebates

87 If, when defining your flight type, you created a flight that requires a voucher (e.g. trial flight) then the system will not allow you to make a booking for that flight without entering the voucher number. This screen displays a list of all vouchers currently in the system and can be sorted and filtered using the options below

88 Click on the button below and enter the voucher details.
Vouchers are normally added to the system when they are sold as miscellaneous sales items, however, there is a facility to enter vouchers that have been sold before RTF Manager was implemented. Click on the button below and enter the voucher details. A batch entry facility is also available to bulk enter all vouchers during the installation phase.

89 Leaser details can be added to the system using this screen.
All aircraft currently on lease from this leaser are displayed above. A statement of account can be printed for the leaser using the icon on the left.

90 This screen allows finance users to enter details of cheques paid out to both flight related expenses (e.g. instructor or leaser) or non flight related (e.g. rent, electricity etc.) The relevant accounts will be debited / credited in the background automatically.

91 This screen allows the finance users to enter details of bank lodgements, ensuring that customer accounts are credited accordingly when customers make advance payment by cheque or bank transfer (for example)

92 The accounting adjustments page allows finance staff to post financial journals – making direct postings to the accounts to fix errors or make accruals.

93 The system allows the user to define up to eight different VAT codes.

94 Just click on the edit icon to change the rate for a particular code.

95 Duplicate invoices can be reprinted for accounts or the customer by selecting the invoice number required and clicking print.

96 In addition to this functionality there is a complete set of management and operation reports.
The system also includes a “library” function. This allows you to archive important templates (for example flight plans, membership forms etc.) and these can then be printed from RTF Manager rather than looking around for printed copies

97 The library function allows you to store up to 36 templates for easy printing.

98 We hope you enjoyed this quick tour of RTF Flight School Manager
We hope you enjoyed this quick tour of RTF Flight School Manager. We could not cover all available functionality during this presentation and there are many other functions available (including internet bookings and availabilty). If you have any questions, or would like any further information, please contact us at :

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