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Reagan & The Cold War.

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1 Reagan & The Cold War

2 Renewing the Cold War Reagan began his presidency determined to restore military might and prestige to the U.S. and to intensify Cold War competition with the Soviets Called the Soviet Union the “evil empire” and “focus of evil in the modern world” Increased spending for defense and aid to anti-Communist forces in Latin America were the hallmarks of Reagan’s approach to the Cold War in his first term

3 Military Buildup Reagan administration spent billions on new weapon systems and to expand the U.S. Navy Increased spending on the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Ambitious plan for building high-tech system of lasers and particle beams to destroy enemy missiles in the atmosphere Critics called SDI “star wars” Argued the costly program would only escalate the arms race, tensions with the Soviets Defense budget increased from $171 billion in 1981 to more than $300 billion in 1985

4 Central America 1979- U.S. provided military aid to the contras in their effort to overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua A 1985 law passed by Congressional Democrats prohibited further aid to the contras in Nicaragua Reagan administration spent $5 billion in El Salvador to support the Salvadoran government against leftist guerillas 40,000 civilians, including American missionaries, were killed by right-wing “death squads” connected to the El Salvador army

5 Grenada A coup led to the establishment of a pro- Cuban regime in Grenada in the Caribbean October Reagan ordered a small force of marines to invade the island to prevent the establishment of a Communist military base The invasion succeeded in re-establishing a pro-U.S. government in Grenada

6 Iran-Contra Affair Since 1980: Iran and Iraq engaged in war
Reagan aides came up with the plan of selling U.S. antitank and anti-aircraft missiles to Iran for its help in freeing the American hostages held during the Iranian Hostage Crisis The plan was the use the profits from the arms deal with Iran to fund the contras in Nicaragua This plan was kept secret from both the American public and Congress Violated the Boland Amendment, which prohibited aid from being given to the contras When the plan became public, Reagan denied any knowledge of the illegal diversion of funds Painted a picture of a hands-off president who was easily manipulated by his advisers

7 Lebanon, Israel, and the PLO
1982: Israel (with U.S. approval) invaded southern Lebanon to stop Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) terrorists from raiding Israel U.S. sent peacekeeping forces into Lebanon to contain the violence April 1983: an Arab suicide bomber bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, killing 63 A few months later, another suicide bomber drove a truck filled with explosives into a U.S. military base, killing 241 servicemen 1984: Reagan pulls U.S. forces out of Lebanon, with little to show for the effort and loss of life

8 Improved U.S.-Soviet Relations
Cold War intensified in the early 1980s due to Reagan’s arms buildup and the Soviet Union deploying large number of missiles against NATO countries 1985: Mikhail Gorbachev became the new Soviet leader Attempted to change Soviet domestic politics by introducing two new reforms: Glasnost Perestroika

9 Glasnost & Perestroika
Glasnost- an openness to end political repression and move towards greater political freedom for Soviet citizens Perestroika- restructuring of the Soviet economy to introduce more free-market practices To achieve these reforms, Gorbachev wanted to end the arms race and deal with the deteriorating Soviet economy 1987: Reagan challenged Gorbachev in front of the Brandenburg Gate and Berlin Wall with the line, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

10 End of the Cold War? Gorbachev and Reagan agreed to remove and destroy all intermediate range missiles The INF Agreement Gorbachev pulled Soviet troops out of Afghanistan Cooperated with the U.S. to put diplomatic pressure on Iran and Iraq to end their war By the end of Reagan’s second term, the end of the Cold War seemed close at hand

11 Assessing Reagan’s Cold War policies
Reagan administration argued its military buildup forced the Soviet Union to concede defeat, abandon the Cold War Soviet economy couldn’t keep up with the costly arms race Some conclude Gorbachev ended the Cold War by trying to reform the troubled Communist economic and political system Others point to containment policies in helping to prevent the escalation of smaller wars and conflicts

12 Reagan’s Legacy “The Great Communicator” left office as one of the most popular presidents of the 20th Century Given a lot of credit to help bring about the end of the Cold War The effects of Reagan’s economic and domestic policies are still hotly debated among politicians and historians today Helped to usher in a new era of conservative dominance in American politics

13 ? What was SDI? Why did critics argue against it?
What was the plan behind the Iran-Contra Affair? Why was it considered a scandal? Who became the Soviet leader in 1985? Describe the two new reforms he proposed. What three major events occurred that made it seem the end of the Cold War was close at hand? How did the Reagan administration argue its position in helping to end the Cold War?

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