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Implementing SAFE Junctions for walkers and cyclists

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1 Implementing SAFE Junctions for walkers and cyclists
without delaying drivers or cyclists or walkers LCC / JRG Oct’14

2 The Challenge 650 Londoners seriously injured / killed every year ... Most on Major roads ; Junctions #1 hazard : Left Hooks Cyclists (& peds) will bypass ‘facilities’ that delay Despite this carnage, TFL have refused to do anything (Jan’12) which might impact ‘capacity’ (motors) Can we resolve this major problem ? in various different situations

3 Non-Solutions at Major Junctions
Advanced Stop Lines no use when lights are green put cycles in position of max. risk NB all fatal junctions have ASLs ‘Early Start’ confusing & misleading only first 2 or 3 get across tail and middle : same left hook risk UNSAFE no matter how many secs start ... these are both false ‘facilities’ which do nothing for peds

4 Current Situation conflict between cyclists : left turning traffic
Green for left turns at same time as straight ahead traffic and straight head cycles (right turns may be held at red) Only 1 (or 2) traffic lights No cycle control Clearly defined traffic lanes Extra traffic lanes = speed Rarely cycle lane into jct (collisions still occur with cycle lane/track) Also risk of right hook from opposite direction Poor / no ped. facilities Long delays

5 RED for left and right turns GREEN for: drivers ahead cycles ahead
Proposed Phase 1 for Drivers, Cycles and Walkers (N-S) protected approach lanes for cycles RED for left and right turns GREEN for: drivers ahead cycles ahead walkers cross in single phase all same time north & south-bound can GO at same time then same applies E-W LEFT HOOKS ELIMINATED

6 Requirements / Constraints
Early separation of lefts / aheads / rights... Long queue-length approach lanes Bus stop too close to jct >> move it Cannot work on single lane roads IF banned turns , 2 lanes enough Cannot work on roundabouts Cycle lane (track) may be RHS (or 2-way) T-jcts easier than X-roads No cycle only phases No ped.only phases Islands NOT needed Lane discipline – for cyclists and drivers

7 Proposed Phase 2 for Turning Traffic
RED for Straight Ahead drive/cycle/walk GREEN for : N&S bound left turns E&W bound rights at the same time Cycles: 2-phase right as per Cph, Berlin, and walkers… Then same applies E-W TFL Signals agree (May’13) this is ‘’capacity neutral’’ NO IMPACT ON TRAFFIC FLOW

8 Detail of Cyclists Left / Right Turns
Left filter desirable(BJ) before traffic-light If enough space Ped crossing may be informal 20% 60% Cycles can often stop further forward than drivers ( no ‘confusion’ re which light ) 2-Phase Right turn All cyclists kerbside No ASLs 20% 80%

9 (1) T-Junction e.g. Southwark Bridge(N) may be 4-way cycling & walking
2 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 Early separation Single exit lane only Only 3 phases as now 2 3

10 (2) Major Intersection e.g. Vauxhall ; Mile End
3 Move bus stop to exit side Bus stop too close ? Single exit lane 4 1 2 1 3 4 1 3 2 2 3 1 Why have TFL taken a lane out at Mile End ? 4 3 1 1 2 4 3 Only 4 phases as now n.b. 1 size does not fit all

11 BUT Several CSH jcts have 2 minor arms
i.e. not enough lanes to separate all 3 flows Sometimes we can ban turns = less lanes – but some roads are just too narrow...

12 (3) Primary:Secondary X-roads e.g. CS2 ; Ludgate Circus
AHEAD ONLY Single exit lane 3 1 3 1 2 1 4 4 1 3 Assumption that cycle light on minor roads = extra phases is wrong 1 2 1 2 Single exit lane 3 AHEAD ONLY Long N-S ahead phase (1) ONLY 4 PHASES Secondary roads can have (protected) cycle lanes & cycle-lights

13 Implementation Options all arms not always possible / necessary phasing is different for each option
Not minor : minor junctions Major T junctions [ 3-way Major : Major cross-roads [ 4-way Major : Minor cross-roads [ or T-jcts Not Roundabouts – but applicable when rdbt removed Works equally well with 2-way tracks 1-way systems or contraflows also prevents #2 shunts and #3 right hooks

14 Way Forward Identify 5 or 6 viable prototype sites
Can-do approach to design / imp. NB Modelling not required Implement – within < 6 months Monitor impact on traffic & safety

15 Major : Major Candidates
A503 (Seven Sisters / Camden Rd) Tower Bridge / Tower Hill Mile End (A1205 Burdett) Vauxhall Bridge(N&S) A2: Old Kent Rd / Albany Rd Camberwell Green A23 (Streatham/Brixton Hill) A23 The Oval (staggered jct) Stockwell A404 Harrow A406 Tottenham Ct Rd Red = in design

16 Major : Minor Candidates
A11 : several secondary jcts A2 : Deptford Bdwy / Church St(S) A201 : Fleet St / Ludgate Hill A201 : Southwark St A201 : Union St / The Cut A214 : Wandsworth Bridge (N) A219 / A40 : Wood Lane A402 : Notting Hill Gate Embankment (most) Bridges

17 1-way Candidates A202 @ Pimlico @ Drummond Gate
Peckham High St / Clayton Rd Rocks Lane : double left-hook Upper Richmond Rd / Clifford Ave A3 / Rookery Rd A315 : Church St Queens Gate & Gloucester Rd

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