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10th World Studies Today’s Agenda: The 80s Is it over???

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1 10th World Studies 6.8.17 Today’s Agenda: The 80s Is it over???
Turn in: Nothing… Take out : Planner Notes Note-taking devices Today’s Learning Objectives: I can understand how the tension between “Allied” nations continued to grow in a new type of war. Today’s Agenda: The 80s Is it over??? A Book for us to read… HW: The Ending…due next Tuesday 6/13/17

2 1985 - Gorbachev comes to power
On March 11, Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union. Born in 1931—so what?!? Gorbachev ushered in an era of reform. perestroika Economic reform- restructuring glasnost means openness, allowed greater free expression and criticism of Soviet policies

3 INF On December 8, 1987, Reagan and Gorbachev signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty It mandated the removal of more than 2,600 medium-range nuclear missiles from Europe, & eliminated the entire class of Soviet SS-20 and U.S. Cruise and Pershing II missiles.

4 1987—President Reagan is in Berlin to celebrate 750th anniversary
1987 – Brandenburg Gate The history dates back to the Thirty Years’ War…Berlin was a walled city, with gates that opened to lead to towns around the Prussian capital. The Brandenburg gate was added under Frederick Wilhelm II due to expansion of the city…was to represent PEACE.

5 Berlin Wall falls Gorbachev renounced the Brezhnev Doctrine, which pledged to use Soviet force to protect its interests in Eastern Europe. On September 10, Hungary opened its border with Austria, allowing East Germans to flee to the West. After massive public demonstrations in East Germany and Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall fell on November 9.

6 Fall of Berlin Wall


8 1990 – German unification At a September 12 meeting in Moscow, the United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, France and the two Germanys agreed to end Allied occupation rights in Germany. On October 3, East and West Germany united as the Federal Republic of Germany.

9 1991 – Fall of the Soviet Union
Christmas Day the Soviet flag flies for the final time over the Kremlin Commonwealth of Independent States 14 of 15 republics declared their breaking away (only Georgia remained) Gorbachev resigned 12/25/1991 This marks the “end” of this long, tense, “Cold War” But let’s fast forward to today…has it really ended?

10 Dr. Seuss on the Surface The Butter Battle Book
The Butter Battle Book tells the story of a land where two hostile cultures, the Yooks and the Zooks, live on opposite sides of a long curving wall. The Yooks wear blue clothes; the Zooks wear orange. The main dispute between the two cultures is that the Yooks eat their bread with the butter-side up, while the Zooks eat their bread with the butter-side down. The conflict between the two sides leads to a race to make bigger and better weapons to outdo the other.

11 Dr. Seuss Beyond the Text
The Butter Battle Book Yooks and Zooks = Von Itch = Slingshots and other weapons = Bitsy Big Boy Boomeroo = Moo-kla-moo = Yookeries = Glowing egg = Americans and Soviets in the Cold War eastern European name Nuclear arms race Fat Man and Little Boy plutonium fall-out shelters radioactivity

12 Dr. Seuss & The Cold War… Draw an ending to the story. Your ending must include a paragraph that explains your ending in the style of Dr. Seuss (Rhyming) AND be colored. Due next Tuesday 6/13/17

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